Wednesday, December 15, 2010

My Best Friend Mr. B

Mr. B has been a part of our lives for over 2 years now. It is amazing how time went by so fast and we cannot imagine our life before Mr. B. It is safe to say that Mr. B is truly my best friend and we have had the most excellent adventures. On most of our adventurous mornings I am greeted by Mr. B's giant head.
We usually hang out in the living room planning out our day's adventure.
Somedays we will head out to the lake for a nice stroll along the water.
Other days we will saunter around the neighborhood
and share an ice cream.
There have even been times that we cruised the waters in our private boat, that we share with a bunch of people we don't know.
Since we both aren't very strong swimmers, actually Mr. B sinks because of his weight, we like to stay on land and have some impromptu picnics.
With all of this adventure, Mr. B gets too excited sometimes, so I have to hug the excitement out of him.
Though Mr. B is my best friend, we don't have to worry about Ms. M, because she has A for her best friend.


Anonymous said...

This is exactly why everyone should have two dogs! Flash is D's best friend and Flash is mine! Ollie likes me enough, but when D is home, he has to be with him, on him or as close as he possibly can get. I think it's interesting how dogs tend to gravitate more to one person than the other.

I am glad Mr. B makes such a good best friend and I would LOVE to wake up to that face every morning!

Levi said...

What wonderful days u boys have! Guys days out :)

The Heartbeats said...

So sweet! I feel the same way about my boys! And the girls prefer their Daddy! Wonder why?

Momma Heartbeat

Rosiroo said...

What a sweet blog!

Backcountry Brodie said...

Not only are the dogs lucky to have the humans, the humans are lucky to have the dogs - as it should be!

Anonymous said...

Such a sweet post! Love the "hug the excitement out of him" bit!

Mack said...

We poochies make the bestest of friends!

Anonymous said...

very sweet. I love your blog!

dw said...

Awww, there's no doubt both dogs are well loved in your household! And thanks for the warmer day pics! (Especially since it's like 18 out there now according to my weather bug)

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr B, I'm happy to see two posts lately devoted to you-- it seems like your bossy sister often tries to steal the limelight!

follow our foster:

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Every dog needs a human! ;-)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Anonymous said...

What a heart-warming post - I love hearing about your family. Mr. B seems like one cool companion. I think we need a guy like him to even out our home.

One day...

Anonymous said...

Awwww...I luved this postie. It was so very sweet. My mom is my best furend and my dad is Ranger's best furend. It's kinda wonderful when it works out that way.

Wiggles & Wags,

Kitty+Coco said...

We know that our lives would be soooo boring without our two girls. Kitty in my girl. We are in tune. Coco is JM's little baby.

Love the pics this post. Ms. M and Mr. B look like wonderful best friends.

Kitty and Coco's Mom

brooke said...

LOVE this post!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What an awesome post!
Benny & Lily

The Thuglets said...

Thank you for visiting us and your kind message on our sad loss of Dorcus.

Our dogs are so special to us all. We have learnt NEVER put off saying or doing what you can with them today, until tomorrow. Cos sometimes tomorrow never comes!

We look forward to reading your blog.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thuglets

Daisy Dog said...

Awww. so sweet. Yes Daisy is my best friend too :)

HoundDogMom said...

2 doggies is great for 2 people. Equal time for everyone. It is hard with 3 bassets and only 2 people. Seems like someone feels left out. :( Also, if you are needing some squishy basset fixes, let us know. We will have to set-up a meeting when the weather breaks. We can pick somewhere in between. Or I could just send you one or two for a couple of weeks. :)

Those Elgin Pugs said...

'dats what our Mommy and Daddy say all 'da time too!!

Doggies make for 'da bestest furiends!!

'da Josie is Daddy Mans best furiend.. hee hees

And Anakin is Mommys (well, Izzy is too)... Trixie we's not sure yets..
she 'da Josie's best furiend :)

Very cute posty!

Kari in Alaska said...

Very sweet. Nothing better than a pit bull (or chihuahua ;)) as your best friend


Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

It's so comforting to have those nonjudgemental eyes always ready for a hug :)

Nadia said...

I love that breed of dogs! They are so cute!

jet said...

The last photo is my favorite. So sweet with you sitting together and your arm around him. I want to snuggle him too!

The Daily Pip said...

Love these pictures! I am definitely my mom's best friend, too.

Your pal, Pip

Anita said...

Sounds like Mr. B is a great friend. isn't having a brother the best?

Basil n Guinness

Kirby, CGC said...

Aww, such a nice post and pictures. Thanks for sharing.

Kirby's Mom

houndstooth said...

You two do seem to be made for each other! I know exactly what you mean, though. It's a great bond!

Kate said...

I am such a sap, this actually made me a little misty eyed, haha. (in a good way!) So sweet! You guys are awesome!

the booker man said...

this is such a cute post!
asa is a daddy's girl, and booker is a mama's boy, so it works out well at our house, too. :)

the booker man and asa's mama

Sassamadoo said...

I really love this post! I especially love Mr. B's smile in the "planning out the day's adventure" picture.

Anonymous said...

Awwww I'm all mushy wushy now :) That was such a luvly post. Good ol' Mr. B! Yay for best buds!

On a side note, I finally got my holiday cards in. I would really like to send all of you one. Please email me your dog house mailbox addy.


Waggin at ya,

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Such a sweet post. Mom says dat I luvs my dad da best. ;)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Jess said...

Love it!
I'm lucky to have three best friends. And they're all good sharers. Zorro, Rat, and Airlie are awesome at sharing their best-friend-ness with me AND Brad.

Heather said...

Ah, I love this post! Like, *love*! That pic at the end is just precious. You can't get much better than a doggie best friend. :)

Susan Campisi said...

What a great way to start the day, waking up to Mr. B's giant head! And what a sweet journey. You're lucky to have each other.

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

So sweet! What we we do without our furry family members??

Kim Gates said...

I have to have the t-shirt you are wearing that says "MY BEST FRIEND IS A PIT BULL". Where did you get it?

Kim Gates said...

I have to have the t-shirt that you are wearing that says "MY BEST FRIEND IS A PIT BULL". Where did you get it?

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