Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Mr. B the Photographer

Mr. B has become quite the photographer and while we are documenting his life, he is documenting us. Last year when we were downtown, A had the pooches pose in front of her old office and
Mr. B had A pose in front of where he just marked.
Now that A has her new fancy DSLR, we are posing much more often for impromptu photo shoots.
This gives Mr. B perfect time to work on his photography techniques.
Sometimes his methods are a bit unconventional, he really works hard to get the perfect shot,
like this great shot of the trees and the sky.
Not to be left out, Ms. M loves to borrow Mr. B's camera
and try her hand at taking artistic photos.


Anonymous said...

You're pitties are absolutely beautiful!

Maisie's Mom said...

Mr. B is a MUCH better photographer than I am!

Anonymous said...

Such talented pooches!! I love Mr B rolling around on his made for some great shots!

Anonymous said...

i wonder if there are pet photo contests where the pet is the photographer, not the subject? or maybe both? if so, mr. b should definitely enter.

Corbin said...

They take AWESOME pictures!

Road Dog Tales said...

We always love Mr. B's perspective! He's got a great eye!

The Road Dogs

Kari in Alaska said...

Mr. B sure does have a great eye :)


Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

This made me laugh. I've been known to get in the same awkward poses to get "the shot"!

They need to meet Jack and teach him a few things!

The Daily Pip said...

Mr. B sure has a good eye!

Your pal, Pip

jen said...

I like Mr B's unconventional approach!

Kate said...

They say a good photographer can be afraid to get on the ground a little dirty! :) Mr. B is obviously a pro!

Bobby said...

We love the sky shot from Mr B. Yours are okay as well, they are both great for the camara
Licks Bobby

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Mr. B. has a Most Excellent photographic eye! I love the pictures where he's getting pictures of the photographer!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Tucker The Crestie said...

Great job, Mr. B. & Miss M!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Very impressive! I see awards and accolades in their near future :)

Anonymous said...

I STILL think Mr. B and Miss M should haves their own art show. They could call it, "No Bones About It: Dog's Eye View Photography." I bet peoples would just LUV it!

I have one of those cameras and mom keeps forgetting to let me use it. She really needs to get on the ball so I can pay her, work on my picture-taking skills.

Wiggles & wags,

Darwin said...

I love the photos taken by Mr. B. There's so much you can do with a dSLR!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are awesome Mr. B
Benny & Lily

Beth said...

Mr. B is very talented!

houndstooth said...

I can't tell you exactly why, but this has to be one of my favorite posts of yours! Perhaps it's the idea of Mr. B and A photographing each other, and that photo of the lengths Mr. B will go to to get the right shot!

Anonymous said...

Mr. B is getting quite good isn't he :D

Thinkin Miss M probably is putting a camera of her own on her Xmas list ;)

Y'all have so much fun together :D

Waggin at ya,

Patty said...

HA! Those pictures are so great! Totally fridge-worthy with a paw print autograph.

ForPetsSake said...

He's an "arteest"! Those are actually pretty good. I love his unconventional ways - maybe I should have Arwen try this as she seems to always be lounging about ;)

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