Wednesday, July 27, 2011

The Best of Mr. B's Photography

Ever since he got his new camera, Mr. B has become quite the photographer. The Go Pro camera is a huge improvement over his former Pet Eye. We really like the ability to film videos, and the quality of the photos are immensely better. In addition, the only limitation is the size of the SD card we use and the battery life, but battery life is not even an issue right now, which we can replace unlike the Pet Eye which is done once the battery dies. Here are some of Mr. B's favorite photos:
"Self-Portrait: I'm the Big One"
"Hello Ladies"
"Hey Kid, Gimme that Stick"
"Treats Under Dog Truck"
"The Mean One Showing Off"
"The Mean One Pretending She's Nice"
"The Mean One on the Prowl"
"Fraggle Rock"
Which one is your favorite?


HoundDogMom said...

I really like Fraggle Rock, but then again my son grew up with the Fraggle Rock TV show it was such a favorite of mine. And we are going to get one of these cameras. We think it would be a great addition to have for the Waddle next month. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

OG said...

I love all the photos! What I really love are Mr. B's captions! Especially what he calls Ms. M.

Anonymous said...

My favorite is that he calls Miss M "the mean one." We always joke that Stevie Wonder calls me "The One" and calls Ben "the other one"

Anonymous said...

Such great photos! So, Miss M is now the Mean One! Too cute!

jen said...

fraggle rock!

Maggie said...

Those are fantastic! I love that the "Hello Ladies" one captures how happy people are to see him. So cute!

Road Dog Tales said...

Love them ALL! Mr B is such a photojournalist. We're still waiting for his big photography show. We know it's just a matter of time before the major galleries come calling! Love Mr B in the jaunty hat - very suave and debonair!

The Road Dogs

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

haha i love the mean one showing off!

Anonymous said...

I love that he refers to Ms. M as "the mean one!" But my favorite is Fraggle Rock or the one of his shadow.

Julie said...

I really like the self portrait, so handsome!

Eden said...

the self portrait makes me laugh the most but i think fraggle rock is the best pic

Patty said...

haha those are great! Mr. B, you are quite the photographer.

Leslie W in GA said...

How to choose? I like Hello Ladies and Fraggle Rock. Fun shots!

Does the camera make noise when it takes pictures? Does it distract Mr. B?

Unknown said...

I really like the self portrait. We must get a camera for the pooches!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Awesome Mr. B you sure have a good eye for interesting pictures
Benny & Lily

Sarah said...

I liked the "Mean One" series until I scrolled down to Fraggle Rock - great caption! Did Mr B come up with that on his own?

Kate said...

OMG I love the "mean one" references too! Hilarious!

Daisy Dog said...

Fraggle Rock!! Why is Miss M mean? Or is that a funny?

Susan Campisi said...

Mr. B is such a dapper dude. I love him in that hat! Well, I haven't been by in awhile so I have a lot of catching up to do. This post is a great start. I've always been impressed by Mr. B's photography skills, but this time he's hit the ball out of the park. I think he's got a successful career ahead of him as the first ever canine fine art photographer.

the booker man said...

from an artsy perspective, i really like the self portrait with mr. b's shadow...but the "hello ladies" picture is making me laugh!

the booker man and asa's mama

Laura and Hans said...

Hmm, me thinks Mr. B is the 'Jealous One'!

Wyatt said...

Mr. B, we can see that you are a leg man...BOL
You take wonderful pictures!

Wyatt and Stanzie

pibble said...

How can I choose a favorite with so many great works in front of me!

The quality is so much better with this camera, isn't it. I wonder if Ms. M knows how many secret pictures of her are being taken. I hope Mr. B doesn't decide to blackmail her!

Kristine said...

This is so cool! I love that this is a real life invention and am going to have to save my pennies to get one. Mr. B is quite the talent, though. My dog will have a lot of catching up to do if she hopes to match him in skill.

Darwin said...

great shots by Mr. B!

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