Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Leave it to Levi: Episode #1 Levi's does Chicago

Since we've been fostering Levi, we think our life has become a bit like Leave it to Beaver. Levi is always doing wacky things, just like the Beaver, Mr. B is sage older brother Wally, and Miss M gets to be Eddie Haskell.
And just like a sitcom, we did a crazy amount of things in one day, and everyone had their own storyline.
In our last episode,  the pooches joined our friends from The Puppy Mill Project to protest against a pet store that is also breeding and selling pit bull puppies. And Mr. B learned to read!
Meanwhile, Miss M was reminiscing about her very first home as we were strolling through the Southport neighborhood. She remembered every store that leaves dog treats out. And she is plotting to make her return.
 At the same time, like any young-blooded dog, Levi was excited to check out the infamous Wrigley Field. Not so much for the flying baseballs, but for all the bridal parties out to give him attention.
He has been learning much about charming people from Miss M (aka: creepy neighbor Eddie Haskel)
Finally we wrapped up the day by heading over to Renegade Craft Fair where the pooches didn't check out the booths as much as they checked out the people.
And here is our live-action episode shot with iPhone's 8mm application:
P.S. Saturday is Puppy Mill Awareness Day and The Puppy Mill Project wants to have a big showing as they protest at 3404 N Ashland from 1:00-3:00. We have always had a lot of fun, and we're hoping to be able to be there. You can learn more here.
P.P.S. In celebration of his birthday, our friend Buddy at Silly Buddy will be donating a portion of the proceeds for the month to The Puppy Mill Project to help put an end to puppy mills. We've had some sneak peeks of our pooches in their Silly Buddy collars, with more photos to come later.


bigalrlz said...

The Video doesn't load for me...but maybe because I'm on firefox?

Looks like a fabulous weekend!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

SO fun! Love the wrap up! I love when we do 93489203 things in one day...

Anonymous said...

What a full day of fun!! I'm very proud of Mr B learning to read!

Unknown said...

Always something exciting going on with you all!

jen said...

What a wonderful way to spend a day!
Levi looks like he is lovin all the attention!

Kate said...

With Levi's coloring, he always looks ready for a formal affair! :)

Anonymous said...

your multi-media talent really blows me away sometimes. this video is brilliant, and the song is awesome too. and the pooches wooing a bridal party? couldn't be sweeter!

Kerri said...

Pretty sure that just sold me on getting an iPhone.

The Daily Pip said...

How fun! Looks like you were up in our hood.

Your pal, Pip

Claudia said...

This is one of my favorite posts ever! I know I keep saying it, but I love Levi. I'm trying to figure out who I know that would love him forever. He's kind of my dream dog. Lola's good looks and Franklin's playful personality. Swoon.

Road Dog Tales said...

What a fun and productive day! You gotta love people who will pet us dogs in their wedding finery! Yay to your gang for protesting the puppy mills!

The Road Dogs

mrajcox said...

Love the comparison to Leave it to Beaver! The vid was pretty awesome, I especially love the bridal party getting down with the pups at Wrigley. :)

Anonymous said...

love love love this one! So fab. to see all three dogs in action... they were in pitbull heaven with all those people giving them attention.

You should get an "adopt me" vest for Levi... he is so incredibly adorable and (apparently???) well behaved, some one would surely snap him up.

Kari in Alaska said...

way to crash a wedding ;)


How Sam Sees It said...

Did you get any cake at that wedding?


Kitty+Coco said...

Wow, Levi has skills! Like, mind-freak kind of charming skills. Hopefully Ms. M. wasn't too jealous :)


Mary said...

The pooches must have been so sleepy after all that activity! We have come across bridal parties with our boys, but I'm way too scared to let them go near a bride in a white dress! I can see Levi wiping his mug slime all over her, or god forbid, Neptune swatting her with a dirty paw.

Tucker The Crestie said...

One thing's for sure - no one can say you guys don't get around! :)

Great photos and the video is excellent!

houndstooth said...

I love those days when we can be on the go with the dogs and have a great time, as long as we get to stay home the day after and rest up! Your day looks awesome!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Levi sounds hilarious
Benny & Lily

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