Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Chicagoing: Fall Farmer's Markets

 Since Miss M and I used to live together as bachelorettes, we used to do all kinds of bachelorette things: eat dinner while watching TV, take early morning jaunts to the Farmer's Market to pick up fresh flowers, and double-date. Though we now have E and Mr B in our lives, we still maintain our ritual together of going to the market.
Mainly I go for the flowers, and Miss M goes for the petting and training opportunities.
While E and Mr B are still sleeping, Miss M and I have kept our ritual, getting up in the wee hours of Saturday morning. We've seen the offerings at the market change, and now that it's fully stocked with ciders, pumpkins, apples and jewel-toned flowers, we know the markets are coming to an end for the season:
The funny thing is, someone else has been in on this little ritual with us. We have been visiting the same flower vendor for the past 5 years since I adopted Miss M. He remembers her as a crazy pup, and knows her now as a pup that gets crazy when she sees him.
Anyone else have rituals you do with your pup?


Anonymous said...

What a fun ritual you two have together! And I love that she gets so excited to see one of the vendors. I hate how cold it is in the mornings now...it was 41 today! Brr!!

In Black and White said...

Fall is definitely on the way! But the farmers market is so pretty for these last few weeks. So far, me and Bilbo can get within about 10 meters of the market before the excitement is too much and he starts to bark about it. We're improving!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...


Anonymous said...

Miss M is one of the only dogs on the planet that sometimes makes me have a twinge of regret that I didn't get Chick as a puppy. How cool is it that you've been seeing the same flower vendor for so long? We don't have many regular and long-standing rituals because we've moved so much, but we do take Chick backpacking at least a couple of times a year. When he sees that yellow backpack if his come out of the storage chest, he starts doing backflips (almost)!

Elisa said...

So cute! Love her smelling/licking the flowers, hah. :D The closest farmer's market to us doesn't allow dogs.. so sad!

Mack said...

What a great post. And such beautiful pics!

Kate said...

What a great ritual. We take Heidi to the farmers market near our house and it's always fun. I think people recognize Heidi more than us, haha.

Anonymous said...

I don't have many rituals with our dogs. They get excited when the leash comes out, but like I said yesterday, we've been hesitant to take them too many places for fear they'd act out. No more though! I have a friend coming into town next weekend and we are totally going to take the dogs out into public! :)

Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

I think Jack's new favorite ritual would be the SociaBulls!

Also, I was jumping around on your blog and came across your wedding post! After hearing about it from you in person, it was fun to go back and see some photos, too :)

Anonymous said...

We love the farmers market(s) too! (of course, the ones in Baltimore, though!)
We are serious regulars there as well. One of our other favorite rituals is Sunday morning walks to the coffee shop in our neighborhood. We splurge and get coffee out on Sundays, and Knox gets treats from his favorite shops along the way. Its always a great start to our Sundays.

Tucker The Crestie said...

Oh, I love these pictures! I just love farmer's markets or really any kind of open air market. All the colors and the relaxed atmosphere just put me in a party type of mood. Fortunately Tucker and Phoebe agree.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a nice ritual to keep
Benny & Lily

The Wh0le Story said...

I absolutely cherish my extra long hikes with Rufus on Sunday mornings. I am going to try and stick with them as it continues to get colder and colder, but it definitely hurts a little more, haha.

Kari in Alaska said...

We have tried finding farmers markets here but there is no good growing areas in the desert :(

Stop of by for a visit!

Corbin said...

Mom swore we'd get to a farmers market this year... but Saturdays during the summer are either at the lake or at the adoption clinic, so we didn't make it. They usually close shop mid September, so I guess we'll shoot for next year!

Kristine said...

I love all the lovely fall colours shown off in these photos. It makes me resent my heavier coat just a little less.
Unfortunately, my Shiva enjoys jumping on tables a little too much to take her to a great outdoor market but I don't mind vicarious living. :-)

jen said...

It must be great to go the farmers market in the fall! I am wondering if you bought any white pumpkins this year???

Anne-Kathrine said...

What a great ritual :) I hope to have lots of fun rituals when I get my puppy :) Love the pics.

goosie mama said...

Could Miss M's bottom lip get any cuter?? So sweet!

caragorn said...

Love this story! It has inspired me to make a special ritual for my doggie and I. :)

caragorn said...

Love this story and idea!

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