Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Super-Levi's Alter-Ego: Levi-Kent

While we have recently determined our little Levi might have been raised by Superheroes in a past life,we really think it has been through living with our pooches and learning dog manners that Levi is developing his alter-ego: "Levi Kent".
 Levi-Kent is a solid-upstanding dog citizen who has learned to wait nicely outside stores:
Ride nicely in the car:
And he has been perfecting his sit-stay skills. Levi-Kent is so proud of his ability to sit-stay outside, and he even anticipates when it might be appropriate to sit and stay: when we walk out the door, if I stop walking, and when we're picking up the poo.
We are quite proud that our little Super-Levi is developing such an admirable, noble alter-ego. The only downside...he thinks he's quite charming as well.


Road Dog Tales said...

Awww, what a handsome boy! Bet he will be charming his way into his new forever home real soon! BTW, how many collars does that boy have?!

The Road Dogs

Unknown said...

Very cute! Trained dogs get to have a lot more fun than un-trained ones. Keep up the good work, Levi!

HoundDogMom said...

Adorable and you guys make great foster parents. Can I send a couple of hounds to you for training. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Anonymous said...

Levi Kent is such a doll! I can't wait to meet him in person! :)

jen said...

Levi certainly is an upstanding citizen! and a very handsome one at that!

Anonymous said...

He certainly learns fast! But, he does have some great teachers and role models!!

jet said...

he is so adorable!!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

You are quite charming Me. Levi
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Levi sez: "why you handsome devil, you! You look just like me!"

Patty said...


Kate said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Well, can you blame him for thinking he's charming...cuz he IS! I am Most Impressed with his sit/stay. I do a real good sit/stay...until something more interesting to do comes along. Heehee!

Wiggles & Wags,

Tucker The Crestie said...

Charming indeed! If I was as cute as Levi, I would have an attraction to plate glass windows, too!

Bobby said...

Levi is charming and youare doing such a great job with him.
Licks Bobby

brooke said...

He is so cute! And he looks great alongside Mr B and Miss M! Im surprised he hasn't been scooped up already!

kissa-bull said...

can he possibly get any cuter??? i just want to attack him with kisses

Of Pit Bulls and Patience said...

Hahaha I guess it's hard to be that handsome and well behaved and not admire yourself in the mirror...

Unknown said...

what a great boy

In Black and White said...

I think I need to send Bilbo to you guys for a month so Mr B & Miss M can teach him some manners!

Anonymous said...

It's so great that he's getting to learn good manners from Mr B while he's with you guys. Pooches can learn so much with a little kindness, patience, and some good dog treats. Although I am sure that you two deserve a lot of credit too. Good work!

Daisy Dog said...

If I remember correctly Clark Kent was charming, albeit a bit awkward :)

Kari in Alaska said...

He is such a super hero ;)


Pit Bull Mom said...

He needs a cape! :)

Amy said...

Awe, he's so cute and now with his super-manners I'm sure he'll find the perfect home soon. Though, Mr. B and Ms. M may miss him!

Mary said...

Levi Kent is already a million times better behaved than my two monsters! I swear, they get worse every day on their walks! (Your) Levi is going to make a family very happy once they find him.

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