When my niece and nephew were visiting the other weekend, they made an interesting observation: we have too many dog beds. Sure, ever since I figured this out, it has been much easier finding dog beds that naturally blend in without looking like an aisle of Petsmart. But can you ever have too many pet beds?
Sure, our pooches have the crate and Mr B's tepee where they stay during the day:
Random floor pillows in the living room:
Twin dog beds in the bedroom:
Plus another extra bed in the bedroom:
And an extra floor pillow in the bedroom just in case:
And since we had former foster dog Bessie Belle, E wanted to add this huge bed where we can all fit:
Which I have to agree with my nephew's count... is probably too many.
How many dog beds do most people have?
I only have the one, but G helps herself to the couch and my bed on occasion so you could argue we have 3.
Sidebar: that mug of Miss M's is KILLING me this morning. She has the best poker face in the world! That lip is too much :)
Haha! You do have a lot ... but that's ok. For one thing, as you've said - they don't look "dog beddish" ... and for another, even if they did, isn't Miss M. and Mr. B.'s comfort the most important thing?
Ha! I like them! Zoe has two beds (plus access to our couch/beds) and the cats each have a bed. So we have a lot too!
3 crates, 1 tent, 2 plush beds, 2 elevated beds. Oh and the laundry basket is generally commandeered by one of them as an impromptu bed. Not too many at all!
Im reaching out to all you pit lovers out there. Anyone know of anyone who will rent their house or townhouse with a pit in the southwest burbs? Looking for a new place for Rosie & I to call home! Any information would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I have my living room bed, my bedroom bed (which is the size of a small sofa! BOL!), a bed in my crate, a foster bed in the bedroom, bed in in the foster crate... numerous fleece blankets scattered about and about 3 extra beds, just incase. One can never have too many dog beds!
ps. I'm having mom look into those floor pillows... she was recently throwing away a big pillow because there was a hole in it, but while it was sitting on the floor waiting to go to the trash, I took it up as a new bed and mom thought about Mr. B and Miss. M!
We have a molly mutt stuffable in the living room, plus a crate in the dining room (with a crate mat), and a huge nice dog-bed in our tv room (it's like a doggie sofa!)... but Chocko hasn't experience the sofa bed yet...lol. In our small rowhouse- two is perfect (plus the crate). We also have a basement hangout room and keep a folded blanket on the floor, but Knox would always choose the papazan instead.
I have 1 big dog pillow and 1 doggie couch. I also have Momma's queen size bed and our roommates queen size bed plus the couch and the loveseat. But I prefer to squeeze myself into a plastic container.
No such thing as too many beds! I have 5 plus they are allowed on the couch/bed. 1 memory foam outdoor bed, 2 indoor memory foam beds - these are mostly used when they are chewing on bones because they are not super squishy. Then I have 2 super plush ones for sleeping...no complaints here!
I buy the covers from Target which come in a bunch of awesome colors and I did the insides myself w/ memory foam and pillow stuffing for the squishy beds.
Max has 6 dog beds and still prefers to sleep in the laundry basket.
Annie and Paul have several. There's the coach, the guest bed (aka, their bed), 2 dog beds on the floor, a dog bed next to my sewing machine, and a large pillow in the back bay window. A & P live here so it's comfy for them.
Our Mugsy has his own chaise lounge chair, a BiG floor pillow bed AND his plush, cozy padded kennel. He is living like a king!
I feel like the oddball - I just have one bed; his crate. Of course, the dog is allowed on the couch or the bed to hang out, and the carpets are plush and cozy too. So it's not like there's a lack of comfy places to hang out.
We have 5 dog beds and 3 crates which suddenly doesn't seem like enough with our 2 pups and 2 fosters! I've been thinking we need more...
OMG too funny! I have only one dog, but she has five dog beds (and still wants up on mine!)
You can never have too many! We have two dogs inside, and there's two crates and Portia's big dog bed in the living room. I plan on getting her another one from greenerpup.com. To be fair, we would probably have more if our poodle didn't prefer to sit on people :P
You can never have too many! We have two dogs inside, and there's two crates and Portia's big dog bed in the living room. I plan on getting her another one from greenerpup.com. To be fair, we would probably have more if our poodle didn't prefer to sit on people :P
We have several dog beds in almost every room of our 940 sq ft house. No big deal. ;)
Too many dog beds? We are not sure what that means??? Besides mom just bought herself one of them papasan chairs and those are super comfy for doggies!
Sam and Pippen
Lets see, I have a dog bed in the car, one on the corner of my bed, one in each of the dogs' crates, and another one on the floor of the main room (studio apartment, so only one real room). In addition to the cushy beds, I have two crate blankets and five crate pads. Plus two cat beds.
Plus, I am on the look out for buying a cave bed, hopefully before cold weather sets in this fall.
We just have two orthopedic doggie beds, and they are getting pretty bed-raggled! :) The dogs have access to any beds and couches they want, but they seem to really enjoy having floor-level orthopedic comfort all their own. Your dog beds look great, and remind me that comfort can also be stylish!
Oh, my we probably have too many dogs beds according to your niece and nephew as well. Two in the living room, 3 in the bedroom and 4 more outside. Never enough dog beds to us because they still use our bed and the couch. BOL Sniffs, The HoundDogs
Let's see, we have the giant dog bed in the living room, where they spend most of their time. We just have old towels in the pups crate, since he is still in the chewing stage. And we have 2 old bed pillows and the old dog bed in the bedroom. So I would say, we have the right amount. I would actually much prefer to get one larger bed for the bedroom, but the managerie of pillows we have now seems to work well enough.
And since you made sure they were estetically pleasing, I say the more the merrier!! Because the ones in the living room are kind of joint people sitting pillows as well ;) Double duty!
Uhhhh 2 in the living room, 2 in the crates in the living room, 1 giant one in the bedroom, and 1 in the car. Plus blankets. But 3 are Molly Mutts... so they don't count?
Mugs got his first "official" dog bed a month or so ago (Costco = $20 if people are looking for more). However, he has access to the futon, the couch, a chaise (his typical hangout since its next to the window) and his crate has a nice mat and blankets. Basically he can find a place to sleep in any room. Lucky guy.
We just have two dog beds in the living room. We have carpeted floors, so we leave their crates bare for them to use for cooling off. Oh, and they like to lie in my lap too, so I'm sort of the third dog bed.
OMG a tee pee!!! Frickin in LOVE with that!! hahahah did you just make that up yourself or is this something you can actually buy??
I think we're right up there with the "too many dog beds."
Lily has one in Shane's office for during the day, one in her crate, one in our bedroom, and one in the front (sunny) room. We may have cheated by filling half of her Molly Mutt duvet with an existing bed, but I think we have an outdated one in the closet to make up for it.
Yep, this might be too many.
Lookie at all those beds! This post caught my eye because the other week a little pug named Tuni went to the Rainbow Bridge and since she loved her beds, a friend had suggested posts to honor her next Tuesday by doing a post showing your dogs on their bed (or beds as the case may be). I know that Mr. B and Miss M are Sociabull kinda dogs and wouldn't mind the connection I made as an inadvertent tribute to Tuni.
I love seeing Bessie Belle's face again! I hope she is doing great in her home.
On your recommendation, we got one of those big dog duvets and it's been great. Then we have another bed in our bedroom to encourage them to sleep on it and not in bed with us, but at least one of them (sometimes both) ends up in bed anyway. Since our dogs are allowed on the furniture, they don't need too many beds-it would just be a waste of money :)
"All" your dog beds look very cool and blend in as furniture
Benny & Lily
Our girl doesn't appear to understand dog beds; we've tried several and she defiantly lays right next to them on the hard wood floors instead. Of course, she counts OUR bed as hers...oh, and the guest bed...the couch...and the green chair. And she will, occasionally, lay on a blanket on the floor (if it's a blanket that was once on one of the "real" beds). Spoiled? Perhaps :)
We lost count several beds ago :)
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Nice Post!
I liked your post. My dog "Jimmy" is bigger in size and I am looking to the large dog bed for him so that he can sleep comfortably.
Wow, so amazing post of luxury pet bed and please keep posting such wonderful facts. I was really worried about my pet dog because he used my bed to sleep over night then I found Nandog Pet Gear where I got several design pet beds with a reasonable cost and now my pet dog is also happy with his own bed. I must suggest this for all people who want to get luxury pet beds.
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I love this stylish dog crate! I think it looks great in any home and is a great way to keep your pup safe and secure. The construction is solid and I like that it's easy to assemble. I highly recommend the Kennel and Crate of Stylish Dog Crates For Dogs!
These stylish dog beds are not only aesthetically pleasing but also provide comfort and support for our furry friends. I love how they blend seamlessly with my home decor while ensuring my pup's relaxation. A perfect combination of style and functionality. I recently purchased the Nandog Pet Gear dog car seat bed, and I'm thrilled with the quality and comfort it provides. My furry friend loves it too! It's a must-have for any pet owner on the go.
What a fantastic blog post! If you’re looking for cozy and stylish options, check out the discount designer dog beds at Posh Puppy Boutique. They’re the perfect blend of comfort and elegance for your furry friend!
Nice articles and your information valuable and good articles thank for the sharing information pet bed
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