See, Mr. B is very loyal to E. When E enters the room, his whole face just lights up:
Though I never realized what I was missing, until I did get my very own Mr. B. New foster dog Bachelor Boris is the first pooch I've had who just loves me. My Mr. B sleeps on the floor next to my side of the bed. He gets up and follows me when I leave the room, even if it's just for one minute. And he always has a big smile when he sees me.

Do you find most dogs to be social butterflies? Or just really into one person like our Mr. B's? Or could it just be a boy dog thing?
PS. Why we will never own 3 dogs.
PPS. Join our facebook page to see more funny photos of the pooches with Bachelor Boris.
My dog Zoe is a social butterfuly and loves everyone BUT me. She has her own circle of friends that I don't even know- they greet her when we walk and I don't even know these people.
My Doodlebug is a Mr. B. He thinks everybody is just fine and will allow anybody to politely greet him -- he will even offer a shy little kiss to most people -- but at the end of the day the person he really loves is me. He would travel to the moon and back for me, and it shows in his face every time I come home. It's the sweetest!
Chick is a loyal darling too, but more of a social butterfly -- he will wander over to anybody with a hand for scratching with his grumpy sad face and tell them tales about how nobody ever pets him or feeds him at home.
Franklin is a social butterfly. He loves everyone and has tons of love to share. Lola is my B. She follows me everywhere and gets very excited when I come home, even if there are other people home playing with her.
I feel ya...our Oscar is the social butterfly, loves everybody and everything. But foster Cooper is my Mr. B...he's a true momma's boy! He follows me everywhere, snuggles with me on the couch, and gets So. Freakin'. Excited. when I come home. At the same time, fosters Kaylee and Roxie were both daddy's girls. It's funny how some dogs bond to certain will be so hard to say goodbye to my Coop, but on the plus side, I'll really know his "furever" when I see it - it will be the only person he loves more than me! :-)
Wow, you have been missing out! I'm glad you have your own Mr. B for now.
As for my boys, I thought that Monkey was loyal until Petey came along. Petey's motto truly is: 'happiness is by my mama's side'.
Hmmmm...maybe you should puts that "Adopt Me" collar on Miss M. Haha! JUUUUUST kidding!
Let's see...I'm definitely more of a social butterfly and I gets SO excited to see my human furends. And I gets SO excited to see BOTH my mom and dad when they come home. And I'm an equal-opportunity cuddler, too. Brudder Ranger, on the other paw, most definitely prefers dad and isn't all that much excited abouts meeting new people on the street.
Now, Smudge is DEFINITELY Mom's kitteh. He follows her around and sits in her lap and purrs and purrs when she picks him up and cuddles him like a baby. He luvs dad, too, but he's kerazy abouts mom.
Wiggles & Wags,
Braylon gets excited to meet new people but she is 100% head over heels in love with her dad. All he has to do is look her way and her little butt just starts wiggling. She even has her very own walk that uses when she struts up to me. To make things even I say Hades is all about me but he kind of loves everyone too.
Rosie is the social butterfly of the neighborhood. She loves to meet new people and people I have never met know who she is. She only wants love from me when my roommate isn't around, then Mom is her second choice. I always tell her she is more than welcome to find a better home but I think she already knows she will never find a better one where she is Queen of the castle.
That's how our Mr. B is with me- he follows me everywhere!! I love that he's so needy by my fiance thinks its annoying sometimes. At least I know he loves me! Our girl dog is such a sassy princess - we never can be sure :)
Noelle was supposed to be "my" dog but she quickly became Dave's baby - she still loves me, and is happy to see me (and anyone else she meets!) but he's the one she searches for all over the house whenever he leaves the room. I would say at adoption events, about half of my fosters bond strongly to me and aren't too interested in strangers, and the other half will walk out of the store with a stranger with barely a backward glance.
Karma a red nosed brindle pitty will be all social with people when it is just me and her walking downtown, that is her people mode and loves affection and pats on the head. When she gets to the dog park it's doggie mode and is rather antisocial with people by actually flinching away at a pat on the head. Silly girl...
My girl Lola Lulu is fickle and disloyal in that she loves everyone but me (unless no one else is around). I saved her from euthanasia and nursed her back to health from pneumonia... which clearly didn't create any special bond. She loves me, but I'm one of many.
My boys on the other hand are polite to everyone and can be friendly to people they know, but I am the center of their world. Gatsby and Whiskey are TOTAL mama's boys and I love it. They're both German shorthaired pointers, so that IS part of their breed to bond strongly with a single person... Lola is half GSP, half Lab and I credit her Labrador background with being so bubbly, friendly, and outgoing.
I've fostered 20+ dogs in the past two years, from mixed breeds to now my focus on pointers but I have found that the boys are far more affectionate & devoted to me. Could be that I'm a woman? Or it could be a coincidence. :)
Maybe it's a boy PB thing...Petey loves everyone but he has been known to throw a diva fit if I leave the room or my BF takes him for a walk. He will pee really quickly and then steam full speed ahead back
Our Bella Boo can be a little shy with strangers. She is such a little wiggly butt when we come home and she follows us around the house like a 4 legged shadow. Once I even got her to follow me in a circle in our living room for the longest time just because it was so funny. I gave up before she did. She does tend to favor my hubby over me, but I contend that is because I am the boss and he is a bit of a pushover.
With strangers she is sweet but she looks to us for reassurance. I don't even think she knows that children are people, she gives them the cold shoulder.
With friends and family she goes bazonkers. With a few special people, she will run us down just to get to them.
My 2 are social butterflies for sure and I think they love me just as much as everyone else which is a whole lot.
Kaya's signature move (since she learned not to jump on people) is the go between their legs, usually from behind and taking them by surprise...luckily every seems to think it's hilarious.
And Norman just likes to find anyone sitting down so he can plant himself next to them and let the kissing begin.
The only dog I had like Miss M was Katie, a Golden Retrieiver. She would hang her head out the window of my car (I know better than to let dogs do this now) and she would wag, smile and flirt with people in nearby cars at stoplights. The people always smiled and laughed, which only encouraged her.
My Dobes were always like Mr. B -- the sun rose and set on me. So it was probably good I had a dog like Katie to keep me humble.
Aww. So nice that Mr. B-Boris loves you so much. He is just one happy guy and that is very nice to see. We each have his and her dogs if we are both home. If just one of us is home they aren't picky. They definitely are not social butterflies though..they always prefer my husband and I to anyone else. My pug in particular (true to her breed) sticks to us like GLUE. We are never alone with Coco near :)
Maggie is just like Miss M - she has actually tried to go home with other families on multiple occasions. One time, she hiked down an entire mountain with someone else. Guess they had tastier treats in their pockets! Sadie on the other hand is my Mr B. She wants to be by my side 24/7 and would be perfectly happy if I was her one and only for the rest of her days.
A lot of dogs that I meet and have known are social butterflies. Elka will certainly work a room, but as even my fiance says (and even when I'm not in the room and he doesn't know I can hear him), I am Elka's person. She listens to me, has paroxysms of joy when I come home (or wake up in the morning), etc.
My Portia is definitely NOT a social butterfly, she dislikes strangers, children, etc etc. She will hardly even pay my much mind to the other people in the house. But when it comes to me, she's all ears and kisses. It's really nice, having all that affection to myself. However, I do wish she was a bit more sociable, it would make public outings much easier.
My female daschund, Clover, loves me, but she'll follow anyone who will give her food or attention. Now, I had a dobie, Xander, and that dog was my shadow, and nobody else's. If I got up to go somewhere, he would follow. He wasn't a "needy" shadow, if you know what I mean. He liked to be close to me, and if he was in the car with me, his paw or his head had to be touching me, but he never cried or howled if he wasn't with me. While I love Clover, I prefer Xander's type.Me personally, I tend to bond better with male dogs. Not sure if others are the same though. :)
That's how I feel with our foster Brutus! He just loves me, every move I make is noted by him and he gets so excited to see me whenever I come back from being out of site. Corbin definitely gets excited for us, but the "newness" of loving us every minute of the day has worn off.
BOL, oh Ms. M...
Benny & Lily
Both times we've gone to playgroup, Badger has selected a new "owner" to hang out with the entire time. I like to think he'd miss us, though.
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