Friday, February 28, 2014

CSI: Two Pitties in the City

Since we have two mischievous pooches, some days we find ourselves coming back to a type of mysterious "crime scene".
Requiring us to become unintentional Crime Scene Investigators (CSI's).
Though my PhD is in neuroscience, one of the first things I did after leaving academia to become a high school teacher in the city, was to develop a Forensic Science elective.
The same observational, analytical thinking and reasoning skills that I teach my students are the ones A and I use to determine 'house crimes' committed by our pooches.
When we come home, we often walk around looking for places that are warm to the touch identifying where the pooches were laying right before we entered the door. 
My blood spatter unit comes in handy when we are trying to identify who made the accident on our living room rug.
We examine to see if the pee pattern is consistent with the passive drop peeing created by Miss M's accidents or does the pee exhibit evidence of medium velocity impact spatter that is more consistent with Mr. B's accidents.
Lately the crime of choice has been the old sleep on the sofa gig.
Taking a magnifying glass, we collect hair evidence with transparent tape and examine the cuticles of individual hairs with a modified iPhone camera microscope. 
Since Miss M has some massive paws, we measure the width of the paw prints left on the couch. Sometimes we are lucky to find drool marks and we use this to determine the length of jowl.  
One time we even found this...
Any guesses of who it was?

That other experiment
Check our Facebook page for more photos, comments, and storylines beyond the blog.


JustaGirl said...

That definitely belongs to Miss M!! This post is classic ;)

Hannah@Eriesistibull said...

That looks like a typically Ms M pout!!

Millie and Walter said...

Too funny! I play CSI in our house sometimes too.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that last one is from Miss M... that's got to be the perfect imprint of her pouty face!

OG said...

Miss M! And I love the look on Mr. B's face in the top picture!

Regina Hart said...

Super post! Big smiles here!

2 Punk Dogs said...

Love the Miss M nose print!

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...

Awww, I like the snuggled under the blankies photo. They are so cute.

I'm guessing that nose print is Miss M

Annie & Pauls Mom said...

According to the Hubbs, the nose print is from the 3rd pup on the grassy knoll! Defiantly a cute post though.

jet said...

HAHAHA that face print is classic!

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