Though Mr. B is six years old, he still acts like a little puppy. He is really excitable and highly spastic. He'll run around the living room and pushing all of our furniture all over the place. Before we adopted him, he was adopted by this family that had a young child. Apparently Mr. B was returned because he ran full force into the child and stepped on the child. Mr. B has not changed that much since then. He still runs full force around the house and will even try to push us out of the way. He is most excited when either A or I come home and we release him and Ms. M from their teepee and crate. Mr. B will run as fast as he can out his teepee and in the past he would slam Ms. M against her crate. Ms. M has gotten wise and now waits until Mr. B passes by before she steps out. We have thought about changing Mr. B's name to Butkus, Singletary or even Urlacher.
awww, aren't they the cutest!
No short of head buts and crashes in my neck of the woods either. If it's not from the front, it's from the back. I've got muddy paw prints all up the back of my shirt sometimes ... these days, I just wear my work clothes that i don't mind getting mud on when i'm out pottering about the place. You never know who'd come prancing happily by and leap on you in glee.
I love em!
They are just fantastic.
And that teepee is just the best ever.
So wish I could do that for my kids.
But Haleigh would eat it.
They are just the most beautiful dogs and ya'll are so blessed!
I do head butts and wheelies when momma comes home too. Who wouldn't? Careful on that floor, though. You almost wiped out.
LOL.....I LOVE your dogs!!!
guero and coco chanel are totally like that
we have to get out the way so they can freely pass to the yard without knocking us down they have a thing where they turn the corner and slide then jump on top of the couch and over the table and out the side door
very funny
Heeeee, he'd make a great leading blocker!
Oh, I love Miss M's reflexes! One time my daughter brought Duncan up to our apartment for a visit; I never saw him coming and ended up flat on my back.
now thats a greating! Mesa uses her head to open doors since she knows out apartment is old and that they don't latch very well.
That is too funny!!!!!
LOL, mine is the same way! I call the noise of his nails on the wood floors ice skating or tap dancing pretending on the rhythm. EX. "Little Guy, Stop ice skating on my wood floors!" It's okay, though, because I'm reminded that never in my life has any creature ever been that excited to see me EVERYTIME I come home, and then, I'm grateful. :)
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