Most of the times our pooches are well behaved, but sometimes they act out and do bad things. When we got home the other day, we found Mr. B cowering in his tent and we found this on our rug...

We've been picking up our neighbor's mail for him while he was out of time and we have been putting them on this ledge. Mr. B must have climbed the ledge and grabbed the letter on top, which luckily happened to be junk mail and chewed it. When we got home, he was hiding in his teepee, noticeably stressed out.

We could not stay mad at him because of his puppy dog eyes.

Here is Mr. B checking out his deed after we called him out of his tent:

Then he realizes that this is a set up and runs away to his tent:

Then he sits in his teepee showing signs of stress, like sticking out his tongue.
Silly Mr. B! Don't feel bad, the other day Mommy came home and found shredded magazines and a shredded atlas. But, she still doesn't know who it was cause we're not telling!
Flash & Ollie
Must be something in the air. Momma and Master leave papers and magazines all around the estate, but we never ever bother them. Then earlier this week somedoggie pulled a catalog right off the kitchen counter and shredded it. Weird.
Aw! Poor Mr. B really beats himself up over this stuff! One of our dogs does this too - even if she's not the one who did the bad deed! I always know right away if anyone did something they weren't supposed to because Molly will look so guilty when I walk in the door. It's doubly sad because she's the best behaved dog and it's always one (or both) of the other dogs who did it!
Aw, the guilty face! Napoleon's got that one down. Although, aside from Louis' keyboard-eating misadventure a few weeks ago (and a pair of earbuds sacrificed to Ivan's entertainment), things have been ominously calm around here in the way of doggie destruction.
Is there something in the air? Because Dexter took his collar off while I was at dinner with friends and chewed the buckle to pieces.
I don't know what the freak is up with that dog lately.
At least Mr. B has the good manners to look ashamed. What a handsome boy!
If I were Mr. B, I would blame Ms. M, even though she was safely tucked away in her crate whispering "I wouldn't do that if I were you..."
My brother had Basenjis who just couldn't stand the idea of un-shredded magazines, newspapers, or yes, mail. And Basenjis don't give you adorable puppy eyes like Mr. B does. They really don't care what you think!
Why do humans always put the blame on us? Obviously The Ninjas broke into your house and did this. Prolly scared poor Mr. B to death and that's why he has that sad look on his face. Believe me, I know! It happens to me all the time. Stupid Ninjas.
Poor Mr. B, don't feel bad - you did a good thing, tearing up the junk mail. :)
Just like Rinalia said, Mr B was just trying to get rid of all that nasty bad junk mail! At least he has a conscience though, because our Countess does not! She's still pooping on the floor and has no shame about it whatsoever!
Aww Mr B is so adorable..and I know that "oh oh" look well. Sookie is a pro at it. I think they are harder on themselves than we are on them. At least it was junk mail and not a lottery check or something..lol
That's so precious! I wish mine felt so bad when they tear something up.
But how can you be or stay upset with such a sweet face. Oh just want to give him kisses!
Poor Mr. B....it must be hard to discipline such a sweet face!
Aww, you sure can't stay angry at those eyes. He looked so repentent -- he knew he did wrong and was sad that he disappointed you (yeah, right, he probably enjoyed it the whole time until you got home and he was busted!). I love that tent of his, great idea!
awww i couldn't stay mad at that face either!
Oh Mr B.,
Candy can feel your pain, she loves to chew up papers as well! However, she does not have a neat tee-pee to hide in like you do! She is very envious and wants a tent for herself!
xo martine & the kiddlets
dont worry mr b
we continuously tear my mommish rachel ray magazines but its mommish fault cause she keeps leaving them at our disposal
she cant stay mad at ush eighter
good job on the puppy dog eyes
it maked even me catch a plane to chicago and slobber you wiff pibble sugars
and you know im not the sensitive type
coco chanel
queen of the universe
Maybe you need a toy Alien to play with.
Well it was a good job it was junk mail, and not a Lotto cheque. We came in to the wallpaper of the wall.
That is hilarious- poor pup! You could definitely see the distress there! Kayloo always gets very concerned & kisses up @ every turn... Mickey is more like, "What? I didn't do it. You can't prove anything..."
I know I shouldn't humanize my dogs but I AM TELLING YOU if Mickey could talk that is what he would say... :)
I've seen that look before...hahaha Why bother getting a shredder when you have a doggie! :)
Love the dog tent!
All that guilt over a piece of mail? Is Mr. B. Catholic? We have been experimenting with leaving Levi out of his crate and one night he ate an ENTIRE box of homemade dog treats my sister-in-law sent to him. It was totally my fault for leaving the box on the counter, but I didn't even think about it. And he wan't guilty in the slightest. He was probably about to barf though.
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