Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Pooches: Poor Mr. B and the Tepee

Mr. B had enough of the crowded crate and now stretches his legs in his tepee. Ms. M also had enough of the crowded crate and finds Mr. B's tepee as the perfect spot for a nap.However, this means that Mr. B has been kicked out of his tepeeand now sleeps on the floor in front of his tepee.
If he does get into the tepee, Ms. M finds a way to nudge herself in to either use him as a pillow
or just cuddle.


Mack said...

S T R E T C H !!!

That teepee looks super cool - I know what I want for my next birthday!


Mack and Mia said...

That teepee is sooooo neat! I am so asking my momma for one of those bad boys!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Princess said...

Cuddling pooches!! I just love it!

dw said...

Oh poor Mr. B has no space of his own! And the teepee was just a good retreat for him and now it's taken over! Just so not fair!

Thanks for the comment on my gratitude thread -- and yes, it is so nice to finally have an actual spring in Chicago! Normally we seem to go right from winter into summer, from heat to AC. I enjoyed those 80 degree days we had the other week, but getting back to normal, with nice blue sky and sunshine is so worth wearing a light jacket!

the booker man said...

poor mr. b...can't a guy get a break? sometimes he just needs a little alone time, miss m!
the booker man

Kari in Alaska said...

poor mr. b. he needs to start standing up for himself!

brooke said...

Where'd you get the teepee from?! so cool! Though to get one big enough for Darwin it'd have to be human sized!
Those two cuddlers are too cute!

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr. B, he takes so much crap from Miss M. I love the teepee idea!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That is pretty darn cute.

Kayloo (my "big" dog) always tries to cuddle with Mickey (my small dog)... & it doesn't always work :)

Dog Foster Mom said...

Aww, Mr. B - you just can't get away from her, can you? You're just tooo cute and cuddly, and she loves you soooooo much! Poor guy!

kissa-bull said...

king of your teepee and you share awww!!! kind and handshum too!!
sugary queen smooches
coco chanel

pibble said...

Mr B is so hen-pecked! I think we know who wears the pants in his family! :)

houndstooth said...

Well, no wonder! That is a great tepee! I'd try to take it over, too!


Dexter said...

Give it up Mr. B. Once those bossy gals set their sites on something us guys just have to put up or shut up.


Rescued Pittie Family said...

They are so sweet together!
Just love them!

Nicole said...

How cute, I love the teepee! I can't wait for the day that my dog stops thinking his bed is a toy/ food/ lady dog.

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