Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Schwang Swag: Dog Decor

The above picture is my favorite "puppy picture" of Miss M. Besides her "dainty and elegant" posture, the silhouette is very representative of her. With the whole silhouette decorating craze, I decided to make one from this picture. I made a smaller version where I just traced the photo with wax paper, then cut it out on other paper. Then I made this huge version where I used my overhead projector from school to make it larger and trace it onto paper. Can't you tell this is her?
I'm still working on one for Mr. B, but in the meantime I was at Pottery Barn when I saw these very expensive silhouettes. A random dog:
And a cat:
So I guess this project was on the cutting edge of home decor, and I like that it is personalized for our pooches.
And though we've lived here for awhile, we just finally got to framing some of our other dog-themed posters. This is from The Bird Machine which we also saw during Chicago Renegade Art Fair:He had also created this poster for a New Leash on Life, Miss M's alma matter, fundraiser:He does a lot with dogs and bicycles, and you can see his online store here. I think I'm just drawn to dog decor, but I don't want to include too much and appear like the crazy-dog family. How much dog decor do you have in your home?


Kari in Alaska said...

I could tell it was her based on the way she sits :)

houndstooth said...

I like your version much better than the Pottery Barn one!

We have quite a bit of dog decor, but I don't think enough that it looks overdone. I tend to go for quirky, whimsical things. We have some amazing statues done by Sarah Regan Snavely and some cool race night posters that I love. We finished our basement room to eventually become an entertainment room and we use a lot of it down there!

SissySees said...

LOVE those very much. We only have a painted plate with Jack Russells and paw prints everywhere on the wall... unless you count framed photos of our pets...

Anonymous said...

I love that picture of Miss M. Definitely very feminine! :)

The only things we have our photos of our pups. I have yet to find anything I really like and I also don't want to be the crazy dog person. There's gotta be a happy medium somewhere.

laura said...

Yours is definitely nicer than Pottery Barn's! I think there's a photoshop application where you can make silhouettes from pictures? But I may be wrong.

Nicole said...

Wow, you did a great job on the silhouette. It's just as good as (if not better than) the Pottery Barn examples. Sadly I don't have much decor at all in my home. So I guess the dog and his stuff have just become the decor. We always tell the dog he's the reason we can't have nice things.

Anonymous said...

No dog decor at all, besides the canines themselves. Actually, I have no real decor at all! I'm boring.

Unknown said...

I like your version a lot. Miss M has class! ;)

I have lots of art of my dogs. Two paintings done by a fabulous artist in a style I don't normally like, two beautiful drawings done by my mom, and one sepia photo enlarged of Mina.

I haven't had the time to put it all up. And I feel I need to balance it all out, so I don't look like THAT crazy dog lady who only has portraits of her dogs on the walls of her home. ;) Even if it's true.

Anonymous said...

I love this sillouette of the dogs I made from a picture of them playing in the backyard. It totally captures both of their personalities and their relationship.

Ernie & Dex

I've screen printed it on everything from t-shirts to curtains.

Also, I've (finally!) added you to my blog roll. Hope you don't mind!

Rescued Pittie Family said...

Ms. M is such a little lady.
Greighson does the same thing - sits on his butt like that - and it cracks me up every time.

brooke said...

Love that picture of Ms M! hehehe.
We dont have any dog decor.... maybe we need to work on that!

Dog Foster Mom said...

Great puppy picture - so cute! I like your art too - I wish I had any decorating genes (or any sense of style) at all. But the very few decorations we have are almost all dog related - at least until the dogs manage to destroy them!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Oh my god I love that! You've inspired me, I'm going to try it!

Mack and Mia said...

Miss M looks so pretty! We don't have much dog decor, in fact all we have is a lousy picture frame in the shape of a dog bone and our momma put a picture of our boy in it instead of a picture of me or Mia...thats messed up, huh?!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Princess said...

Can I commission you to make a silo of Miss P?! I love your version way more than PB's!!

kissa-bull said...

oh my dogness we love LOVE you picsure and we agree it is way better than pottery barns because its uniquely special to you.
we have quite a few framed picsures of pibbles that we've aquired over the years and we have the hung up in the woggie room where their crates , beds and toys are. we have one black and white one of a pibble in our living room and a vintage one we got from a antiques place which we framed in one of the tables next to our couch. not too much but enough to show our pibble love lol

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great puppy picture Ms. M. We love the other pictures too. Very Cool
Benny & Lily

the booker man said...

wow, i'm impressed! the silhouette totally looks like miss m, and i like it better than the pottery barn version, too. i may have to steal that idea from you for my pups. :)
we don't really have much dog decor at our house...if you don't count the dog toys and beds strewn all over, haha...just some framed photos of the pups. i have been thinking about getting a painting of booker and asa done.

the booker man and asa's mama

Luci's Mama said...

awesome idea! so crafty :) I like yours much better than the store one...love it even more that it's personalized for you guys!

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