Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Cafe Schwang: Smores & Peanut Butter Mini-Cupcakes

Every month my friends have a type of "Girls Eating Club": everyone cooks something and we all get together at someone's house to eat. All of my friends are amazing cooks, so it's fun to eat their food. I'm not much of a cook, so it's also a bit of pressure for me to come up with something good to bring.
I just discovered this website which has the most amazing cupcake recipes and photos. Since E was kind enough to buy me a mini-cupcake maker for Valentine's Day, I thought I'd try my hand at trying some new cupcakes.
Knowing how much Mr. B. likes to help out, we loaded him up in his backpack and headed for the grocery store.

Usually when we go on our walks, Mr. B gets all excited and wants to play with other dogs. But when he wears his backpack he knows he has a job to do, and remains focused. We even ran into Little Puppy B but Mr. B remained focused on his job and didn't even try to play with him.
Back at home, Miss M. took her usual clean-up duty in the kitchen.
I decided to make an easy version of the Peanut butter frosting cupcakes with a chocolate mix base and peanut butter frosting. I also made mini-Smores cupcakes with the chocolate cupcake, marshmellow frosting, and ginger-graham crackers on top. Miss M. was quite proud of her participation in crafting the cupcakes:

The Smores were good, but the peanut butter frosting was great! They were both kind of gooey right after I made them, so it's probably better to put them in the fridge for a bit before serving.
Of course, Miss M. was really, really interested in the cupcakes. While she's always gotten super close to the cupcakes, this time she just had enough. Right after I took this photo her tongue came out and licked the cupcake. I guess the peanut butter frosting was really, really good.


Kari in Alaska said...

mmmm peanut butter and chocolate. Is there a better food combo out there?

Anonymous said...

Those sound delicious! Who can blame her for sneaking a lick. I'm impressed she didn't devour it! Your kids are way better behaved then mine.

Love the smores idea...I'll have to try that sometime!

Anonymous said...

I love how this was a group effort!

Anonymous said...

Miss M was just helping you out by making sure you weren't taking a really bad tasting cupcake to your pawty. Did she get the rest of the cupcake? I hope so cuz it sure does look delish!

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

PeeS. I think Mr. B looks very rugged and handsome in his backpack!

Mack said...

Now she is the official taste tester!!

Mary said...

I'm not even going to go to that cupcake link. I do not bake at all because guess who eats most of it? My husband has a "small fuel tank," which means I eat the majority of everything delicious.

Levi sneaks a lick in sometimes, though he knows better than to try to eat something off our plates. Our birds are a different story. Monty will literally sneak in a bite as I'm putting something in my mouth or crane his head around to get a sip of whatever I'm drinking. Worst manners ever (and it's all my fault)!

kissa-bull said...

we're furry impressed wiff miss m's control we woulda gobbled it right up . we're drooling on the keyboard ash we speak

pibble drools
the pittie pack

Mack and Mia said...

It's a hard and sometimes deadly job, but somedoggy has to be the taste tester.

Your cupcakes look PAWSOME! I bet they tasted even better!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Mack and Mia said...

Just responding to woo...

You have me mistaken for big fat MIA! She is such a brown noser! She never touches our boys stuffies. BLAH BLAH BLAH!

Hey somedoggy has to be the bad guy, right?! They don't call me MACK ATTACK FOR NOTHIN!

Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That is so sweet that Mr. B knows when he has a job to do :)

houndstooth said...

It's chocolate and peanut butter together! Nothing more needs be said! And with that I say, some things are just too much temptation to resist. I'd have licked it, too!

the booker man said...

mmmmmm, the booker man and asa are on their way over to your house for cupcakes!!!!

Anonymous said...

The cupcakes look yummy, my hooman says... And she got ideas now! She want's to try the "dog on a mission" backpack thingy. Not sure if I like the idea. I guess I rather play than work :)

Slobbers Teal'c

Dexter said...

Well of course peanut butter anything is good. I am impressed at your ability to pose with those pupcakes so close to your snooter.


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