Thursday, May 20, 2010

Chicagoing: Suds for Strays

This past Sunday our friend K, with her rescue group Alive Rescue , had a charity dog wash at Doggystyle on Division. We try to support the dog rescues in the area, and it makes it even better when we can donate for something we would have done anyway; with all of our daily walks, the pooches were in definite need of a bath.
Since we don't have a backyard, and it would be such a hassle to wash the pooches ourselves, we typically splurge and take them for baths at Petsmart. We always imagine scenarios of what the pooches are doing during them baths. Knowing how much Miss M loves being petted, we imagined her siding up to the washer. She did plenty of that, but also spent much of the time trying to drink the water:
And looking pathetic:As always, Mr. B was a great sport both being housed down:And moved around:The pooches had a great time with all the attention, and we were happy to have clean pups and be able to support such a great rescue group. They also have a lot of great fundraising ideas coming up.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a terrific way to raise funds for a charity. I always know when the 3 musketeers have had a bath - they all have nice, soft coats and smell great. In fact, Petey's white fur actually glistens in the light after a bath. I'm glad that I don't have to be the one to wash them though.

Mack said...

We love fundraisers - baths, not so much!

Two French Bulldogs said...

We hope you got lots of treats for that one Mr B. We would not tolerate such a bath. BOL
Have a fun day
Benny & Lily

kissa-bull said...

i guess we woulda let them torture ush for a good cause. but only for that! matter of fact we oughta tell our mommish to just baff ush when their ish a fundraiser tee heee

pibble wiggles
the pittie pack

Anonymous said...

OMD! We both have B.A.T.H. posties today! I liked seeing the pictures of the two of them cuz it makes me feel braver but the next time I take a B.A.T.H. (And mom has already said there WILL be a next time - ACK!) I don't think I would like that sprayer thing at ALL, though.

Tell Miss M and Mr. B that I'm very much impressed that they would take a B.A.T.H. for charity. That is mighty big of them, I have to say!

Wiggles & Wags,

houndstooth said...

I agree, I'd gladly pay someone to do something like that. Plus, then someone else gets the stink eye!

Anonymous said...

What a great fundraiser!! And, I am now in love with the majority of the dogs on the Alive website...particularly the bloodhound!

Rescued Pittie Family said...

Miss M just cracks me up! She is sooo good at looking sooo pitiful.

Anonymous said...

Bathies are fun!!! (NOT)

Kari in Alaska said...

Mesa does just chill out in the bathtub. If we can't find her, thats normally where she is. Thing about it though, is that our bath tub is DEEP. You have to go up a step to get in it. I think she likes it because it is cool in there

Mary said...

We take Levi to a special place like that to get baths. He HATES water and there is no way we could bathe him with a hose or in the shower at home. My husband usually has to carry him up the stairs to the wash tub when he realizes he's not there for dog food and a new antler this time. We bully owners are lucky to have dogs with such short coats because at least we don't have to subject them to the terrifying dryers!

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