Monday, June 21, 2010

Chicagoing: City Privacy

One of the best parts of living in the city is that there is always so much to see and do. At the same time, we have to put up with living in tight quarters in a city of nearly 3 million people.
We put up with overcrowded El trains, waits in restaurants, and living really close to other people. Most apartments and condos not only have several units within the buildings, but they are often located mere feet from the next building.
For these reasons, us Chicagoans really value our tiny plots of outdoor space and make them into our own private areas.
At the same time, the pooches don't quite understand the concept of privacy. A new couple just moved into the building next door, and their dining/living room area faces out onto their deck. The pooches think it's a great idea to stick their heads through the railings and spy on them:
Which from the other side looks like this monster face staring at you as you are sitting in your home trying to enjoy your meal:
At least Mr. B. has some decorum and runs away when we catch him spying:


Anonymous said...

Miss M's all, "Rude, shmude - they've got hamburgers."

brooke said...

hehehe. Ms M is hoping they'll share some of their meals with her!

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Now tell us...Who wouldn't love that lovely pittie head staring at them while they eat? Its quite cute we must admit!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Kari in Alaska said...

thats not a monster! I would love to see that face as I eat my meal :)

Rescued Pittie Family said...

That is just hilarious!

Kitty+Coco said...

What?? They don't love seeing huge eyes staring them down every meal? I just can't understand it.

Word Verification is literea..Is that when people can't stop littering?

Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Too Funny!! We couldn't think of two better neighbors!!

houndstooth said...

Hey, if she's quick enough and they drop a piece, who knows what could happen?

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

I know that humans have to respect each other's little big of personal space in the big cities, but surely that doesn't apply to adorable doggies, does it? I think not.

wags, Lola

dw said...

Hehe, yep, doggies don't quite get the concept of private space. Maybe they just want to see what the neighbors are having for dinner, hee! I love your outdoor space, btw. I have a couple chairs, a couple of small tables and a chaisse lounger that i bought at Target last year, but I really like your sectional furniture. Since I didn't spend all that much on what I have, I know it will wear out fairly quickly and then I think I will look into some sectional pieces to make the outdoor space another room to enjoy.

1000 Goldens said...

That is sooooo funny :) Reminds me of the little kids who turn around and stare at church! I would love to see your doggie faces peeking around at me.

laura said...

Don't they just crack you up? Wilbur is a huge nebby nose too!!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

When we first got dogs I didn't realize I would have to get used to them staring at people the time. Mickey isn't too bad, but Kayloo will stop in the middle of the street... she all but lets her chin drop to the ground!

Mack said...

Your neighbors are lucky! They have two handsome poochies admiring them! BOL!

Unknown said...

I would love to have those sweet faces staring at me while I ate :)

The outdoor space is beautiful what you have done with it, I have a large space and it doesnt even look as put together as yours, I need to get to work on mine!!

Anonymous said...

My meal would be much better if I had those cute faces staring at me!!

Patty said...

LOL! That is way too cute!

the booker man said...

miss m is looking for cupcakes! :)

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