Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Pooches: Daily Walk in 10 Pictures 06.23.10

While we were in sunny and hot Memphis, Tennessee, a major storm passed by Chicago wreaking havoc and chaos. The aftermath of the storm provided the pooches with new objects to explore and mark.There were remnants of damaged trees everywhere. The pooches had to stop, sniff and Mr. B had to mark on each and everyone of the branches,
which was really annoying since it was in the 90s and humid. We took a little break at the Greenhouse Garden, a small community garden.
The pooches were both panting and pretty exhausted from the heat and humidity.
Eventually we got on a major street, where some people were sitting out and enjoying the weather. Lucky for us, that some places had water out for the pooches.
Plus Ms. M was able to meet new people, which is always the highlight of her day.While drinking in front of this store, Mr. B heard someone barking and decided to check it out by sticking his head into the store.


Rescued Pittie Family said...

Mr B ever the curious one.
He must have been a cat in a previous life.

Kari in Alaska said...

we just love it when people are nice enough to put out water when it gets hot here!

Mary said...

What is it about branches on the ground that are so attractive for marking? I wonder if they smell like squirrels or something. Levi is obsessed with branches too.

Anonymous said...

We got hit hard by the storms too so the pooches have enjoyed their walks. Ollie is just like Mr. B...gotta stop and leave a mark everywhere!!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Looks like a great walk!

Kitty+Coco said...

Hey Mr. B., did you see anything interesting in that store?
Whew, it is hot here in Alabama too. Have to stay indoors until it cools off at night. Have you guys ever tested out a kiddie/pittie pool?
Sighs (Kitty), and Snorts (Coco)

Kate said...

Nemo has to mark every.little.thing too - how do they have that much pee?!?!

houndstooth said...

I think Miss B and Bunny are cut from the same cloth! You are lucky you missed that storm! We had part of it down here and it was awful!

Nubbin' Tails said...

Looks like you had a great walk! Nothing like smelling new smells and getting a little extra love!


Mr. Nubbin'

the booker man said...

holy cow! that's a big and exciting tree branch. i would totally do the same thingie as mr. b. you just gotta pee on every little place and claim sole possession of the tree branch!!
the booker man

The Daily Pip said...

Mr. B, I think you may have some more storm damage to explore tomorrow! Hope you are all OK in the storm

Your pal, Pip

Dexter said...

It is fun to explore after a big storm. So many new smells.


Lola and also Franklin, too said...

It's so nice when Mother Nature provides one with new sniffables. You do have to watch the heat, though. It doesn't do to get overheated. Very nice about the dog friendly people putting out water.

wags, Lola

Anonymous said...

Oh, we thoughts about you when that storm moved through. I'm glad you weren't there! It sounds kinda skeery!

I luvs the picture of Miss M getting luvins. I thinks we must be cuzins or sisters separated at birth.

Wiggles & Wags,

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Oh the marking and marking and marking. It's like they think they own everything ;)

SusanA said...

I think it's hysterical when they continue to mark after all the water is gone :) HOpe you had a big fun time in Memphis.

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