Thursday, June 24, 2010

Travel: Cousins

This past weekend, A and I headed off to Memphis, Tennessee for A's sister's wedding. While out there, we hung out with Mr. B's and Ms. M's cousins: Mr. Fluffy Fuzzy, Mr. W, Mr. M and Ms. S. Mr. Fluffy Fuzzy has been in the family for 26 years. A's father is a biology professor and he ordered Mr. Fluffy Fuzzy from a scientific catalog saving him from a certain death as a test animal. A's family have always owned basset hounds. A's parents bought Mr. W from a basset hound breeder 11 years ago. They adopted Mr. M from a basset hound rescue about 8 years ago. The rescue group had one condition, Mr. M is not allowed to ride in the bed of a pickup truck. Fortunately, A's parents don't own a pickup truck. Unlike Mr. B, Mr. W and Mr. M has a kitty for a sister. Ms. S was adopted from a rescue group about 10 years ago. Mr. B would love to meet this kitty cousin of his.


Unknown said...

The bassets are adorable - I just love the older bassets - they have so much character in their faces. I take Fred once a month to the petco when they local basset rescue is there so he can meet the shorter version on himself :)

Anonymous said...

Hi there, all of Mr. B and Miss M's cuzins! It sure is nice to meet you! You all look very much wonderful. And Mr. Fluffy Fuzzy is prolly the bestest name ever for a turtle!

Wiggles & Wags,

SissySees said...

Oh, those velvet basset ears drew us out of lurkdom... Love that they're cool with the cat.

Mia said...

They are all adorable!!! Great pictures!!

Anonymous said...

I am in love with Mr. B and Miss M's cousins! They are adorable!

Kate said...

Bassets are so cute. We have a basset "cousin" too and she is the sweetest, most floppy eared, dog ever. That first picture pretty much sums them up! :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my, your cousins are adorable. Kudos to the professor man too. Hope you enjoyed your visit with those cuties
Benny & Lily

Rescued Pittie Family said...

Where are Mr. B and Miss M?

the booker man said...

mr. b and miss m have some super nifty cousins! i wonder what it's like to have a turtle for a brother? i loooove the basset boys with their big droopy ears 'n squish!
the booker man

pee s -- mama was really giggling over your senior pictures comment. :)

Kari in Alaska said...

i hope you spent lots of time rubbing the soft soft ears :)

houndstooth said...

Bunny says she'd like to meet that kitty cousin of theirs too! lol What a very cool menagerie they have at A's house!

Have you ever seen Martha and Bailey's blog from Scotland? They are a pair of basset hounds that are just so darned cute! They changed the way I view bassets a lot!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Dory is also all about meeting that kitty cousin!!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Whenever I visit with people I always end up spending a ridiculous amound of time with their pets :)

Martine said...

I love bassets... when we were in need of a new companion I desperately wanted to get one. BUT, most apartments wont allow bassets! I was so mad, still am mad!!

My love for bassets started early in life when my mom found one walking alone on the side of the street. No collar. We tried to find his family but no one show up. We named him Fred and were able to keep him for a few weeks until we found a proper home... my dad's one condition on adopting him out - he didn't want Fred to move to a home with stairs! I was in love with Fred and desperately wanted to keep him, but we already had two dogs and my parents were at their pet max with 3 kids too!

I'm still shocked that I could find an apartment with a bull terrier, but couldn't have a sweet gentle howling basset!

xo martine & the kiddlets

dw said...

Wow, what a great group of cousins! Mr. Fluffy Fuzzy is cute! A friend of mine in California found a fresh water turtle by the beach one day and took him (?) home; he was about an inch long at the time - he's now about 4 inches long and loves to crawl up on his rock and give 'the look.'

The Daily Pip said...

Big families are fun! Looks like a fun trip!

Your pal, Pip

Dexter said...

We have a fondness for those hound doggies too.


Anonymous said...

Did I read that right - is Mr Fluffy Fuzzy really 26 years old?!

Anonymous said...

Oh wait, now I get it - Mr Fluffy Fuzzy is the turtle. I thought the first picture in the post, the dog, was the 26 year old!

Need coffee.

Mack said...

That cat is so skinny! Feed that poor thing! BOL!

Only joking, Your cousins are very handsome; I guess it runs in the family!

Anonymous said...

AHHHH! Basement cat!

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