One of our favorite things to do is to become "Tourists in our own City" and truly experience everything Chicago has to offer. With summer winding down, we've been working especially hard to do things outdoors; we were so excited when
Pip decided to organize local-area dogs together for a ride on
the Mercury Canine Cruise.
Downtown Chicago is filled with amazing architecture, that I often overlook when I'm just headed to Marshall Fields. This cruise lets you enjoy the city from another perspective with your dog in tow.We set off on a 90 minute tour on this boat packed full of people, their dogs, and a giant red water bowl:

The boat travels down the Chicago River before entering Lake Michigan and passing
Navy Pier. It was neat to see the Tall Ships lined up along the pier:

I liked seeing the buildings from a different perspective:

Though we'd been
on the same cruise last year, it was still a little bit different; we heard some different stories from our guide.
Miss M treated the boat like a giant car, using the opportunity to stick her head out the "window" and watch the scenery passing by:

Apparently, she was also making these types of faces at passing boats:

Because she kept checking to see whether I caught her:

Meanwhile, Mr. B spent his ride as an 80-pound lap dog:

And it was so fun to meet our blog friends in real life.
Little Josie was one of the most well-behaved dogs we've ever met. She sat nicely the whole time, soaking in the Chicago River smells, but was smart enough to hide in the shade under her seat:

It was also great to meet
Neeko and his family. They were so prepared, anticipating everything they needed to keep their dogs comfortable on this exceptionally hot day. We'll have to get some pointers from them:

And while we
had met Pip earlier this summer at the Red Door Walk, the pooches were so excited to be reunited.

Though it was hard for Miss M to keep her emotions in check near
this George Clooney look alike.
It was such a great day!! I love the water and so much fun being with my friends!!
Your pal, Pip
P.S.: You guys got some great shots!
What a fun day!! I would have loved to be a passing point and have Miss M making faces at me!
Oh. My. Dog. Wot fun! I wish we had something like that here coz I would make mom take me!
How fun! That's so great that there's a doggie tour you can take everyone on!
What an awesome day - that had to be so much fun getting to meet everyone, Im so jealous - It may be time for us to head up north then :)
I love the looks Miss M was doing -thanks for taking photos of the day!
What a fantastic little excursion! I love Miss M's expressions in the photos and it was nice to see the Mr. Pip hanging out. I hope I get to visit Chicago some day and enjoy one of these cruises.
That looks like so much fun! I wish we had something like that in our neck of the woods, although Leroy would most likely jump ship.
Loved the pic of the tall ships, those are very cool:)
That sounds like so much fun! We love taking boat tours when we travel, so one that includes dogs would be perfect!
Playing tourist in your own town is a great idea - we try to do the same sometimes and investigate new areas, but we don't have nearly so many interesting things to do as you do in Chicago!
That looks like it was a lot of fun. Its great that you got to meet up with some fellow bloggers
Miss M and Mr. B,
Being a tourist, seems to agree with you both! We know Mr. Pip and it was nice to meet your other friends!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Hello Miss M and Mr. B!! 'da Josie had such a wonderful time and I's so happy to meet evfuryones in Pugson!!
You two Pitties have such a nice family and and are 'da Sweetest!! Daddy was talkin' 'bout Miss M's kisses on 'da way home..
It is fun to sit back and be a tourist in yous own town.. my pawrents were acting like 'dem wits 'da snappy snaps of 'da pho-toes...hee hees!!
Hopeful we's see yous for 'dat walk and 'da Halloween festivities at 'da garden!!
Oh wow!!! That looks like SO MUCH FUN!!! And Mom is SO JEALOUS that you got to see tall ships. (We don't get too many of them here in Utah, and she hasn't lived on a large, navigable body of water since she was a kid...). What a neat day!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Alien Pod Puppy
That looks like so much fun. It is great that so many dog owners got together to do something like that.
Oh! Everybuddy looks like they had such a good time! Can I come next time? How far is it from Collie-rado to Chicago? I bet it's not that far.
Wiggles & Wags,
PeeS. I think Josie was pulling the wool over your eyes abouts being well-behaved. After all, I've read her blog.
Looks like you guys had a Great day meeting other blog friends. Looks like the weather was perfect.
That looks like a lot of fun- great Apartment Therapy post too, by the way :)
Oh, thanks Shauna for the heads up! We had sent in some photos, showing our pet-friendly decor, a bit ago but we didn't realize it was up.
I just came across your blog through apartment therapy. I am so happy to find it.
I am a Chicago designer and with my fiance we also own two rescued loving Pit Bulls . They are such amazing dogs!
You can definitely have a great stylish home with two loving giants, which you also portray :)!!
I will check back often!
My best!
I read about that cool cruise on the puggie blog. It looks like a fantastic outing.
What a great idea--cruise with the dogs. I wish I could do something like this with Bogart, but unfortunately, he doesn't always get along with other dogs. I love your picture captions of Miss. M.
I've been after my husband for the past two years to go up and try that cruise! I'm glad you guys had so much fun. You got some really great pictures!
Wow guys you sure do have some amazing things to do over in your Chicago town. Josie is purrty cute. We think she is sea sick. Hope you guys had lots of fun getting a water view of your city.
Benny & Lily
What a fun! It's so nice you met all those friends! Great pictures!
Hey- just stumbled on your blog from the Apartment Therapy post. We are the owners of a purebred American Bulldog and I clicked over because your dog looks identical to mine! My husband and I had a smile when we saw the pics of your female because our dog has the same face and makes all the same expressions! I saw your other post about the questions regarding her breed- if you'd like, send me your email address and I'll send you pics of my dog. I think you'd get a kick out of how identical they are! We've always loved pitties but now that we've had an American Bulldog we're not sure we'll ever get another breed of dog- we're just so crazy about her!
What a most wonderful day!
Mr. Nubbin'
That looks like so much fun! You guys have all the excitement!
Nice that you got to see the Tall Ships lined up by Navy Pier. I went to the tall ships and sailed on the Windy (still need to post pics). Also great that you got to see Josie! I met her at the Valenpug party in February. Mr. B sure makes a great lap dog. My cousin had a doby who was such a sweet dog, but was totally convinced she was a lap dog and would try to break every bone in your legs to prove it! Glad you enjoyed the voyage!!
Wow that seems like a lot of fun! Lucky you're so close to so many blogging friends!
What a wonderful trip you all had! Miss M made some great faces :) Mom said she wished she could have gone too. I'm like, not unless you take me!**
She said you'd need to learn to be a good lapdog like Mr. B. I said, I am a good lapdog! It's not my fault if your legs go to sleep ;)
Thanks for sharing your fun day :)
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