Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Travel: "He Said" Best of Portugal

We left the United States and spent our Thanksgiving out in Portugal. Originally, I planned to surf for a week in Peniche, Portugal, but I couldn't get over my cold before our trip. So instead of surfing, I spent time traveling around the surrounding areas of Lisbon with A. 
This was my first time to Europe, so I wasn't sure of what to expect. Though I have seen some of the sights online and in travel books, everything seemed so much grander when I saw them in person. One of the hard things was navigating through the streets to see the sights and sounds of Lisbon.
Sadly, I spent some of my time looking at maps to get us from one monument to another and
even to the majestic Lisbon Oceanarium.
Since we were lost half the time, we walked almost every inch of Lisbon and pretty much saw everything the city had to offer and made quite a few friends, including this little guy.
We also checked out some castles and took pictures of their main inhabitants.
Though the trip was initially planned as a surf excursion, I had a great time exploring the city and surrounding areas, day and night,
taking impromptu photo booth pictures,
 and just spending time getting lost with A.


Anonymous said...

I love your photobooth picture! We don't get to see pictures of you guys very often! What a great trip! I'm only slightly jealous! :)

Leila said...

I lived in Portugal for a couple of years, then went back for vacation in 2001. Loved the experience. The people are fantastic and the food is great. Lisboa is so much fun. Did you see the aqueducts? I'm planning on going back in two years.

Corbin said...

Great pictures! Looks like a really fun trip!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Awww!! I love the last photo and the words~
You two are adorable!

Your trip looked like so much fun!!

pibble said...

I've only been to Portugal once, and I loved it. So glad to see that you enjoyed your trip as well.

Kate said...

Aw! What a great post. You two are so cute together :)

PoochesForPeace said...

Did you bring your new friend home??? :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

What an awesome adventures. Your pictures make mom want to go there. But you could just come here andsurf
Benny & Lily

Mel said...

Those cats look so chubs! hhahhahah

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

I *love* getting lost! Fabulous pictures!

Kari in Alaska said...

Portugal is on my list of top places to visit. While I lived in Germany for a year, I didn't get to travel Europe as much as I would have liked


dw said...

Lisbon is a really cool place. We were there for the last Worlds Fair of the 20th century back in 1998. Though we didn't spend that much time there, it was great to get a quick yet fairly thorough 'tour' of the city thanks to a cab driver who took us to a whole bunch of places in the few hours we had to explore. Looks like you had a great time as well, even if you spent part of it getting lost and reading maps -- sometimes you find the best places and really get a feel for the city that way! What a great way to spend Thanksgiving!

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Lovely! We were in Portugal a few years ago and loved everything about it...except for a delicacy involving pigs' ears - I'm sure you understand when I say I felt like I was eating dog treats!

Amy said...

Portugal looks fabulous! So glad you guys had a good trip.

brooke said...

Ive never been to Portugal! Looks great even if you didnt get to surf!

Yvonne said...

I have given you an award! Check it out at this link!

Liz said...

Wow! How lucky to go to Portugal for Thanksgiving. Pictures can never capture what it's really like. Sometimes it's so hard to capture the beauty and grandness of sites. Looks like a good trip!

HoundDogMom said...

Thats amazing. Thanks for sharing your Thanksgiving trip.

Anonymous said...

Love that last photo. It looks like it was a beautiful vacation!

houndstooth said...

I've never been there and I have to say, I envy you! It looks like it was absolutely beautiful!

Sightless said...

Aw it looks gorgeous there! I backpacked through Europe for a bit but never got to Portugal. How was the food?

Anonymous said...

What a terrific Thanksgiving! In Portugal of all places :) Good for you two!

Waggin at ya,

Bobby said...


Anonymous said...

Looks like you guys had a wonderful trip for your first time to Europe! European cities never cease to amaze me with their fabulous architecture and being so much more inviting than what I'm used to in the U.S. I'd love to figure out a way to move to Europe for at least a few years, or even permanently :)

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