Even though this past weekend was forecasted for rain, the weather was near perfect for our family walks. Mr. B really enjoyed going out and smelling the flowers and Ms. M didn't enjoy being put in time out for having tantrums whenever someone said hi.

Though A wanted to get more photos of Mr. B posing for the camera, she just couldn't get a good shot. Whenever she crouched down to take a picture, Mr. B felt it was the best time to give her smooches. So the only photos she could get clearly were distance shots.

On the other hand, Ms. M loves posing for the camera and A could always use her as a model.
Poor Miss M! She looks so pitiful in her timeout! But, I'm sure it was deserved.
Aw, Miss M - we thought you loved the attention! Havi is the worst to photograph because she usually thinks im crouching down for a belly rub! Although, I really need to start working on my photography skills in general!
Miss. M always makes a great model!
I feel like I know your dogs from the your picture posts. God forbid I ever run into them in person as I will scare them to death with my squeals of delight and hugs!! That first picture of Mr. B is priceless!
Gorgeous! I am very jealous of your lovely spring. Maybe we need to move to Chicago.
It's so hard to get good photos of dogs that are ever-eager to move and play. You always to a terrific job!
Poor Ms. M, it isn't easy controlling yourself sometimes, is it?
Nice walk! Love the tulips and Miss M. posing on the turquoise bench!
Ms. M's underbite just makes me smile, haha. She's such a ham for the camera.
ha, we understand the smooches issue!
I love your Daily walk in 10 pictures, I feel like it has been awhile. Miss M takes her modeling seriously and can't imagine why you would need a picture of Mr. B when you have a pro sitting right next to him :)
We think your pictures are great, they always are Ms M I am sure she knows how good she looks.
Licks Bobby
I love Miss M's bottom lip. hehehe
way to hold strong on the tantrums. that's how you build a well-behaved dog, right?
Good job avoiding the camera Mr. B. Bet you have lots of good smells over there
Benny & Lily
We were forecasted for rain too & it was a great weekend! Love it when they're wrong!
Great shots!
I'm hoping we can luck out and have perfect weather again this weekend! Yours looks like it was lovely!
A trainer's assistant once said "Tommy does everything with exuberance!" Sounds like Miss M might have a bit of that energy too. She's a funny one.
That sounds just like Levi and Neptune! Levi is like a statue and I can pose him anywhere, but Neptune just wants to come see me and the camera and won't hold still. I feel badly because we have so many cuter pictures of Levi than Neptune, but he's such a wiggle worm!
That one of Ms. M on the bench is pretty funny. She's waiting for someone to come by and pet her.
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