Thursday, June 16, 2011

DoggyStyle: On Pitties and Peonies

Now that Farmer's Market season has opened, Miss M and I have been making the rounds every week so she can get petted, practice down-stays, and I can pick up some fresh flowers. While Mr. B usually stays behind, last week he came along with his backpack to help me carry things home:
and we spotted these beautiful pink peonies:
And since he was able to help me carry everything home, we picked up an extra bunch for next to Mr B's tepee:
I've found that having flowers around the house makes even these impromptu moments look that much better:


Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

Mr. B is so helpful!

Of Pit Bulls and Patience said...

Flowers really do liven up a room! I'm looking forward to practicing obedience at our local farmer's market. Skye was no where near ready to handle a crowd last year, but I think she's been taking notes from Ms. M!

How Sam Sees It said...

Those flowers are really pretty!


jet said...

nice that the helpful one is rewarded with flowers of his own! :)

Anonymous said...

Peonies are my favorite! We planted a few peony bushes this year and I am so excited to start getting lots of flowers from it!

Unknown said...

Hey, are you rubbing it in that we can't get Pauley's bottom to stay down? It is great that you incorporate training into everyday life. We hope to some day do the same. The Peonies are beautiful. We previously had 2 of them, but they did not come up this year :(

goosie mama said...

so lovely! Ms. M looks EXTRA regal with some flowers around :)

Anonymous said...

I love peonies! How come he usually stays home?

Two Pitties in the City said...

Yes, I felt bad Mr. B has to stay home too. E usually doesn't come to the markets, and since there is a big crowd, with potential for food on the ground, I can only handle one of them at a time. Miss M has been going to the markets for the past 5 years, since I've adopted her, and all the Farmers know her and she loves the attention. Mr. B doesn't really mind so much. But it's funny to see the different reactions I get when I'm out with one or the other.

In Black and White said...

We can get *near* the farmers market but can't wander round yet! Looking forward to doing lots of crowd work this year though - maybe next season we'll be able to walk through the market.

Anonymous said...

So pretty! Must be nice to have such a great helper in Mr. B!

Patty said...

Great pictures! Both of your pups are too cute. I love how bright your apartment looks and the peonies just add to it :-)

houndstooth said...

I love fresh flowers in the house, too! I think you're right, it really does just add a certain something to a room. Mr. B is such a sweet, helpful guy, too!

Kari in Alaska said...

We are going to a farmers market in vegas tomorrow but like it Cali, I believe dogs are banned :(


Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Flowers really do help- yeah summer! :)

Liz said...

Mr. B looks so happy to be helping! I love him!

brooke said...

your place looks so bright and cheerful!

Felicity said...

I'm not 100% sure Mr. B is sold on the pink though...

Zona said...

Oooo! My mom's favorites!! Mr. B doesn't seem as impressed as we do with how lovely your home looks!


Two French Bulldogs said...

we just love that last picture!!
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

Pretty flowers for a pretty house :)
We like to go to the market too, but doggies can't walk through no hoo!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Mary said...

Peonies are one of my favorites! I really wanted them in my wedding flowers, but my florist said she couldn't find any. We recently took the boys over to the Farmer's Market and let's just say Neptune needs a lot of work! Too much food on the ground and there was no way I was getting his attention back. I can totally understand only bringing one with you when you're alone!

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