This was so disheartening to hear because there are so many pitbulls, and pitbull puppies, that need homes. Not to mention that reputable breeders want to know where their dogs go, and would never sell their dogs to a pet store, so we can only imagine the horrible things that are happening to breed the dogs sold here. The storefront also boasted some of the puppies on "sale". Though I wonder what happens when the "sale" is over. Ironically, they also boasted having "German Shepherd mixes" which seemed quite plentiful last time I was at the city shelter.
Both pooches, but especially Mr. B, were very distraught over the barking that was coming from Puppies R Us. Mr. B had the barking hiccups and he could not control himself. Oftentimes he would charge for the door of the store, while Ms. M would whine and complain.
Miss M was very interested in the signs, and wanted to make sure it was something she believed in. It was great to see people of all ages, and another rescue pooch supporting the cause.
Even Ferris, one of the adorable available dogs for adoption through New Leash on Life, came out to lend his support.

Good for you all! It breaks my heart when I see pet stores that traffic in dogs that are filling the shelters.
The law may say dogs, animals in general, are property. As we all know, they have emotions that can be profoundly affected through improper care.
Keep up the good work.
Great job! I'm happy to see that Miss M and Mr B are helping out! As a naive kid, I used to love going in to the pet store to see the puppies, but now that I know better, they make me sick to my stomach and sad.
I know first hand the effects of a puppy mill as I am fostering a Jack Russell, 18 month old female -rescued from a puppy mill in Missouri. It is so sad to see a dog's spirit and body crushed the way hers has been. After three months in the care of a rescue and now our home, she is only now learning to BE a dog. It is beautiful to see her blossom, though there are some physical problems she will never overcome. I wanted to go to one of the puppy mill protests here in LA last weekend, but it was 106 degrees out and frankly this body doesn't DO heat like that! LOL!
this is awesome. i didn't know that Mr B and Ms M were activitsts. did anybody from the store come out to yell at you guys? did you feel like you managed to educate some people?
I am so happy to see B and M fighting for what they believe in. Were a family of volunteers over here, and Havi knows how important it is to spread the gospel. Did anyone go into the store while you were there? Do you think you made a difference?!
People should not even buy a dog biscuit in stores that sell animals - every purchase keeps them in business.
I just liked them on FB...Nala and I would be interested in joining a demonstration in the future!
Good for you! As a pet shop owner, I take every opportunity to tell people why I would never carry any animals in my store and direct them to the various rescue organizations and shelters around town when they ask. Luckily for Portland, we don't have any pet stores in the city that carry puppies and we've got a very adoption-supportive population here. Our issue is more the backyard breeders.
Good for you! You guys are proof adoption is well worth it
Benny & Lily
I am so very proud of Ms. M and Mr. B. With them being pibbles themselves and rescues to boot it is all right that they show there allegiance to this cause. Power to the dogs!!!!!
Diane and Furchildren
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E amei conhecer voces.
Tô esperando voces com alegria em meu blog.
Aus 1000 com amor do Brasil...
i HATE puppy stores. there were none near us in LA but they are all over the place in Vegas :(
It's so great that you guys went out and did this. We used to live near a Petland (ugh) and people would constantly be out there with signs promoting adoption and warning people about puppy mills. We never participated (I never knew when they were happening) but I always honked and showed my support for them when I saw them. Pet stores that sell dogs and cats just disgust me on so many levels.
I HATE that store. I pass it all the time. I went in years ago because I had heard all these rumors about the women who own the shop. They claim that they have a farm in southern illinois where they breed ALL of their dogs. Please...it makes me sick. Great job! Let me know if you need more protestors I would be more then happy to join in!
They just passed a law in the city where I live ( Glendale, CA), that it is illegal for a pet shop to sell puppies! However they are allowed to adopt out animals from shelters and rescues. I don't know if this is a first, but I am proud to live here and I hope it catches on.
Great job you guys! Those puppy stores make me sick!
It's so horrible that there are places like that! We have a few here, but they're all slowly going out of business with the huge rescue efforts we have here...
Good job two pitties in the city and family! Love how much you guys do for pitties and pets in general!
Great job! I am owned by two beautiful soft coated wheaten terriers. It's a breed which is popular with puppy millers because they are such gorgeous puppies. Sadly as a result there are a lot of wheatens who end up in rescue as people buy them not realising how much time it takes to care for them.
Way to go Miss M and Mr. B!
That is a great cause to join! I'll never forget the puppy mill bust I helped with a few years ago- it's the epitome of human greed.
i just adore your blog and look forward to reading it everyday although i may not be able to comment from my phone . i hope you know its one of my favorites and this is one of the many reasons why. you are inspiring and i thank you for all you do for our animals in this world
Good for you! One day there will be laws banning puppy mills. Paws together that that day comes soon!
Waggin at ya,
What a sad state of affairs! But, we're so glad you all are lending a paw to helping stop this atrocious practice!
The Road Dogs
It's hard to fathom that a person would still go to a pet store to buy a dog or cat. But it's beyond the pale to buy or sell a pit bull. Wow. It's so great that Miss M and Mr B got out to protest!
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