Thursday, January 17, 2013

DoggyStyle: Minimizing Toy Clutter

One of our ongoing struggles with the pups is living in a smaller space and managing our stuff, the dog stuff, and trying to make sure our home doesn't look too much like an aisle of Petsmart.
Even after spending time cleaning, the pups will keep taking their toys out and leave them laying around so things don't look so clean anymore.
After trying to fight it, I realized that maybe I could find some "pretty" toys that I actually wouldn't mind being left laying around.
Miss M is not very particular about the toys she plays with. She only likes toys to toss in the air and shove in Mr. B's face, so I knew she would cooperate. I picked up some thicker, nicer looking fabric from Ikea and I made her some toy bones.
I'm still learning to sew, but for now they seem good enough for Miss M.
She likes carrying them around and showing them off to Mr. B:
I like that once the toys are abandoned, they actually look nice and blend in with our other pillows and decor.
Can you even see it?
Of course our favorite is still when Miss M decides to clean up after herself and put her own toys away.
Does anyone else have any cute dog toys you would recommend?
Or other ideas to keep things neat?

How we taught Miss M to put her toys away
Personalizing Mr. B's toy bin
More Dog Organization!


Hannah@Eriesistibull said...

I've seen these bones in other photos and didn't realize you made them! Edi plays with toys the same way Ms. M does and Tess could care less about toys (unless Ed has one). These would look super cute as pillows in my reading nook -- I have dog art there!

Kirsten (peacefuldog) said...

Those are pretty toys! I'm afraid that toys only look like toys for a few minutes in my house, after which point they start to look like bits of stuffing and stringy shreds of felt strewn about :)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Mom calls us hoarders. Your house always looks clutter less
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

What a great idea!

Anonymous said...

How creative! So pretty. Our house is constantly strewn with shards of nylabones, threads of tug ropes, and some fluffing thrown into the mix!

Rebecca said...

Love this! I sew Eleanor little stuffed bones and dogs...perhaps a touch canabalistic. My current project is figuring out how to make felted balls (a la "woolzees") and these funny little rope toys that she loves so much. And, I agree with Benny & Lily's human...our apt always looks like a tornado just went through a stuffy factory. R + E

Unknown said...

Oh how I wish I could sew! Your place looks like it is right out of a magazine....We have pretty much given up; I pick up toys once or twice a week & the rest of the time.....eeeeek!

My Two Pitties said...

They do look great! My issue is bones. I like to leave a few bones out for when they get the urge to chew, but there is no way to make those things looks pretty:(

Heatherkay said...

What kinds of fabric are you using? Do you find that it is sufficiently durable to stand up to chewing? Moderate chewing? Heavy chewing?

Anonymous said...

You have some super cute toys! They pups are so lucky!

I wish I could recommend cute toys but we can't leave them out at all and have to supervise when they do b/c Dottie likes to eat them. I don't mean destuff them, I mean eat whatever she destroys!

Two Pitties in the City said...

@Rebecca, I love those felted balls too! Let us know if you do ever figure out how to make those!
@Heatherkay, we're using a thicker type of fabric that we got from Ikea. Almost canvas-like. Our dogs aren't really heavy chewers, they just like to carry things around.

Heatherkay said...

Thanks! I might have to go get some serious upholstery fabric and try this out. My dog is still a chewish Chowish puppy, but he's gradually growing out of that and turning into more of a shake-it-until-its-neck-breaks kind of dog.

Two Pitties in the City said...
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Anonymous said...

Does anyone else have any cute dog toys you would recommend? Or other ideas to keep things ...

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