Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pooches: A Dog Walk with Mini Me

Ever since Mr. B got his new best friend, they have been inseparable. Even when we go on walks, he tries to bring the mini me along. So I decided to let him bring the mini me along and see how far he can go carrying his new toy.
Mr. B and Ms. M are all suited up and ready to go with Mr. B holding mini me.We set off on our walk with Mr. B very excited to show off of his new toy.Even Ms. M wanted the attention and she tried very hard to take the toy from Mr. B, but he was not having any of that.He sat patiently at corners with his new toy watching out for cars.He would even pee while holding his new toy and then he would continue walking.
Throughout our 2 mile walk, Mr. B only dropped his toy to check out a dead squirrel.After a two mile walk, we are back home. It must be pretty exhausting holding your new toy the whole time.


Unknown said...

Since his new toy looks like a Chicago street rat he probably freaked a lot of people out. What a funny sight.

Kari in Alaska said...

so cute. mesa does that with her tennis balls

genevieve said...

this is absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said...

Nice post! Mr. B is so cute while holding his mini me toy. I feel like he's so proud of the new toy. The photo of him peeing while holding the mini me toy is funny.

Our dog, Jaguar, loves to roam outside too. However, he always pees on the carpet every time we arrive home. We kept on training him not to do so. Because our carpet became so stinky, we called the carpet cleaners (Indianapolis IN-based services) for help in cleaning our living room carpet. It seems that Jaguar understood what we've been into since he stopped peeing on the carpet after he saw the carpet cleaning Indianapolis service done in our house. Thanks for sharing photos of these two adorable dogs!

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