This is what it looks like when we go on our morning walk:

And this is what it looks like when we go on our evening walk:

It has been the darkness, much more than the cold or snow, that has made this winter so miserable. The streets are empty, rats feel free to cross to at will, and Miss M. takes photos that look like she has laser beams shooting out of her eyeballs.
Luckily for us all, it is winter solstice; it can't get any darker than it already is.And even though we have a long 4 more months of Chicago winter, I'm optimistic the sunlit days will be back soon:
Miss M's expression just kills me! I love it.
we don't miss the dark winters of Alaska thats for sure! I really enjoy the fact that the days are not as dark here in LA :)
nice magical eyes miss M
we likey
the houston pittie pack
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