We first noticed that Mr. B loves staring at himself at my mother's home. He was walking by a full length mirror and as he was passing by, he did a double-take and stopped. He then sat for the next several minutes staring at himself. Then he would check the back of the mirror to find his doppelganger. Poor Mr. B never found the dog that was staring him down in the mirror. Then this past Saturday, when we stopped by P's place to hang out with little puppy B, Mr. B found his doppelganger again in P's store window.

Mr. B happily stood for several minutes staring at his doppelganger and he would break every so often to find a way into the store to hang out with his long lost friend.
He just knows what handsome looks like!
Well, can you blames him for wanting to play with somebuddy so handsome? There's a dog that lives in my oven that I see every so often, but I don't want to play with it. To tells ya the truth, it kinda skeers me.
Wiggles & Wags,
the only thing better than Mr. B is two Mr. Bs :)
Perferctly normal! because when you look as good and handsomest as Mr. B you need to stop and take a moment to check yourself out and make sure woo are looking good for all the LADIES!
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Haha I love when they do that. My two newest foster puppies saw their reflection in the glass door yesterday and went nuts! They barked and carried on for several minutes until I could turn off the lights to end the reflection. They were NOT happy about meeting two ghost dogs!
the super handsome mr. b is just makin' sure all his furs are in place! don't judge!
the booker man
who would'nt want to stare at all that gorgeous studliness all day.
its ok mr B
we would do the same if we looked like you
pibble sugars and wee wags
the pittie pack
heheheh Mr B and Darwin do the same things! sometimes she'll leave the living room and we'll find her sitting on the edge of the bed in the bedroom staring at herself in the mirror. hahaha
When Mickey was a pup he would "play" with his reflection in the mirror. That was when we knew we had to get him a buddy :)
What a handsome fella in that mirror BOL
Benny & Lily
LOL...Dory also can stare at the little white puppy in the mirror for ages!
One of my dogs used to bark at her reflection in the stereo cabinet and another saw a friend in the oven door. I guess he wondered why I was cooking that good looking dog.
We are glad Mr B doesn't bark at himself and is looking for a friend... unlike Candy who barks at herself in the reflection of the dishwasher!
xo martine & the kiddlets
How does that song go?
Oh, Lord, it's hard to be humble - when you're perfect in every way ...
Perfect, Mr B, perfect!
It's because he's so darn handsome! He can't help but stare. I would stare too ;)
That is adorable! Whoa - did you see that gorgeous dog? I must have a closer look :)
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