This happens every so often and we could never figure out what causes Mr. B to go crazy and have a rampage around the house, actually his rampage is really only in this area. We were able to deduce that in some instances he was trying to get a toy out of the toy bin, but his arms are so short that he pushes the toy bin around until it topples over. However, this time, the rug was all pulled up and the sofa was pushed back. After putting everything back and letting the pooches out, we see Ms. M crawling under the sofa for something.
She comes out with a kong filled with treats.
Apparently Mr. B knocked his treat filled kong under the sofa and he was desperately trying to get at it. Unlike Ms. M, Mr. B has really stubby arms so he couldn't reach under the sofa and fish it out with his tiny paws. Poor Mr. B, after all that work, Ms. M got the treats.
What we can't figure out is why Ms. M's crate was moved around.
Poor Mr. B! He sure got the wrong end of that deal!
I've come home before to have the couches moved and/or crooked. I always wonder what in the world they were doing! Silly pups!
Curse you, T-Rex arms!
Oops! Lost the Kong on that one! Dangit - stubby arms are not the best for getting the goods from under the couch!
well, at least he wasn't bored while you were gone. ;)
the booker man's mama
Poor Mr B! Stubby arms foiled him again!
AWW poor mr b!!! please to give him extra sugars from ush. we think stubby arms are cute.
pibble wiggles
the pittie pack
That is hilarious!
You need a Nanny Cam - we keep talking about getting one of those.
Poor Mr. B!
I do love his face though - he has a big ole blocky head like Haleigh and you just want to kiss him all over!
Oh dear. Maybe you shoulds set up a video camera and watch the shenanigans. I bets you'd get a good laugh out of it. Poor stubby-armed Mr. B. (Brudder Ranger has the same problem.)
Wiggles & Wags,
I was cracking up when I read the post, and then I got to the comments and read badmuthafudruckers "Curse you, T-Rex arms!" comment and practically fell off my chair. You guys have the most hilarious dog stories.
Mr B must have been frantic to get the kong, shame he has short arms.
Oh, poor Mr. B! The world my never know!
Oh, that first picture of Mr. B... I love it.
The poor fellow went through so much trouble rearranging the furniture, and Miss M wins out. Poor guy!
A valiant effort Mr. B - bless your sweet little heart. Must have Kong. Must have Kong!
I've often thought a video camera set up whilst we're out would be very interesting - knowing my luck I would take ages to set it up and that day all my two would do was sleep lol
maybe she moved it in an attempted to get the treats after Mr. B failed?
Poor Mr. B! That must have been so frustrating. Kind of like when you are dying for the chips or cookies you just bought but can't open the package. That's the worst!
Levi moves the entire couch even with us sitting on it. He rubs up against the side under the armrest and manages to lift and slide the whole thing. And apparently yesterday he did a flying leap right from across the room, cleared the armrest, and landed on my husband, who may or may not be sterile for life as a result.
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