You never know what you will see when walking through the side streets of Chicago. Ms. M is trying to get a closer look of the military artifacts in front of this apartment complex.
On another side street, we find a random bed and breakfast.

Mr. B is now a true city dog. The sounds of honking horns, sirens, yelling people and all do not phase him anymore. He even crosses major city streets with his head held high.

Mr. B is not even phased by all the visual stimuli. He just walks by an ad for The Boondocks on a permission space.

Even though most people live in apartments and condos, we see a lot of people with large dogs, like this mastiff. Having larger dogs forces us to go out and explore the city.

While hanging out at the park, nosy Ms. M sticks her nose into our bag for some goodies from the farmer's market.

Eventually she got bored and hung out with Mr. B looking for potential playmates.

Though it was cooler than last week, the pooches were still panting at the 2 mile mark of our long family walk.

And Mr. B decided to take a break and lay on the relatively cool concrete.

Eventually Ms. M decided to sit all lady like at an intersection as we wait to cross the street.
I love the way she sits! It is too cute!
And what a lady she is!
You guys must get up EARLY for your walkies!!
Haha! I likes how Mr. B was all splayed out on the concrete. And I luvs the way Miss M is sitting. I sits like that lots of times, too!
So was Mr. B skeered of the city noises at first? I'm so impressed that he doesn't worrys about all that hub bub!
Wiggles & Wags,
Your dogs just crack me up.
Mr. B is hilarious and Ms. M is just too much.
I would get more of a workout laughing at them then walking.
Miss M has such nice lady manners, one could only HOPE that Mia could pick up her tips.
That is so good that city noises don't bother Mr. B...I mean I would think nothing less of the MACHO MAN....errr....DOG....
Hope woo two scored some noms on your walkie...
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
Ms M is such a lady! hehehe. Looks like a great walk!
We love when you guys take us along on your adventures. We like to sniff and explore your city. We saw a show about Chicago and these tasty beef sandwiches. Did you find anything good at the market? Have a fun day
Benny & Lily
I love it when dogs sit like that! Levi takes Mr. B's approach of just plopping down when he's had enough. That's a lot lately. I can only dream of fall when we can again walk briskly.
Ha ha ha! That last picture just got me! I would love having so many different things to see on walks!
You guys are so brave! That stuff behind the fence looks scary!
That photo of Miss M reminds me how Mesa always sticks her head into every bad she can!
What a fun walk! It is so great that they are both at ease with all the traffic noises. We are trying to get Jacob to relaxing while walking on our busy suburbia street without being spooked.
Very ladylike :p
2 miles!!! You guys are way cool! Maybe in my next life I will be a big dog ...
Your pal, Pip
ya'll go on some grrreat walkies!!
mama says that my big sis asa was scared of cars 'n stuff when she was first adopted, but not anymore! i'm glad mr. b isn't scared anymore either!
the booker man
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