Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pooches: Dog Seat Belts Update

Just in time for our summer road trips, we received the Kwik Connect Tether for the Petbuckle Pet Harness. To recap our previous post, we researched dog seat belts for our two pooches, because we were afraid that if we were ever in an accident the pooches would be launched out the window or possibly at us. After over a year of use, we are somewhat satisfied with our choice. We wish we looked into the upgraded version with the seat belt quality buckles. Though it really isn't that time consuming, it still is a hassle to pull the pooches legs through the straps and adjust the strap length at the adjusters. With the seat belt quality buckles, we could have the straps adjusted and just click in the straps under the pooches front legs. Another main complaint is the diamond rubber piece that keeps the straps properly crossed in front of the pooches is rather flimsy and tore on one of the pet harnesses. Though I have rigged a way for the straps to properly cross, for the price the material should be of higher quality, especially for the larger dogs. I have emailed my concern to IMMI-PetBuckle, but after a month, I have yet to receive a response. Finally, we had an issue securing the pooches to the car seat belt with the pet harness, but the Kwik Connect Tether has saved us a ton of time (actually seconds) and headache in securing the pooches to the car seat belt. Also, before we used the Kwik Connect Tether, the pooches would become tangled in the car seat belt as well as the harness,but now the pooches can move a bit more freely, but are still secured to the car seat belt. For the price of the PetBuckle Pet Harness, the Kwik Connect Tether should come standard. Regardless, we are now quite satisfied with our pet seat belt setup.


Anonymous said...

Glad you found something to make it work! I can't remember what ones we have, but it seems to work pretty well. They still have room to move, but are strapped in pretty tight. Our only problem is that Ollie is scared of his! Goofy boy!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Please don't tell my Moms about this. I know they're already thinking about it. How am I going to help drive if I'm belted in the back seat is what I want to know.

wags, Lola

Dexter said...

Oh dear. We are still trying to figure this out. There do not appear to be Mango sized seat belts and if PeeWee is buckled in and I am loose then I tend to harass him.


Unknown said...

Im so glad you posted this because Ive been searching high and low for something for my lab who has to ride up front with me cause Fred the bloodhound takes up the whole backseat. I think im going to go ahead and order this harness and give it a shot, Ive tried 3 others and hated them.

Anonymous said...

That's very much good information. My mom is looking into something like that for us, too.

Wiggles & Wags,

Luci's Mama said...

I should get one...Luci has been getting in this habit now of trying to climb in my lap while I'm driving! (she may think she's a lapdog, but she's definitely NOT a lapdog! hahah)

Two French Bulldogs said...

Poor babies all those troubles trying to secure you guys. Guess you are going to stay on your pawrents laps. BOL
Benny & Lily

Rescued Pittie Family said...

We sooo need those. Our kids fight us the entire time we're in the car to be in our laps. And whoever is in the passenger seat usually gives in.
Makes for stressful trips sometimes because it scares me to think they could get seriously hurt.

But on a lighter note, that last picture looks like it's Mr. B wearing the tutu and that is just hilarious.

Mary said...

I need to order a restraint! Thanks for reminding me. We were thisclose to getting into a horrible accident over the weekend and Levi was in the car. I would never forgive myself if something happened to him and it was preventable. I wonder how he will feel about wearing a harness. I'm sure if food is involved, he'll get over it.

houndstooth said...

We got one from Champion (I think) and we need to spend some more time getting the dogs used to it, but it's a nice set up and definitely well made!

I love that last picture of Ms. M in her tutu in the back seat!

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

We are lucky that we have smaller dogs and found clips that hook on to a harness on one end and thread through the seat belt on the other end.

We are BIG believers in buckling our dogs in for safety...Great PS post!

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

We make to thank you for using seatbelts! Mommy actually helped search for yellow lab that was thrown out of his car in a roll over accident on a 3 lane highway, dog was found safe after 3 days. but it all could have been avoided if he was seatbelted in!
You Friends at
Life with 5 dogs

the booker man said...

not to detract from your very informative post about your pooches' seat belts...but when i saw the last picture, i did a double take because at first, it looked like mr. b was wearing the tutu. :)

Anonymous said...

Tealc's Hooman: Hmmm - that doesn't sound too bad... We might give that one a go. I admit that Master Teal'c sits on the passenger seat most of the time... :):(

Ähm - and what is the pink thingy your poor doggy is wearing?! ;)

parlance said...

I've got a good seatbelt, I think. It's a harness that clips together on the dog's back and then I attach it with a smaller leash to the clipped-in normal seatbelt. What I like about it is that the actual seatbelt is fastened, even though the dog isn't in it, so I'm hopeful that in a crash the recoil of the seatbelt would actually work. Most of the dog seatbelts are just designed to stop the dog killing the human by hurtling around the car in a crash.

Also, thanks for commenting on my post about crepuscular dogs (love that word!).

Daisy Dog said...

Seatbelts are a good thing. I need to invest in this, thanks for the good information. Love the tangled up and blue pic! LOL

Kitty+Coco said...

Great post. Wish you could find a setup that was more than somewhat satisfying. We are getting ready to buy two cube-like contraptions with harnesses for Kitty and Coco (under 20 lbs per pooch). Keep your paws crossed that they respond well to these new restraints. Mr. B and Ms. M look very pleasant in theirs.
Sighs (Kitty) and Snorts (Coco)

Kari in Alaska said...

hahaha I love Miss M hanging out the window :)

EGG said...

I was wondering if this seatbelt gives them too much slack to move around. One of my pups Chewy (90 lb Pit/mastiff mix) likes to hang out the window and when i say hang i mean tries to get half his body out and im hoping that a seatbelt will prevent that (right now we use a leash to control how far out he gets) so basically what im asking is does this give them enough access to the window to enjoy hanging their head out but not enough to get more than their head out?

Unknown said...

Good post! Thanks for sharing this information I appreciate it. God bless!

pet seat belts

Muhammad Hassan said...

You have outdone yourself this time. It is probably the best, most short step by step guide that I have ever seen. Best Gog Car Seats

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