Looking at how huge Mr. B is, you would assume he knows he is a huge, menacing-looking dog capable of inducing fear. Every inch of him is muscle. He has a neck the size of my waist, huge biceps:

And defined buttocks:

Despite being enormous, Mr. B is actually terrified of small dogs. We pass this dog each day on our daily walk; it is his biggest nemesis. It barks and lunges at him from behind the glass, and he gets really scared:

I guess it's just a human convention that size has meaning. Dogs just see other dogs, and they don't even think about their own size when they interact. This would explain why so many small dogs bark at Mr. B. I think dog owners should also consider this, and instead of thinking it's cute and hilarious that their dog is barking at a big pitbull, they should think how offended they would be if I let Mr. B bark and lunge at their dog.
Aw, poor Mr. B. It's so hard to be a big tough (looking) guy. Although I don't see a whole lot of toughness, I think he looks like a sweetheart :)
And I completely agree with you about people with little dogs (or any size dog really) thinking it's ok for them to bark at other dogs. It's not funny or cute. It's just rude and annoying.
That is so true, that other small dog owners should think about what they would feel like if the roles were reversed!
Mr. B is a Big Man, he's just a gentle one. STRONG, but Silent! Sounds like a guy I would like to date. lol. Don't tell my husband...Tee-Hee.
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
Long time lurker, first time commenter. We adopted a pup that I think is a pit/boxer/shar pei (maybe? we're really not sure. we are sure he's the cutest dog!) and he's just like Mr B! Although Zeus is only 55lbs, when another small dog barks at him he's like 'yikes! lets get out of here' and skips away. I love your blog. We're in Philadelphia, so we share that urban environment. I love to stop by and read here during the day when I'm missing my boy! Your photos and posts are so fun! Keep it up, please!
I don't think Mr B looks so fearsome. He's just a big, handsome hunk to me!
He's too darn cute to be scary! But, I completely understand where you're coming from in regards to small dogs. I hate how about people don't think they need to train their little ones, but get upsent when big dogs are unruly. Makes no sense!
Is that a bottle of wine you have Mr. B carting around for you...? ;)
Oh Mr. B, I thought your mom was describing me. You know, all that muscle BOL. I think any human would be scared if a crazy human lunged at a glass window. Ugh, they don't get it. Happee Friday
Benny & Lily
Besides being rude, letting your dog agress towards other dogs is rather dangerous. Someday that little dog is going to come up against a big dog that's not at all afraid of it, and the whole thing could end quite tragically.
Haleigh Anne is the same way!
What about Ms. M? Does she freak out? Greighson doesn't. Greighson could care less, but poor little Haleigh...
It may be a pittie thing.
And I think it is hilarious too - until I get a little peeved because owners of small dogs don't think they have to obey the leash laws.
Haleigh is especially afraid of fluffy little dogs. Bless her little heart. I laugh but it's really sad. She could eat those little dogs, but she tucks her tail in and hides behind us.
Pitties are so misunderstood.
Poor Mr. B.....Wish my little Mr. B. would be afraid of big dogs...
Poor Mr B!
Darwin's not a huge fan of small dogs either... they scare her! Especially the yappy ones.
Sigh. Dogs of any size need to be taught some manners! I'm sorry that little dog skeers Mr. B. Poor guy. Give him a smooch right on his nosie for me, 'kay?
It also makes my mom cuckoo-nuts when peoples with little dogs are allowed to take them into stores in their purses and stuff. But bigger dogs would get kicked out! I mean, they're still DOGS, no matter what size they are!
Wiggles & Wags,
Oh my gosh, Levi has a small dog nemesis in the neighborhood too! His name is Scudder and when you say his name outloud, you have to use a voice of disdain and shake your fist accordingly. Apparently Scudder only acts like that when he sees Levi. I do admit it's kind of funny, but his owners are very aware of the situation and always correct Scudder for acting like a little jerk. Since the one and only time they met Scudder nipped Levi on the nose, Levi is happy to avoid him when he sees him.
But, I do see what you mean though about how it's not okay for people to let their little dogs misbehave because if it were your pit bull, they would freak.
Turk does the same thing! He also makes this high pitched whining noise when he's scared or excited that definitely dashes any thoughts that he is a big menacing dog - he just sounds like a big baby! :)
I hate when people have out of control little dogs. It drives me nuts!
Your post reminded me of our first pair of greyhounds, Treat and Hawk. Hawk was a pretty big guy, weighing in at just under eighty pounds and tall enough that I could walk with my hand on his head without reaching down. My mom has a ten pound bichon maltese cross who is just about the most unfriendly little fellow towards other dogs that you'd ever see. Every time we'd go over to my mom's house, he'd put Hawk in the corner. Treat just ignored him like the silly creature deserved. Well, one day, little dog went after her. Hawk went after him in a way I'd never seen! He would never stand up for himself, but Treat and I were considered off limits and he'd jump through any ring of fire to defend us!
We know that...Our momma calls it Chihuahua syndrome....people who own tiny dogs think that when they bark and lung its cute when it is just the start of bigger aggression problems. Mr. B...you are one handsome boy!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I agree completely. Many people with small dogs allow behavior that is completely unacceptable.
I love a big, beefy boy like Mr. B. Maybe the little dogs are just jealous!
Owners of smaller dogs who let them bark incessantly like that at other dogs really should have a little more courtesy. I mean, would they allow it if their dog were a Mastiff? Probably not. So what's the deal, then?
I hate it when a dog of ANY SIZE is allowed to act irresponsibly.
Hi - thanks for your post on my site! What a small world. We are hoping for a big turnout at the walk next week!
Mr. B. - maybe we can conquer our fears together! I am afraid of big dogs and don't worry, I am about as non-scary as they come - I am not a barker like some of my fellow small dogs.
Your pal, Pip
I love it!! But I've always called it Little Man Syndrome! And I speak from experience ( both men and dogs!.
Aw. I feel terrible for Mr. B. He's just a peaceful guy not looking for any trouble as anyone could see.
wags, Lola
amen to that! Mr B is so sweeet!
We agree... dogs don't realize their size. Case and point - our six pound Captain Crunch. He is ridiculous... except when he is distracting a big dog from attacking me!
From experience I can only say that it has nothing to do with FEAR! We big dogs just can't be bothered with small, fluffy, barky things and that is why we walk past quickly.
Tail in-between the hind legs - to make the little, fluffy, barky ones feel better…
Slobbers Teal'c
when we walk all three together people are shocked that BC is the trouble maker
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