Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Pooches: Daily Walk in 10 Pictures 09.29.10

On one of our daily walks this past weekend, the pooches had an epic battle with a giant stick. It all started when Ms. M found this giant stick lying around
and decided to make it her hiking stick.
Mr. B comes up with the bright idea to challenge Ms. M for the hiking stick.
Eventually Mr. B comes out the victor
but quickly found himself sharing the stick with Ms. M.
Halftime: there was a break in the action, when they found some new smells in their hood.
All of a sudden, action resumed and Mr. B took off with the stick with Ms. M hanging on for dear life.
Eventually they were on equal footing
but in the end, Ms. M was the victor, now stuck with carrying the stick back home. This was almost as exciting as the Bears - Packers game.
All of these pictures were courtesy of a camera phone.


Anonymous said...

Too funny! I love the battle for the stick. Always proud when the girl comes out the winner!

Unknown said...

Love this!!

Fred loves to carry huge branches. I just hate when he brings them through the doggie door and I come home to it eaten everywhere!

Leila said...

Hahahaha! Love the play by play with the break for the new smell in da hood.

Quizz has moved beyond his stick phase (thank goodness!), because he had the tendency to love the well aged ones that had bugs. sigh.

jet said...

that is adorable!

Corbin said...

That stick ROCKS!!!

Kate said...

That is too cute!

jen said...

That is so cute!!
I love the fact that they each took a side and walked with it...together:)

Mack said...

Heck has no fury like a lady and her stick!

Road Dog Tales said...

That is a nice stick, you guys - definitely worth fighting over, um, we mean "sharing."
The Road Dogs

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

lol- love it when my pups end up sharing ;)

Anonymous said...

Oh, that was VERY much exciting! I was on the edge of my dog bed til the very end. But, well, I kinda had a feeling that Miss M would win.

Wiggles & Wags,

Princess said...

This is always so fun for me to see. P refuses to carry anything on her walks!

bitt said...

So cute.

brooke said...

battle of the stick! ahhaha.
Can Miss M and Mr B teach Darwin the right way to carry a stick?
Darwin never seems to carry sticks from the middle... she likes to carry them on the end so they are sticking straight out of her mouth. I always worry she's going to impale herself so I end up taking them away.

Unknown said...

How sweet that they "share" the stick. Koda loves to play with sticks, playing fetch,keep away, and of course destroying them. Sophie isn't too interested though.It is really cool that they like to just carry them while on their walk.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! That was one big stick! Too funny that the smell overrode the "my stick" focus :)

Bettin that was a very fun walk for all,


Liz said...

They look so cute holding the stick together!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

That's so sweet how they both are walking with the stick!!

To answer your question about Millennium Park...
Rob and I had Josie in her Pink stroller which people 'prolly thought was a human stroller... and we had no clue dogs weren't allowed...
we even thought it strange that it was a nice day and no dogs...
we took her out of her stroller and started snapping pictures of her everywhere in the park...

at the bean, the fountain with the faces...
then finally.. a security guard came over to us and said that no dogs were allowed...
Josie called him a punk and we left... (hee hee)

and your Pitties are just as cute as Josie!!!!!!

Pugga Momma

dm said...

This made my day. And makes me want to take more pictures of my pup.

Kari in Alaska said...

I love it :) The always find a way to entertain


houndstooth said...

Bwaaa ha ha! I was waiting for a robber to run by and be foiled by the dynamic duo! I'd have gotten a good giggle if I'd seen them walking down the street with it!

Kirby, CGC said...

That's a huge stick dudes! I have picked up sticks but none that big! I bet you guys got a lot of laughs on that walk!


kissa-bull said...


pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Don Miles said...

I've been looking at your blog for a little while now, and thought you might find ours interesting too. We have a similar situation, but our pits are in Atlanta. Anyways, you get bored, feel free to check it out.

Levi said...

Ooo can I have the stick...let me have the stick...I NEED the stick...
You guys sure look like you have fun on those walks!

the booker man said...

it was a lot like a football game with "possession of the stick" changing over so many times! the pictures are so cute. i especially like when miss m and mr. b are carrying the stick together. :)

Nicole said...

I love the two of them walking together with the stick. That must have been a fun walk navigating two dogs and a giant stick!

ForPetsSake said...

Too funny! Try as I might, I can never get the girls interested in sticks. No how, no way. Nyxie will feign interest for a second, but only to humor me. Arwen know it has never had a heartbeat, therefore, not chewable...The pics of the 2 sharing the giant stick is fantastic!

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