Friday, September 10, 2010

Pooches: Mr. B the Escort

Chicago is a very walkable city; the only problem is we need to take extra precautions after dark. Even if I'm only walking a couple of blocks, I don't like to do this alone at night.
The other day I was going to meet a friend at a cafe mere blocks from our place. It was easy enough to walk there when it was still light out; I just had to figure out a way to get back in the dark. I didn't want to spend money for a taxi, and I didn't want to drive--parking is very difficult and expensive in the city.
I was wishing I was just like Britney Spears, who walks around with a big protective body guard, then I realized I had this guy:
Chicago recently passed laws to allow dogs to accompany their owners on outdoor dining patios, so I figured this was the perfect opportunity to bring Mr. B who could later escort me home at night.
Just like a true professional, Mr. B sat quietly next to me the whole time.And I felt very safe walking home with him. It turns out, the people I find scary and questionable are actually scared of me when I'm with Mr. B. When they saw us coming, they made sure to step out of our way and even cross the street. Which is funny because in the light he just looks like this:


parlance said...

And you know what? I'll bet Mr B would protect you if anyone bothered you!

jet said...

haha see, a pittie reputation isn't always a bad thing!

Anonymous said...

I do the exact same thing - it's great having a pittie "guard dog" to scary away the bad people, help me if I needed it, and look absolutely adorable (in my eyes) the rest of the time! :-)

none said...

Great idea! I often wish I had such a "scary" escort to take with me on night excursions around West Philly. And I’m sure Mr. B loved getting the chance to tag along!

Zona said...

Oh my dogness, that is the silliest thing I ever did hears. Scared of Mr. B?!? But he's so cute and seems so sweet!! I guess that's because we're furends. I'm glad he scares away the questionables at night!


jen said...

Your very own protector!
That is great.
No one needs to know that he is a big softie:)

Corbin said...

I know mom uses me for security sometimes. I know if it ever came down to it, I'd protect her... but most of the time I just want to lick your face!

Anonymous said...

Mister B is such a great boy for joining you :) I love that Chicago let's you bring dogs to outdoor dining areas. I hope more cities start doing the same.

-Boots' mom

Leila said...

Mr. B is truly the perfect gentleman. Escorts the ladies on their errands and other business. Discourages the riffraff. All the while being a pussycat.

Anonymous said...

yeah the great thing about the bad guys.. they believe their own hype about pit bulls! And our dogs are just like others.. they DO know the difference between bad guys and good guys. I'm pretty sure Mr B would have put on a good display of fiercesomeness if the situation had called for it.

RED said...

Too funny! Mr B is a perfect escort! Sometimes, when I'm in the office by myself on a weekend and/or know I'll be here into the wee hours of the morning, I'll bring Zeus with me. I just feel safer knowing that he's here with me and I'm not alone. He would hear something before me, and frankly, he's a big softie, but he must look pretty scary because most people pull their kids/dogs away from us when we walk through our 'hood. I'm always telling people they don't need to be scared of him, he's friendly, but I also love it when, um, unsavory people move away for us. I am not really scared to be in my neighborhood at night, but now that we have Zeus, I prefer his company all the time. Glad to hear Mr B was a perfect gentleman! Zeus is good when we go out to eat and sit outside too (except one time when the waiter stepped on him THREE times! I felt so bad for Zeus, he just kept backing further and further under the table!)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you had Mr. B to help you feel safe! I am like you, I don't like to walk many places at night if I am by myself. Even Flash and Ollie make me feel safer and they're ridiculous looking!

H Ski said...

I love that dogs can make you feel so much safer. It is always nice to know that your dog will protect if need be. Lola is my escort at times too. It is amazing how much safer she can make me feel

Backcountry Brodie said...

That is so cool that Chicago allows dogs at outdoor dining, as it should be! And yes, having a dog with you does deter the bad element, I do think. That is why mom feels safe hiking in the woods with me. When people ask if I bite, mom replies "All dogs can bite." We just leave it to their imagination.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Heehee! The perfect solution, and even if Mr. B. is a marshmallow, it's not like the scary people of the world are going to know it! Hmm. Maybe I should practice my 'scary look' so I can protect Mom in case of emergency (but I AM a marshmallow...).

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Mr B has to be the Best Escort ever. I bet he was so happy to go out alone with mom. Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Rescued Pittie Family said...

He has that big bowling ball head like Haleigh.
Very intimidating for people with bad intentions.
And as sweet as Mr. B is, he can smell bad intentions and he would eat someone for lunch if they tried to hurt you.

So safe.
And so handsome!

brooke said...

Mr B is a great escort! You should start an escort service! hahaha.
I know what you mean. Im a nervous nellie walking around at night, but I feel safe walking with Darwin cause who's going to mess with a girl walking a dog bigger than the average adult?

Anonymous said...

It's hilarious that people are automatically afraid of specific breeds, or just large dogs in general. We had a large greyhound who in my opinion, didn't look like he could hurt a fly (and he was black and white like a Dalmatian!). But because he was large and I suppose due to having the same facial structure (long snout) as a Doberman, many people were scared to death of him! Made me feel better about walking by myself also though, even though I knew he was a big baby :)

Mary said...

It is interesting that the sketchiest people are the ones who are the most afraid of big ol' pit bulls. I'm not complaining! There are people we say we wouldn't mind Levi barking at. Your dress is really cute, BTW!

houndstooth said...

I know what you mean! It's not a bad thing at all to have a scary looking dog with you at times! I'd be more likely to want to leave a lipstick print on that snooter of his, though!

Kate said...

He's such a good body guard :) I do this too my guys. Sometimes having tough looking dogs pays off!

Kari in Alaska said...

I have found that same thing happens in LA so I feel comfortable walking with the dogs at night :)


pibble said...

Big scary goofball! I love him.

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Awwwwwww!!!! Too cute!! Both of you are adorable!!

Okay.. so Anakin is my little boyfriend... and when Rob can come with flowers for Valentines Day a couples years ago... and sat down next to me to give them to me... Anakin had to Jump on the couch and stuff himself in between us!! It was too cute!!

I didn't know Chicago passed that.
That's cool!

Okay, so yes, We have been to Pug Crawl over at Joe's bar and Ben is a really nice guy. He even comes to our Jam with his Pug!!

AC said...

Yay for body guards (and double yay for such a cute one)!

I'm often grateful that Kona comes off more as wild dingo than domesticated pooch, especially when I'm on the trails by myself.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Hello deres Miss M and Mr B,

It has taken me furever to gets over here but I made it. We has so many of da same furiends I tinks it's 'bout times we be furiends too. :) Come visit me sometimes...'kay?

WOofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Meeka said...

If they only knew. Mr B wouldn't even hurt a fly.

Vicky said...

We're finally getting around to more pooch-friendly places here, too.

It's wonderful to be able to take your pups with you out for an evening repast.

1000 Goldens said...

What a handsome escort, we are glad Mr. B kept you safe :)

Erin said...

Finally we have some gorgeous weather to enjoy Chicago's outdoor cafes. Like many have said here, sometimes it's good to have a bad reputation. We get the same response when walking Erin. Have a Great Week & let's hope the the heat wave is finally over.
Erin & Mom

Mack said...

Mr. B is the perfect bodyguard! My mom always felt safe when she lived alone with Bella, her Rottie!!

Liz said...

Who could be scared of that sweet little face. :)

I think it's hilarious when people walk away from Bogart as if he's some vicious attack dog. He would never hurt a human. I don't even think he would to protect me. Good thing I've never had to find out. ;)

Chihuahua Girl said...

Hi! Mr. B is too cute for words! I am visiting you from The Saturday Pet Blogger Hop. Great blog! I’d love to follow it. Do you have a follow button? I didn’t see one.

I am a Pit Bull lover. I have small dogs now but I fostered one for a few years and he was the best. I have done some blog posts on Pit Bulls.

I invite you to come visit my blog and follow me if you’d like at

Have a great weekend! :-)

~ Tina

NorCalRose & Riddick said...

Because of my work schedule, we do a lot of our walking at night. I choose well lit areas but still feel a little safer walking with Riddick.

Road Dog Tales said...

Good Boy, Mr. B! Mom used to get the same reaction when she walked with our German Shepherd brothers. Even people that had dogs would walk the other way. Go figure. But it works out good sometimes. Hey, we like our space anyway :)
The Road Dogs

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

So true! I never used to worry at night as long as I had the girls with me - best after dark accessory ever!

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