Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pooches: My Pooches are Family in 10 Pictures

It is officially the end of summer and the fall starts today. We are quite sad that our days will become shorter and the weather will drastically become colder. However, Mr. B is looking forward to Halloween, where he can wear his fancy turtle costume. The Bad Rap's Pooches are Family contest got me thinking about all the stuff we did this summer as a whole family. This summer, we made sure to spend most of our days exploring Chicago, because we went through such a miserable winter.
We had a great summer going on very long walks around the neighborhood
and loading up the pooches
to head out to almost every street festival and the Pride Parade.
We met up with great, dedicated people at New Leash On Life's reunion at Wrigley Field and
took some pictures of the pooches posing in front of their favorite team's logo.
Lucky for us, we were able to foster a great dog, Wilma. We had a great few months taking her around Chicago.
Ms. M loved that she had a new pooch to boss around.
...until next summer.


Anonymous said...

did Wilma get her fur-ever home?

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

All of you made the most of your summer - as a family. And that's the best thing in the world. I hope winter won't be as bad this year, but I know that winter doesn't kid around in Chicago.

lotsa licks, Lola

Anonymous said...

Aww, I miss Wilma! I hope everything is going well for her now! What a great summer you had. Mr. B looks too cute at the Pride Parade! Praying for a mild winter!

Anonymous said...

Loved Mr B's costume. I can't wait to see your Halloween pictures. What costume is Miss M going to wear?

Kate said...

I'm definitely not looking forward to the end of summer either, but you guys had a great one!

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a super terrific summer you had! I luved looking back on all your adventures with you. And that last picture of you and Miss M - just TOOOOO sweet!

Wiggles & Wags,

Corbin said...

Looks like you guys had a great summer! I love that last picture!

Road Dog Tales said...

Wow - what a furbulous summer you guys had! We are loving that turtle costume, too :) If you get too cold this winter, you can always visit SC! We'll help you find a dog-friendly place to stay!

The Road Dogs

jen said...

Looks like you had a fun filled summer!

Love Mr.B's costume:)

Backcountry Brodie said...

Mom and I are getting bummed about the end of summer too. Wish we could enjoy fall more but to us all of the colors just means nekkid trees pretty soon, boo. How long until next summer?

Two Pitties in the City said...

Wilma did find a great new family with 2 dog brothers. We've been talking to her family, and they are going to send some pictures and an update that we'll be able to post soon.

brooke said...

Aww great pictures.
I wish summer was longer but I am excited about fall!

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

We are sooo excited about Fall!!!!

Love the last picture~

So glad that Wilma found a great home!

~The Monster Crew

Stephanie said...

Cute pics! Looks like it was a great summer! I'm sad summer is over but I'm also looking forward to some cooler weather. I don't want winter, but I like the fall. Too bad fall is such a short season to me.

little princess Luna~ said...

hi pooches~!

awwwwww i love this post~!!!! and wilma--sure do miss her~!! :(
i will miss summer too, but do look forward to fall and winter as it will be much cooler and holidays are coming up. mr. b--you look pawsome in your costumes~! i hope you and ms. m will attend my birthday/month howl-o-ween pawty on the 23rd of OCT~!!!!


ps. sorry mum and i haven't comment your blog in a while--we have so many furends that sometimes its very hard to get around to everyfurry. :(

bitt said...

Your pooches are so lucky and loved. I love that last picture. And yes would love a Wilma update too.

Two French Bulldogs said...

That last picture is great! Some buddy looks like they like that Halloween..BOL
Happee Wednesday
Benny & Lily

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Love it!

Liz said...

That last picture is priceless. Can't wait to see more pictures of the dogs in Halloween costumes!

Kari in Alaska said...

I am so sad that summer is over. We are enjoying living in a place that doesn't have a real winter though!


houndstooth said...

I know there have been lots of times that I've envied you over the summer with all your places to go! You guys definitely made the most of it. I have my fingers crossed for a mild winter!

I hope Wilma is doing great in her new home!

dw said...

It is sad to see summer going away. I really noticed it last night when it was dark at 7pm. But I'm glad I took advantage of some of the fun things the city has to offer, and I'm hoping by next summer I'll be ready and have my own pup to share the summer and the city!

1000 Goldens said...

Now that was a wonderful summer :)

Those Elgin Pugs said...


The bitter sweet end of summer!!
We love the fall, but not so fond of the bitter cold Chicago winters!!

We are glad we got to be a part of your summer memories and share in that boat tour day with you all!!

And guess who owns that turtle costume!! Josie!!! She wore that last year for halloween and it was a huge hit!!!

The Pugs have a dear puggie friend named Wilma too they wanted me to mention!!

Looking forward to the Spooky Patch Parade!!
Hope to see you there!!
Pugga Momma

AC said...

That last picture is just perfect. It really made me smile! So cool that you all were able to get out and take advantage of the summer as a family/pack. I've enjoyed seeing your summer city adventures too!

Dog Foster Mom said...

Thank you for the link to the video with Miss M putting away her toys! She is SUCH a cute dog and has the best expressions. You did a great job training her. I am not sure how to get Ziggy to pick up the toy. Right now I'm rewarding him for taking a ball out of my hand... I'm hoping he'll just kind of figure out how to pick up a toy from the floor on his own. You'd think that'd be an easy thing, but once there are treats involved Ziggy has absolutely no interest in toys!

Rescued Pittie Family said...

That last picture is just priceless! Love it! You should have that framed on your desk at school. So sweet.

Now you know Haleigh Anne and Bruno have the same Halloween costume.
Except Haleigh Anne waars the "I really hate you for this" face the entire time she has it on.
But she's a big girl! And we're limited in what we can find for her.
Hopefully Target will come out with some super cute costumes this year and we can get her a new one.
But if not, she's wearing the turtle/frog suit again!

The Whitfields said...

Mr. B's halloween costume is adorable! They always look so happy in your pictures!

Now does Miss M wear a costume?

Anonymous said...

All those photos are great, but I really love the last one of you and Miss M with the gorgeous view of the water! I hope Wilma is happy in her new home!

ForPetsSake said...

Awesome pics! I have to say, though, me and the girls are ready for winter!! No more allergies, heavy panting and short walks!! 3 weeks of 105+ temps will destroy summer fun...

Mary said...

Sweet little Wilma! Have you talked to her new family? I hope she's doing great.

I am psyched for the end of summer! Yesterday was 92 degrees and that's too hot! Levi can't wait for fall when his narrow window of temperature comfort (45-60) arrives!

Then again, we don't live in Chicago. Mr. B. and Ms. M. would definitely think Levi is a big wuss when he refuses to walk on winter mornings here! Even with his sweater!

Courtney said...

I love that picture of Mr. B in his cowboy outfit. He is too cute!

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