Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Schwang Manor: Bears Game Day in 10 Pictures

While Ms. M was out checking out the plethora of guys in tight cut-off jean shorts
at the Renegade Craft Fair
and A was picking up after Ms. M.
Mr. B and I donned our Bears caps
and I wore my Bears shirt and Mr. B had to one up me and wear his Walter Payton jersey.
Since we don't have TV, I bought a TV tuner just for football season, so I can keep up with my fantasy football team and of course, the Bears.
Mr. B looked like a true Bears fan with his jersey and huge head.
Bear Down, Chicago Bears. 
Ms. M got home to catch the crazy few minutes of the game, but we were too preoccupied to let her join us.


Dexter said...

Guess it's that time of year again. Since it is early in the season, I can still root for your team as well as the Patriots.


Anonymous said...

What a crazy ending to the game! Mr. B is adorable in his Bears jersey and hat!

Kate said...

I love Mr. B! He looks so cool decked out in his jersey and hat. As the only other "man" in the house Nemo often watches SportsCenter and Football with The Hubs too, but he isn't nearly as supportive of his team as B is!

jet said...

That jersey is adorable on Mr B. He has such a cute face!

Corbin said...

So excited for football season!

Mack said...

It's always nice to share a hobby with your dad!

kissa-bull said...

our deawest mommish goes cracker dog cwasy thish time of year and we must just sit there and bear it as we do love her so . teehee

pibble sugars
the pittie pack

Thor and Jack said...

Mr. B looks so cool in his Bears jersey and hat!

Wyatt said...

Justa couple of guys...doing guy stuff. Go Bears!!


Anonymous said...

GO BEARS! That's what you're supposed to say, right? We don't really have a professional football team that we like so we're just as happy to root for those Bears as anybuddy else. And guess what? I'm talking about Bear poop on my bloggie today! Do you think it belongs to them? Can you see if they want it back?

Wiggles & Wags,

PeeS. My word veryify thingie is "goapess." Do you know if there's a team called the Apes?

Nubbin' Tails said...

Congrats on the victory!


Mr. Nubbin'

The Whitfields said...

Lord, they are cute!!!

Anonymous said...

MAROON cut-off jorts, no less!

Sounds like Ms. M has a thing for hipsters.

Anonymous said...

Mister B is TOO cute in his jersey. And how sad does Miss M look to be left out? Poor girl just wanted to join in on the fun!

PS - Go Patriots! :)

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! Go Bears! Mr. B, you look pretty darned good in that jersey!

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Mr. B looks so great in his football stuff. Just don't paint him blue or anything, K? Lots of doggies out here are pretty serious football fans. I root for the Giants because it makes Daddy happy. Other than that, my favorite thing about football is that it's so nice when everyone's gathered together watching it on a cold Sunday afternoon. No reason why they can't give belly rubs while watching is what I always point out.

lotsa licks, Lola

jen said...

We need to recruit Mr B to play for the Browns! He looks like he packs alot of muscle:)

Kari in Alaska said...

we are Lions fans, we should have won...


The Daily Pip said...

Oh no, Mr. B. don't tell me you are a Bears fan???

Your non-bears fan, pal, Pip

little princess Luna~ said...

BOL--poor ms.m~!!
for me, it's always fun to spend time with dad--but only for a few minutes because then i start missing mum....dad gets to jelly. ;)


Indy said...

Wow, what cute dogs! Looks like they loved their outfits!

brooke said...

Mr B looks so cute in his Bears gear!

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Oh my Daddy and Anakin Man love 'da bearZ too!!! hee hee


'da Josie

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! You guys are Bears Fans. Guess What? we were at the renegade fair early Saturday. I guess will see each other soon. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Road Dog Tales said...

Looking fine, Mr. B, in your jersey and cap.
The Road Dogs

Mary said...

This time of year is great when it's football season, but the weather is mild. Sometimes we take the TV outside and watch football from my mom's pool.

Mr. B. is so cute in his gear. It's probably nice for him to have a guy's day where he can just burp and lick his junk without having to worry what the girls are going to think.

I guess jorts are acceptable attire if you are a hipster?

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