Friday, October 22, 2010

Pooches: Miss M's Very Own Dog

 Back when Miss M was an "only dog", the one thing she really, really wanted was a dog of her own. She used to watch longingly as other dogs passed by, and would nearly explode from excitement if one happened to look her way.
When we were ready to get another dog, we used to joke that we were getting Miss M her very own dog. We knew the new dog would need to have her approval, but little did we know what a diva she would become. We found a couple of dogs that we liked, but during the introductions Miss M only scoffed at them.
After we went through this whole drawn out process, and we found our Mr. B, Miss M continues to think Mr. B is really "her dog". She uses him as custom furniture:
 This one doesn't even look comfortable:
Controls where he goes:
And monitors his drink intake:
 Mr B has been a good sport through the whole process, but now he's asking for his very own cat.


Maggie said...

What cute, snuggly pictures!! Since Emmett can't bring himself to stoop to Lucas' level of dogdom, I'm thinking about getting Lucas his very own puppy! :)

Dexter said...

Poor Mr. B. The ladies are so demanding. One must be patient. I am not certain a cat would help. Likely push him around just as much. Especially a girl cat.


P.S. PeeWee was supposed to be MY dog, but he pushes me around. What is up with that?

The Whitfields said...

Too funny! Mr. B takes it well though.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

Miss M and Mr. B are so cutes together! Mom just luvs dere smooshy faces.

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

Anonymous said...

Don't make me start a facebook campaign - if we get 1,000,000 members, can Mr. B have his own kitten?

Corbin said...

Hm, maybe I should ask for a dog of MY own! I usually use mom and dad as furniture items... a dog of my own would be much better. They probably wouldn't move as much!
ps. LOVE the pictures!

jet said...


Kate said...

Mr. B has got to be the most patient dog ever. Too cute.

Leila said...

Mr. B has the patience of a saint, he loves his Miss M. It would be an interesting adjustment period with a cat in the equation. The cat would readjust the divattude.

I know this from experience, Quizz has his own cat. He picked him out and everything. Now, Charlie rules the Quizz and the one of the two humans in the house. Since I provide the coveted chicken jerky, I rank higher than the cat in the pecking order. As soon as he figures out how to get opposable thumbs and earn a living, I'll be at the bottom of the pile. :)

Kari in Alaska said...

Mesa is Bailys dog, Big Carl is Mesas dog, Big Carl wants a cat. To that we have said no


Alison said...

I think my shih-tzu thinks that her Pit Bull sister is "her dog" as well. I am never sure if she is jealous that I am petting Sharona or if she is jealous that Sharona is paying attention to me...

BTW: Tomorrow we are celebrating National Pit Bull awareness on Winnie Cooper"s blog:

Anonymous said...

Mr. M is such a patient boy! We do not have those issues in our house. I'm pretty sure Flash still thinks Ollie is here on an extended vacation and will be going home soon. That's one long vacation since he's been with us almost two years.

Wyatt said...

Miss M is funny. Good thing Mr. B is so layed back! BOL


Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Ms. M you are hilarious. You guys look like you are related. Your pawrents should never have told you they were buying you your own dog. BOL
Benny & Lily

houndstooth said...

Ha ha ha! That reminds me of Treat and Hawk! Treat chose him at the kennel and ignored all the other dogs we met that day. Those two were thick as thieves!

Laura and Hans said...

Well, since you won't let him have a rat, I suppose a cat would be okay.

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

John always says we should get Kayloo her own cat :)

Mel said...

Why are all the girl pitties such divas? hahaha. Barksdale definitely likes being the one in charge of Ender.

bitt said...

Aww. Dog love is so cute. Sienna had her very own cat. It was so sweet to see them together.

HoundDogMom said...

I was told I was getting my own dog as well. That is when they brought me Amiee home. Geez I thought it was going to be a stuffie. You do look cozy together. We wanted to let you know that we featured your blog on our Friendly Friday blog hop. Your human does such a wonderful job of promoting pit bull awareness and we love your camera walks so we wanted to share. Winston, Cleo and Amiee

Anonymous said...

Those photos are hilarious! Mr. B is a very good sport to allow Miss M to be her diva self :) Too bad you guys don't live near us - we have a cat on the street that needs a permanent home. Currently people are taking care of it, but one day it followed my husband home and actually came into our house. Our dog didn't quite know what to think (she likes cats, but they generally don't like her), and she followed it all over the house, keeping a safe distance. Unfortunately, I'm allergic to cats, so began sneezing within about 15 minutes, otherwise, our dog might have her very own cat :)

Kellee the Caffeinated said...

What a great post!!! Such sweeties!

~The Monster Crew

brooke said...

hahahahahahah Miss M! Mr B is so tolerant of her, I think it's only fair he gets his own cat!

Coleen L. said...

This blog post made me laugh so hard!

Kitty+Coco said...

Bahahaha! Ms. M is so funny. Love how she sits her rumpus on him whenever she wants. Kitty never asked for a sister, but guess what? She got one and couldn't live without her now. She could live without the ankle nipping though. Mr. B is a sweetheart.

jen said...

Ms M is my kind of lady!

I love the pictures! It is so great that they are such good friends and that Mr.B is so kind to let the lady have her way:)

The Daily Pip said...

That's a riot! Tell Mr. B. I can help him out with the cat. I happen to have connections with a very nice cat shelter.

Your pal, Pip

Sightless said...

Ahhh! I love it!!

Even though I got Emma for Charlie, she definitely uses him as her warm blanket now that it's getting colder. Darn female Pitties run everything!

ForPetsSake said...

Hilarious!! We went through much of the same thing with Arwen - We had another baby, Raven, who was diagnosed with lymphoma at age 6. We knew Arwen could never be on her on her own, so Nyxie came to be. And she OWNs Nyxie - 2 peas in a pod, a dictator-led, pod...

AC said...

The perfect Friday pick-me-up! =)

Boss Mare Eventing said...

love them! Our dogs are much the same, so entertaining :)

Lindsay said...

I just think your dogs are so cute. I love their different personalities. Does this mean you are getting a cat?? :)

IHateToast said...

This is what I looked for in a hubby. It's good advice.

Anonymous said...

Too hilarious :)Miss M is too much and Mr. B is a super sport.

Hmmm a cat for Mr. B? BOL that could get very interesting.

Waggin at ya,

Mack said...

Yikes! Hopefully Bubba just wants a stuffed kitty!

Peppy Sheppys said...

Hahahahaha! You guys are the cutest. And Ms. M does a great job of taking care of Mr. B who is surely most responsible and could have a cat. Who could have a bird. Who could have a fish. How do you think we wound up with 4 dogs in our house? Though now Edgrr owns us all.

Sheps w/Pep, Otis n' Edgrr.

Peppy Sheppys said...

Pee Ess. HAPPY PIT BULL AWARENESS DAY! We are glad we are aware of you.

Pup Fan said...

Haha... we always joke about getting Bella her own dog too. Adorable!

Oskar said...

I wonder if the cat will want a pet fish?

We're stopping by after seeing you on the blog-hop on Hound Dog Mom's blog.

Nubbin wiggles,

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

HAHAHA!!! Mom got me a dog (my Hippobottomus sister Abby), and yet Abby is the diva, not me... *sigh* Maybe I should ask Mom for a cat, too. Oh, wait, we had a cat and he ruled the house. Maybe I should just quit while I'm behind...

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Of Pit Bulls and Patience said...

All I can think to say is Awwwwww.... sometimes I think Skye needs a pit to snuggle with her. Parker is too much of a snob to cuddle. Anyway, I love the pictures (as always) and Happy Pit bull Awareness Day!!

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

They are a Bonded Couple for Sure! Love all the pictures,
I am not sure that putting a cat into the mixture would be a good thing (lol). We sure hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend.
Your Friends

Road Dog Tales said...

Now that's what we call "sisterly love." :)

The Road Dogs

George The Lad said...

Great set of photos, they look to get on well together. I think a cat would give them the run around!
Just catching up on your posts, I didn't know you could get white pumkins!!
See yea George xxx

Daisy Dog said...

Those pictures are great. If Mr B really wants a kitty there is someone close to you trying to find homes for kitties, you can find informaiton on our blog :)

jen said...

these are the cutest pictures that I have EVER SEEN!

Nicole said...

This is just too cute! I often think of getting Luffy his own dog. But that will have to wait for now.

Susan Campisi said...

Those pictures are hilarious! Miss M brings the phrase Top Dog to a whole new level. Mr. B is a trooper.

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