Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lazy Wednesday in 10 Pictures

In preparation for Thanksgiving weekend, we decided to show our favorite past time here in Schwang manor, lazing around the house. During the day, we get a lot of sunlight in our front room, so it is the perfectly lighting for taking an afternoon nap. Though Mr. B is usually the pillow, sometimes, though quite rare, there is a role reversal.
Ms. M could rest her head on most anything, but her favorite head rest, other than Mr. B is this orange ottoman.
Mr. B tries his best to separate himself from Ms. M and he goes to extremes such as placing two ottomans between him and Ms. M.
After the sun goes down, Mr. B loves to lay by himself in Ms. M's crate, but he soon finds that he has company.  
Eventually Ms. M finds a comfortable spot and Mr. B is trapped for a good part of the night.
Sometimes he finds himself getting pushed out of the crate.
Other times, the bed gets pushed around such that they have a little fort.

 Though he tries to escape the clutches of Ms. M by running to his tepee, soon enough Ms. M has found a way to make that space her own as well.
At the end of the night, Ms. M had enough and heads off to the "nest" waiting for her pillow to join her.


Anonymous said...

Poor Mr. B just gets used and abused my Miss M! The laziness at your house looks just like ours! We hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving!!

Kate said...

Poor Mr. B, he just can't catch a break. I love that he's such a trooper about it. Have a great Thanksgiving!

The Daily Pip said...

These are some of my favorite pictures yet! Your condo looks so sunny! You are so lucky!

Your pal, Pip

jet said...

Mr B is so sweet and tolerant. My puppies wouldn't put up with that kind of personal space invasion! Barbie puts Bender in line all the time. Bender doesn't try too hard to be close to her. He knows her boundaries. They will lie next to each other but not *touching*

HoundDogMom said...

These are great pics of the fur-kids. It amazes me how close they are. We much touch butts when we sleep sometimes but sleeping on top of each other doesn't happen much here. We all like our space. Thanks for sharing your relaxing day with us. Happy Thanksgiving. The HoundDogs

Anonymous said...

I love sleeping dog pictures! The fort picture is my favorite - they look like they are waiting for some midnight milk and cookies.

Janet Johnson said...

Those photos are the absolute BEST!

Corbin said...

I love how closely they sleep! Mom always wishes I'd snuggle with my foster sisters. We sleep on the same couch, but not usually touching.
ps. LOVE the pictures!

Kari in Alaska said...

Go Mr. B! Use her as a pillow :)


Two French Bulldogs said...

We must admit you two are thebest pitties we ever met. Do you sell the bookends?
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Great pictures. Hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving!

Levi said...

Poor Mr B- always moving around- come on Mr B, me n u will team up and push Ms M around! We will show her where to sleep, BOL! I wish I had another doggie to sleep on. I try to lay on my cousin but he doesn't like it (sigh)

kissa-bull said...

i just love hearing about mr b's sweet nature and miss m's diva behaviours. thats how my guero and coco chanel are but they could'nt be apart from each other for a second. even when we have to take them to the vet they have to go together.

Nick and Lisa said...

I love seeing Ms. M and Mr. B! These pictures are adorable! There's nothing like bully love :)

Anonymous said...

That is the most hilarious thing with Miss M following Mr. B everywhere he goes and even pushing him out of his own teepee! I guess most female dogs are just more pushy like that :) Hope you guys, along with Miss M and Mr. B have a nice lazy Thanksgiving!

dw said...

Poor Mr. B! He's such a good sport, though, to put up with Miss M's antics! They really are a cute pair, especially bookending the ottomans! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

gamebred said...

i sooo badly want a dog teepee!!!!

jen said...

Those are some great lazy pictures!
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving:)

Sightless said...

I want a lazy day like that too! Nothin' like snuggling pibbles - they sure are snuggling pros. Imagine you got an Old English Sheepdog - Ms. M would never get enough blanket time!

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

My dogs, especially Mickey, follow the sun around. Even if there is a tiny sliver, that is where he will sit :)

Kristine said...

Aaaawwwwww! I know I'm echoing everyone else's comment but those photos of them in the crate together, they made my heart sigh.

I totally need a second dog. Just sayin'.

Liz said...

I love the relationship between Mr. B. and Ms. M. They are so sweet together, even if they annoy each other sometimes. :)

AC said...

Your pups crack me up! I especially like the "bookend" shot of the two holding up the ottomens.

bitt said...

That is so sweet. It reminds me of our cat who just died who used to follow Sienna around to all the places she's sleep. It was kind of a chase through the night.

Ms M has so much love to give. :-)

Tucker The Crestie said...

Miss M. is a lot like Phoebe. She is always using me for a pillow! Sisters!

Those Elgin Pugs said...


Happy ThanksGiving to you all!!

houndstooth said...

Poor Mr. B! Just get him his own spot! He's such a good boy!

parlance said...

You two seem to be expert in the art of lazing around, that's for sure.

pibble said...

Oh, Mr. B, you are pushed around by that Ms. M, aren't you? But you're still the cutest couple in dog-dom!

Anonymous said...

I hope y'all had a snuggly Thanksgiving. I can't wait for our resident dog and our foster dog learn to snuggle like this. Mr B and Ms M are role models!

follow our foster:

Kirby, CGC said...

Cute pics, It's adorable how much they love to be close to each other!

Kirby's mom

Daisy Dog said...

Awww so cozy together! Hope you all had a great Thanksgiving!

Road Dog Tales said...

These pics make Mom go "awwwww." We love Miss M and Mr B as 'bookends' for the ottomans :)

The Road Dogs

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