Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Pooches: Daily Walk w/ Pig in 10 Pictures 11.17.10

This past Sunday marked the death of Mr. B's beloved pink piglet toy. The walk started off for A and Ms. M like any other peaceful weekend walk, but for Mr. B and me it started off with a lot of stress. Mr. B would not leave his piglet behind and kept insisting on taking it with him on the walk, eventually I conceded and we were off on our walk.
For some reason, Mr. B was crazier than usual. He was running around and jumping every second, but  we attributed his crazy behavior to the weather.
The moment we got the grassy ledge at the high school by us, Mr. B was out of control. He was throwing the piglet up and down the ledge and he kept jumping up and down after it. 
This riled Ms. M up and now she wanted to be part of the action. Before we knew it, they were both going after the piglet.
There were some amazing acrobatic movies and A tried as hard as she could to get the piglet before they destroyed it.

However, it was too late. Our two genius pooches were both tugging at poor Mr. B's piglet and now the piglet has been laid to rest, well until we can sew it back together. Soon it was time for the Bears game. Go Bears!


Anonymous said...

Poor Pig!! I hope you can sew him back up so he's as good as new! Have they mourned their loss yet?

Lola and also Franklin, too said...

Oh, I hope Mr. Pig can be repaired. It sounds like it was just some good clean fun that got out of paw. It happens.

lotsa licks, Lola

The Heartbeats said...

Nice to meet you! We love our big dogs around here!

The Heartbeats

jen said...

RIP piglet. RIP. Was he given a proper burial?

Corbin said...

Oh no! Did you call 911 and get the piggie to the hospital? Maybe you can love him as a non-stuffie... that's what I have to do with all my toys after I destuff them!

dw said...

Aww, I hope you can put piglet back together again! I've seen several dogs going for a walk around here with a toy or a ball in their mouths. Mr. B does look adorable with piggie in his mouth -- probably even more so because it's pink!

Tucker The Crestie said...

Aww, poor Piglet! I hope he can be resurrected.

Anonymous said...

They were just getting ready for the Bears game by playing some football! I mean, a football IS called a pigskin, you know.

Wiggles & Wags,

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

RIP Piglet!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Laura and Hans said...

The horror of it all! Poor Piglet. Perhaps there's something in the air though because Wilbur turned on his beloved hedgehog (his only surviving stuffy) the other night and I had to hide it.

Mel said...

haha...that was like a frame by frame story of how all our dog toys die

brooke said...

Poor pink piggy! At least he died in a good battle! heheh

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That last tug of war shot is awesome!

Mary said...

Oh, the piglet carnage! Mr. B. valiantly tried to protect piglet's honor, but it sounds like Ms. M. was just too strong a foe to overcome. RIP, piglet stuffie, until you can be restored to life. Levi still plays with his destuffed stuffies-they are good for tug until even the shell gets totally ripped apart.

Nubbin' Tails said...

You two look like you had a marvelous time. I'm sorry your pig lost his life though!


Mr. Nubbin'

Kari in Alaska said...

I am so sorry for the loss of Mr Pig


Sightless said...

Will they ever learn?


And I love that your Easy walks are on correctly!! (pet peeve!)

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Looks like they had a lot of fun with the pig! Mr. B looks so cute carry it in his mouth.

houndstooth said...

Oh, Mr. Pig, we barely knew ye! Perhaps he can be saved after surgery.

The Daily Pip said...

Run free, Mr. Pig ...

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

Poor little piglet. He never stood a chance.

Is it the weather? Because my dog has had a lot more nutty days than usual. Days where she jumps instead of walks. It's funny and then it's just tiring.

I hope the two of them could help tire the other out!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Doesn't momma know she is suppose to give piggy stitches?
Benny & Lily

Oskar said...

Poor Piggy! I hope he can be fixed up as good as new!

Nubbin wiggles,

Levi said...

Oh poor Piggy! I know just how he's feels. I love my squeaker and mom had to get me a new one too!

Bobby said...


Those Elgin Pugs said...

I had to cover my Anakin Mans eyes while reading this one~~

Poor piggy man!!

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