Friday, December 10, 2010

Pooches: The Many Faces of Mr. B

Though many people see Mr. B only as a stoic pit bull, we have noticed he has many different subtle looks. Sometimes when we see other animals, we think they look like our Mr. B. When we first got him, we thought he looked like a little bear. Specifically this guy:
Though when we were visiting the Lincoln Park Zoo, we also thought he resembled this one:
 Our friend thought he looked like a great white shark:
And we most frequently see him laying around like this guy:
Though I really think he's actually trying to look like his favorite toy: mini-me rat.
Which one do you think he most resembles?


Anonymous said...

He looks like the Flying Nun in that first picture, with his ears up and out. So cute!

Anonymous said...

The pig's my favorite! But, I see that same look at home all the time!

Unknown said...

Awww he does look like his mini-me rat; either way he is beautiful!

Corbin said...

I love the "bear" look!!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! Too funny :) I think he resembles all of those remarks quite well ;)

Thanks for makin me smile :D

Backcountry Brodie said...

Paws down, he is a dead ringer for all of them! Too funny!

Anonymous said...

Incredible!! I love this! I am especially taken by the pig look.

Our foster wonderdog Lollie resembles human celebrities more than animals, as you can see here:

We also do this with our Chick all the time. Our favorite comparison is this.
Baby seal:

Anonymous said...

Polar bear for sure...although the mini-me rat is a close second :)

Anonymous said...

LOL. It's gotta be the pig. Too funny.

As an aside, you mentioned you did CGC with Miss M. I've thought of doing that with Shiva, though I'm not sure she has a hope of ever passing the test. Any pointers?

Anonymous said...

Love the polar bear look! That is a very familiar look which in my house usually means a tired pit bull and snuggles to follow!

-- Sarah and Blackie

Kate said...

He's definitely a polar bear, but he also has a Zoolander "blue steel" thing going in that second pic ;)

OG said...

the polar bear and the mini me :)

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That is so funny!

We always see other animals in our dogs too:

Mickey- deer, bear, otter
Kayloo- shark, bear cow

brooke said...

Cute! I say the little piggie!

bitt said...

Haha that is so cute! That is funny we were on the same wavelength. I think pitties do look like piggies on their bare bellies. I haven't thought much about who Sienna looks like but I'll have to work on that.

Sightless said...

I don't think we get enough Mr.B! He's so darn cute! I can't choose a favorite.

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH I just luvs dem all!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS mom says great post!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I have NEVER thought of him as stoic. Not ever! I think he's most expressive.

And he reminds me of Baloo from Jungle Book. Check out this stuffed toy. It TOTALLY looks like Mr. B!

Wiggles & Wags,

Those Elgin Pugs said...

Very Cute Posty!!!!!!

Love it!! :)

Anakin Man and I are partial to Piggy Man..

(however, I got the most giggles off the first photo)


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

We are going with the polar bear!

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Olivia

The Daily Pip said...

BOL! I especially LOVE Mr. B the polar bear!

Your pal, Pip

Suze's WCAC Stories said...

I was leaning towards the polar bear, but each one does so resemble him.

houndstooth said...

I'm giggling over all of them! I think I have to go with the shark as my favorite!

jet said...

Polar bear, definately!!! ;)

Kari in Alaska said...

The piggy :)


pibble said...

I love all of his faces; I'm a sucker for Mr. B!

Daisy Dog said...

Awww! Mini me :)

Zona said...

Mr. B has the bestest faces!! All so adorable!


Mary said...

Definitely the cartoon bear! Separated at birth! Mr. B. is too sweet to be a shark!

kissa-bull said...

and we LOVE all the many faces of mr b!!!!!!

pibble sugars and wee wiggles
the pittie pack

Susan Campisi said...

A dog of a thousand faces! I can't decide. I love them all. Mr. B is hilarious!

A Wonderful Dogs Life said...

I love those flying Mr. B ears. That must have been one windy day. There's no way sweet Mr. B could ever resemble a shark. Maybe a cute polar bear or mini-me rat get my vote.


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