Friday, February 11, 2011

A Better Husband by Mr. B & Ms. M

One of my new year's and 2nd year husband's resolution is the be a better husband. Lucky for me I have a great role model, Mr. B to provide four steps to my goal.
Rather than always focusing on what we want to own, I should enjoy the things we already have. Like the pooches, we have everything we need and I should enjoy it all to the fullest.
 Like Mr. B, I must learn to concede more. In the end, making A & Ms. M happy makes us happy.
One thing I can concede is more space on the bed. In addition, I can emulate Mr. B and cuddle more, but not look miserable like Mr. B.
I can give more unsolicited smooches, Mr. B's favorite past time.
I can also learn a thing or two from  Ms. M, such as sitting and enjoying the smell of A's fresh flowers that are all around the house.


Brenda said...

Love it!! Especially the photo of Mr. B and the cuddling - LOL! :)

Maisie's Mom said...

I love this. you guys really seem to be such a happy couple (and your "people" do too). ;)

Levi said...

My mom is sending this to dad :) Words to live by...follow my example!

Mom wants to know where you got Mr B's teepee :)

Anonymous said...

Mr. B should be a marriage counselor. If more people followed his advice and lead, there would be a lot less divorce! I'd take a smooch from Mr B any day!

Corbin said...

Hmmm... maybe my dad should be more like me!

jen said...

Awww...this is so sweet!
I am going to have my hubby read this later:)

Kari in Alaska said...

More space in the bed is key ;)


The Daily Pip said...

What an adorable post!

Your pal, Pip

Bobby said...


Kate said...

Aw :) Mr. B is the perfect "husband" to Ms. M. Too cute.

Mia said...

Great post and photos!! It's amazing what we can learn from our furry friends!!

Jess & Lilo

Anonymous said...

Awwww...those are some super great things to learn abouts being a husband. Especially the part about not looking miserable while you're cuddling.

Wiggles & Wags,

Daisy Dog said...

One big happy family :)

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That is an *excellent* goal! I am sending this link to my husband ;)

brooke said...

So cute!

Jess the Dog Shopper said...

What a lovely Valentines Day message! I think that should be my husband's new year's resolution! Mr. B is a great role model...though I'm not sure about Ms. M being such a bed hog!

Two French Bulldogs said...

More couples need to be like you guys. Great post
Benny & Lily

SusanA said...

Funny, words of wisdom. We could all probably take a lesson from our pets in this area. I trust you'll let us know how it all works out :)

houndstooth said...

I think they're all worthy goals! Poor Mr. B in that crate, though!

Susan Campisi said...

Mr. B has some great advice. He and Ms. M should write an advice column together. It would be a big hit!

Heather Cherry said...

Unsolicited pittie smooches are really the very best kind of smooches.

ForPetsSake said...

A is a lucky woman! Those are some really good ideas, but I agree with you on Mr B's acial expressions. A bit less "yuk" and a bit more "yeah!" will go a long way :)

Anonymous said...

Awww there can be no better role model than Mr. B :) However, somethin tells me you've got an up hill battle on being any better of a husband :D

Waggin at ya,

pibble said...

How incredibly sweet! Your pooches are great role models, but I think the two of you are a terrific couple, too!

the booker man said...

haha! i love this. mr. b can sure teach the husbands out there a few things. ;)

the booker man and asa's mama

parlance said...

Dogs sure can teach us how to live!

Brenda said...

Just had to stop by and let you know that I've chosen you for the Stylish Blogger Award. I've come to enjoy this blog so much! Check out my post for today for details. By the way, your comment "it's like they get to middle age and just stop caring" made me laugh out loud - because that is exactly what its like with Lady.

Almost everyone I know allows their dogs on the couches, chairs, beds, etc but I've never been comfortable with that. Partly because of the vast quantities of dog hair that come with owning a shepherd, but also because I want it to be clear that I am the pack leader. The humans get to make the rules. Not Lady. Nevertheless, she will boldly scoot aside whatever happens to be in the way and climb up onto the couch the second we're out of the house - unless we barricade like Fort Knox. Geesh! What a strong-willed lovable rascal she is.

Anonymous said...

What wonderful life lessons. :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha! Very good lessons. Dogs are the best teachers. I am going to show my husband this and hope he gets the point. We could all use a little more space in the bed. ;-)

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