Thursday, February 10, 2011

Schwang Manor: Creating Spring in our Livingroom

 I've heard that the third Monday in January is universally, the most depressing day of the year. Though, morale isn't so great around us after our blizzaster, subzero temperatures, and additional snowfall. The pooches spend their days wistfully watching out the window:
To combat our winter blues, I have tried to make an eternal springtime in our living room. We like having a lot of colorful pillows on our couches, but what I really think makes a huge difference is just having live flowers. I remember I used to look through magazines and think a place looked amazing, until I realized that half the time it was just that they had really nice flowers. They definitely brighten up our place.  You probably can't tell it was a mere 3 degrees outside when this photo was taken:
I have read that you have to be careful because some flowers can be poisonous for pets. Luckily for us, our pooches respect the items in the house, and won't try eating the flowers. Miss M has also made it part of her daily routine to just sit and stare, mesmerized by the flowers:


Maisie's Mom said...

aw, she's wishing for spring just like the rest of us! I feel the same about the splashes of color...I don't have flowers around, but my walls are all adorned with brightly colored artwork. Maisie has never seemed too impressed with my "collection" though. everyone's a critic. ;)

Anonymous said...

Miss M must be mesmerized by the flowers and how pretty they are! I am so over this cold weather! It was -4 on my way to work today!

Anonymous said...

you know, i am always mesmerized by your flowers too. i love that you always have some pretty ones on your coffee table!
maybe over the weekend i'll pick some up too. maybe it'll even make spring come faster :)

follow our foster:

Corbin said...

Flowers sure do brighten up a room! Or maybe it's just Miss. M's smiling face! hehe

Mack said...

Tulips and Miss M. Two objects of extreme beauty!

HoundDogMom said...

Oh, yes.....I can feel the vibes of SPRING from them flowers. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Tucker The Crestie said...

Your place looks great! I love the tulips!

Also, I was showing a friend of mine Mr. B.'s tepee and he wants one for his Lab. Did you make it or buy it? And if the latter, where did it come from?

Two Pitties in the City said...

Tucker--We bought Mr. B's tepee from a toy company for around $100. There is a link and more info in our original post here:
Tell your friend we'd love to her what their pooch thinks of the tepee and a photo of how it looks.

Maggie said...

Flowers definitely make a positive difference in this long, dark winter days. I love the pics of Miss M gazing at the flowers! Maybe she's dreaming of spring, too!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Very pretty! Mom doesn't have much of an artistic eye, so we don't do the color/flowers thing. However, she does build a fire every night that makes things all cozy! (And we're having a heatwave - it was 5 out when we got up this morning! Of course here, it will snow until June, so we take our excitement where we can!)

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Heather Cherry said...

You're so right. Something about fresh flowers just really does wonders.

Love your pillows, too! Very eclectic.

Kate said...

You think Ms. M is wondering who her secret admirer is who keeps sending her flowers? :)

They look great. I can't wait until Spring gets here and flowers are all over the place.

Kari in Alaska said...

I think flowers make a world of difference :)


Wyatt said...

4 paws up for flowers!! Gotta have em'!


Maggie Mae and Max said...

Spring can't come fast enough fur my mom, her is startin' to get a bit cranky. ;)
Purty flowers in da winter always make me happy!

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

So funny! Toni actually stops to smell the flowers when we're out in the summer. Not to pee on them or see if anyone else has (we have trees for that), she literally just appreciates their smell as far as we can tell!

Jenny said...

Love tulips! It does look very spring in your living room.

Zona said...

Aww.. I bet she's dreaming of warmer days as she gazes at those tulips!! Your living room looks so inviting!!!!


brooke said...

I love tulips!!! I think fresh flowers are the best way to cheer up a room, yourself, a friend...
Miss M is so cute daydreaming while staring at the flowers.

dw said...

As I've said before, I love the decorating you've done at your place! I've been looking around trying to replicate bits and pieces of it here (I've definitely got the snow out the window part down pat!). I love Miss M with the flowers! It's like she just has to watch them - you never know what those sneaky flowers might try! Thanks for sharing a touch of spring!

Bobby said...


Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

I love that she stares at the flowers! Mickey likes to stare at the fireplace when the fire is going :)

houndstooth said...

We grow bulbs and bring in orchids this time of year for the same reason. I just find that I need green stuff around to make it though the winter!

Susan Campisi said...

I love your taste. Mr. B's patterns and colors fit in perfectly with the pillows and rug. That top picture and the one of Miss M staring at the flowers could be in Dwell Magazine.

Daisy Dog said...

Love the pics of the Ms M staring at the flowers :)

orange sugar said...

I wish I had room for a teepee. I think my Sabe would like it. He always tries to go in the closet to lay down.

Where did you get those stuffed bones?

ForPetsSake said...

Love your place and use of color. Flowers definitely add life and beauty to any room...I think it must be that promal need for the natural in all of us. And Ms M looking at them is too cute;)

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