Thursday, February 3, 2011

Daily Walk: Chicago Neighborhoods during a Blizzaster

Despite the 20.6 inch snowfall, the dogs still needed walking. Some areas were still too deep to navigate.
In some areas the snow drifted enough to create walkways.
 E worked hard to clear our sidewalk.
By the afternoon, most neighbors had cleared their walks creating a cavernous wall for us to walk through.
 This is not our car.
Or our bike.
We are lucky enough to have an indoor garage spot. So many Chicagoans depend on street parking and had to spend the day shoveling out their cars.It was great seeing the community spirit as neighbors helped shovel out snowed in cars and clear alleys.
This is a picture of "Dibs". When you walk down any Chicago street during the winter you'll see random chairs, broken furniture and boxes that are "legally reserving" their parking spot. See, our Mayor has the stance that if you go to the hard work of shoveling out the spot it's "yours". I agree in this situation, but it also makes things more difficult. When I go back to school, I won't be able to park anywhere because people will be saving their empty spots through "Dibs". Some people even try to save their spots through Spring when there really isn't snow anymore.
Miss M liked bounding through snowdrifts.
And finding downed tree limbs to chew on.
After walking the dogs, shoveling the sidewalks, and trying to shovel our way out of the alley, we spent the afternoon watching the action out the window.
Today we have subzero temperatures, so the people that didn't shovel out are having a really tough time. Chicago did a really good job of cleaning the main roads, and today they're finishing up the side roads and alleys. Luckily, they canceled school for a second day. Even if they have school tomorrow, I'm not sure if I would be able to drive out of our alley and find parking, due to "Dibs", near my school. I'm trying to prep myself for the adventure of taking 2 trains, a bus, and walking 1/2 mile (uphill both ways, of course) just to get to school. But today we're enjoying the sunny view from our windows.


Anonymous said...

I just can't believe how ker-azy that all is! I'm sorry the really, really bad cold temperatures got to you. We're gonna be above zero today. Yippee!

Be careful if you have to go to work tomorrow, okay? We don't want you turning into an A-cicle.

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

i know it's cold and that is A LOT of snow, but to me it looks like so much fun! I think back with so much nostalgia on our two big storms last winter . . .
follow our foster:

Kari in Alaska said...

I had to park outside when I lived in Madison, WI and I always hated digging out my car!


Anonymous said...

You definitely got hit worse than we did! Flash and Ollie enjoy bounding through snow banks as well, to my dismay.

I agree with Mayzie, be careful out there tomorrow on your way to work!!

H Ski said...

You got a lot of snow. It is nice that you were still able to walk. It has been below 0 here so it has been way too cold to walk. Lola does not even like going out in it.

Kate said...

Oh wow. What a scene - the picture of that car is nuts. At least the dogs seem to be getting around in it alright (although Mr. B looks a little shell shocked in that first photo!).

And I know this is neither here nor there - but there's E face! I feel like I've been reading your blog forever but still wouldn't recognize you two on the street (you know, if I ever go to Chicago). Although, I'd know Mr. B and Ms. M anywhere :)

Maggie Mae and Max said...

OoH yes you got LOTS more snow den we gots PLUS you had all dat nasty wind. Happy dat all of you is OK. It is very cold here but sunny and dat makes a big difference. :)

Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae

PeeS Mom used my new MAC to edit my photo yesterday.

Maisie's Mom said...

I am still trying to hire someone to dig my car out, I made an attempt yesterday but it was just too much (very heavy) snow and was already mixed with ice.

as for "dibs" in my experience people don't always respect it. I've had my chair, etc. tossed aside a number of times in past years.

and every time I read "Miss M" in your blog, I think of Maisie because I call her that too. the "Divine Miss M" when she's been really good. ;)

Jess the Dog Shopper said...

I see you've got the boots and the Ruff Wear Fleecy are they standing up to a Chicago winter?? I've reviewed the Ruff Wear that Cassie has and she loves it! They look super cute in their coats! Keep warm!

Taricha and Nyx said...

Here I was thinking we had a lot of snow, haha. That looks pretty ridiculous! Stay warm!

Sarah said...

That snow looks like tons of fun - so long as you're not the one who has to shovel it! Keep warm and go make yellow snow (to Ms. M and Mr. B of course).

houndstooth said...

I'm still waiting to hear if we get school called off tomorrow, too. If it stays this cold, I think we might, which is good in a way, but now my Spring break is almost a week shorter. :(

We got out with Morgan and Bunny yesterday and it was so nice. Cabin Fever is going to get ugly here soon! lol

Anonymous said...

Wow. You definitely had it worse than we did. I saw a lot of footage of Chicago on the news this morning. Definitely had it bad. But it's great you could still get out with the dogs. Shiva loves jumping through the drifts as well. It's hilarious.

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Having never lived in a city (no, really), that 'Dibs' concept is sort of interesting. Of course, on-street parking is also sort of interesting (it's not allowed here in the winter months). Today is our first day in the last 3 that we've had double digit (positive) temps; I'm just glad we didn't have eleventy-billion inches of snow, too. Maybe you could ice skate to work? :-)

Dr. Liz (the girls are napping after a much-needed hard outdoor frisbee session!)

Bobby said...


jen said...

Amazing pictures! Thank you for sharing!
Sherman and Leroy want to know if you can take them for a walk in all that snow:)

Road Dog Tales said...

Oh, my, we're super glad we don't have to shovel our way out the door every day. If it was up to Mom, she wouldn't go outside 'til it was at least 60 degrees!
Hey, you should get all your neighbors together and shovel a fun "maze" to go through. You could charge admission and give the money to shelters or something. Do you like how we think of work for OTHER people???

The Road Dogs

Maggie said...

Holy cow!! What a mess! But it looks like you guys are making the best of it. (That "dibs" thing... hilarious!!)

The Heartbeats said...

Now THAT is a lot of snow!!!

Tucker The Crestie said...

WOW! That's a lot of snow!

Brenda said...

I'm so glad I found this blog - it's fascinating! It's like this daily peek into a completely foreign world. First, pit bulls, then - city living. "Dibs?" So different from where I live! Now I want to know what it is like to teach in an inner city Chicago I wonder if there is a way to create a post about Ms M and Mr. B that could tie into teaching? LOL! The photo of the car is crazy, looks like Norway or something.

RED said...

Wow - that is A LOT of snow. Looks like you're enjoying the snow. We absolutely have dibs here in Philadelphia and for the most part, people respect the trashcan/old furniture (althought we did have an incident earlier this weekend when someone parked in my husbands spot just as he was arriving home from work - grrrr) as a placeholder. That said - we live right by a school and the teachers need to park too, so typically they will move the placeholder-park-then put the placeholder back when they leave. I know they park in our spots when were not there, but Iguess it works out for us because we're gone in the AM before the teachers arrive and we're back after they go home. I would consider putting a note on your windsheild if possible - I'd say most people are understanding, but I don't know the 'rules' in Chicago!

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous of your snow! We barely got any. It looks like your walk was fun! I hope you're staying warm!

Tail wags,

Felicity said...

That dibs thing is really odd, but then again I'm from a country where snow is extremely rare!
Love the blog - Ms M and Mr B are so much like my two wheaten terriers, it's hilarious. Anouk and Ms M, while looking completely different, could have been separated at birth with the attitude!

brooke said...

Man thats crazy! So much snow! I dont think I've ever seen so much snow! Stay warm!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Beautiful but awfully crazy. We see a lot of your city on the news lately. Be safe
Benny & Lily

dw said...

Dibs really is a long standing Chicago tradition! And it's amazing what is dragged out to 'reserve' that parking space. Those are great pics of Miss M and Mr. B among the snow walls! Stay warm and dry!

SusanA said...

"...uphill both ways" - in the SNOW!! If you could just get some holes in your shoes, you could use that for the rest of your life! Best of luck :)

Backcountry Brodie said...

Why even bother having school tomorrow? It's Friday - I say SCHOOLS CLOSED!

The Daily Pip said...

We haven't had any plows up by us and have pretty much been told they are not coming. Fortunately, our neighbors are taking things into their own hands. Someone rented a truck and is starting to clear our alley. I think Pip may need to be airlifted to his race on Saturday! LOL.

Your pal, Pip

Granite State Pet Sitting said...

Nice that you guys were able to get a walk in with all that snow!
We can't wait until Spring.

Jenner said...

Makes me sooo happy to have a fenced-in yard for my pack!!

Zona said...

What incredible pictures! Did you have to make the trek in on Friday? How was the parking situation??


Doreen said...

We got the ice storm here in Indy and today it's snowing. I would have preferred the snow over the ice!

Doreen, Kiko, Millie and Riley
Doggies and Stuff blog

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