Thursday, February 24, 2011

Pooches: "His", "Hers" & "Theirs"

People are always conscious of "His" and "Her" spaces, but we somehow forget "Theirs". I was surprised the other day when I went to hang up my coat and found my regular coat hook taken overrun with Ruffwear raincoats, leashes, and dog seatbelts. We've worked to seemlessly integrate the pooches into our space, but I'm suddenly starting to wonder if we are seemlessly in all of their spots.
Much like the movie "The Breakup", E and I each have our favorite spots to sit in the livingroom. "His":
And "Theirs":
 We have our own areas in the bedroom. "His":
 And theirs:
And areas in the kitchen.... mostly "Theirs"
 In most dog households, is there really a "His" and "Hers"? Or is there just a "Theirs"?


The Heartbeats said...

I just love your pooches! Their faces and cuddliness are so precious!

Mamma Heartbeat

Anonymous said...

For the most part, we have His and Hers, but the dogs are slowly taking it all over! I usually get the couch since there are times both dogs have to be with me. We've tried hard, but we don't all fit on the loveseat very well!

Maisie's Mom said...

I love those glass containers with the metal lids in your kitchen, where did you get those?

Levi said...

I think everything in my house is MINE, he he- just kidding. There are definetly his, her, and mine in our house.
Mom loves your treat jars and is on the hunt to get some now :)
She seems to bite a lot from you- teepee, boots, treat jars...geez mom! ;)

Maggie said...

What darling pictures! They are so, so adorable! We started out with some divisions, but, over time, most of our house is becoming "theirs" with the only exception of my bed. Everything else? Theirs.

Unknown said...

We try to keep the dog things from taking over, luckily all of their things fit into two nice baskets and beds nicely tuck into corners. However it doesn't stop me from tripping over the toys then leave out all the time.

Sarah said...

Half the time my girls sleep on the same dog bed, leaving the other bed empty. So it's mostly a theirs and shared situation here. We have two sacred "ours" spots - the bed and sofa. Besides that, everything in our house is, as they say, gone to the dogs!

Kari in Alaska said...

ours is very much a "theirs" house


Road Dog Tales said...

It's ALL OURS! We just let Mom & Dad have a few inches here and there! BOL!

Mom LOVES those bee-yoo-ti-ful ginger flowers!

The Road Dogs

Brenda said...

Those treat jars are great - where did they come from?? I'm wondering if your two dogs are siblings from the same litter. They seem so... "connected!"

Tucker The Crestie said...

Looks pretty familiar! Tucker & Co. say that this is just how it should be. Since they pretty much make the rules, I guess all is well with the world!

Anonymous said...

Um, by "theirs" if you mean "ours," then yep...I'm pretty sure everything in the house belongs to me and Brudder Ranger and the kittehs. But it's most definitely not an even split. Nope. The kittehs told me that it's 99% theirs and 1% ours.

Wiggles & Wags,

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

That first shot is too cute!

Our dogs definitely have more run than I thought they would when we first got them. I have things like dog blankets for the furniture. I NEVER thought I would let the dogs on the furniture, let alone PLAN for it and buy a blanket specifically for that purpose!

Kate said...

I don't think I ever noticed before how Ms. M sits back a little with her legs kicked out. It too cute. Like she's just a little too cool and too comfortable to put weight on her front paws, lol.

brooke said...

So cute!
Since our place is so small the whole place has turned into Darwin's space. hahah

jet said...

I love the photo of them lying back to back! Our house is definately 'theirs' with two kitties and two doggies.

Felicity said...

Everything in our house is Anouk's. She just tolerates the rest of us living there ;)

houndstooth said...

I have to laugh! Hubby and I each have our spots, and it makes Bunny as mad as a wet hen for him to try to sit on the couch with me.

Two French Bulldogs said...

mom and Paw are just jealous. We love the pictures of you guys
Benny & Lily

ForPetsSake said...

Great pics - love the dog beds with the propped pillows - creative and of course, stylish!
We have a theirs. Our space is small, too, so we don't have the luxury of too much His and Hers. We do have preferred couch spots and definitely sides of the bed, but mostly we are an Ours :)

parlance said...

I love the fifth and seventh photos.

Kirby, CGC said...

Well at my house it's just "hers" and "his", and most of it is HIS!!

Cute post!
Kirby's mom

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Like you, we slowly succumb to mostly "theirs," and then try to reclaim lost space (usually unsuccessfully). Lately it's even been a challenge for us to keep the spot in the V of the sectional for ourselves. Two minutes away from the couch and T2 are snuggled up like we made that spot especially for them...which leaves us sort of cold and lonely at opposite ends of the couch if we're not careful!

Darwin said...

wow,love those jars! mom misses chicago, hopefully i can move back there soon. i'd like to see the dog parks near lake michigan.


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