Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Daily Walk: Artistic Walk in 10 Pictures

We have been itching to get out for some long daily walks and the weather this past weekend was another teaser of what we can expect. We also wanted to get the pooches out to show off our new collar and leashes from Sirius Republic.
Ms. M was so excited by her new swag, that she was constantly on the lookout for people to compliment her new matching collar and leash.
 While Mr. B's leash was just as stylish...he just wanted to go on our walk.
Though he did pose for the camera when asked.
We got a new DSLR camera that we are still learning how to use. Here is a test shot of Ms. M.
This one of Mr. B came out better.
Ms. M is exhausted after her afternoon photo shoot on the ledge, but she was a trooper and continued to strike a pose.
After this picture, Ms. M berated Mr. B--ala the infamous Christian Bale incident-- when his ear ruined her perfect shot.
Eventually she calmed down and posed like the diva that she is.


Anonymous said...

Love their new swag! And I look forward to seeing more pictures from the new camera!

HoundDogMom said...

Great pics and we look foward to seeing how th new camera works for you. If you got any good tips with taking pictures with a DSLR let me know. I need lots of help. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Anonymous said...

What DSLR did you buy? The photos look great. I love the skeleton gloves and the leashes!

Kate said...

What kind of camera did you buy? The pics look great! And I love E's gloves.

jen said...

They both look great in their new gear!
I am looking forward to pictures with your new DSLR!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

We're cracking up because we remember your post a while back when you spoke all about the pups' collar/leash systems! Now they have another collar! At least its a Sirius Republic. We LOVE their stuff! More importantly, you were the ones who made us go to 20 stores to find the perfect collars, because you're right - its the one thing theyll always have. Miss M is the ultimate diva - we love her!

The Heartbeats said...

Is Ms. M 100% Pibble? I think she has a touch of boxer. She has that boxer underbite. Not that it truly matters because they are too stinkin' cute!!

Mamma Heartbeat

Anonymous said...

you guys have mad skills. seriously, i am impressed with how these photos are turning out, especially given what a short amount of time you've had the new gear!!

Kari in Alaska said...

Love the skeleton gloves :)


Tucker The Crestie said...

Great pictures, as always - we love to "go along" on your walks with you! LOVE the one in front of the verdigris gate!

brooke said...

Love the pictures! Miss M and Darwin have matchy collars! Love it!
Did Mr B get a collar that matched his leash?

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

Great work with your new camera- isn't it fun? :)

The 4th shot down really made me smile- pups in action :)

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

Love the new gear! If you ever want a recommendation for a basic SLR class, I know of a great program here in Chicago.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Boy are you guys stylin in your new swag. Bet every buddy was looking. Hope you had an enjoyable walk and photo shoot
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

Oh, I dunno. I thinks Mr. B's ear in that shot just adds an extra air (ear?) of mystery! Those were some super terrific pictures. My mom's been talking about getting one of those DSLR camera thingies. But maybe she'll forget about it.

Wiggles & Wags,

Two Pitties in the City said...

We ended up getting the new Nikon: the Nikon D7000. I'm still learning how to use it, so you may be seeing a lot of test pictures.

Heartbeats: We definitely see a lot of Boxer in Miss M, and some people even think she's all Boxer. I think she's some kind of mix: Boxer, American Bulldog, Pittie, but since she's filled out, and in the colder weather, she looks more Boxer. In the warmer weather her face stretches out and she looks more American Bulldog. She's still too small to be mainly American Bulldog. The pound thought she was a Boxer-Pit.

houndstooth said...

*snicker* Miss M, if it makes you feel better, Bunny suffers through similar insults of Shepherd ears in her glamor shots!

I also like E's gloves!

Anonymous said...

I love those collars! Turk and Rufus might be getting some new collars soon... :)

The Daily Pip said...

LOVE that first shot. Can you believe we might get more snow!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

New camera FUN! Those are some good lookin stylin pooches :D

Waggin at ya,

Passion 4 Pits said...

You should get Miss. M DNA tested! I think it is really fun- Bruno turned out to have a dalmation grandparent and a poodle grandparent! You never know what is mixed in with these pibble-mutts so it can be fun.
Also- love the photo shoot :)

Road Dog Tales said...

You two are TOTALLY stylin'!!! And Dad's gloves are pretty stylish, too :)

The Road Dogs

ForPetsSake said...

BAH!! Too funny "Christian Bale style"...I'll have to use that one. Poor Mr B!

That was a very stylish, artistic walk and you captured some lovely pics. Maybe some for an album or for framing? Congrats on the new camera. I've been dropping hints to Matty for a nice one, but I'm not sure if he's picked up on my hints. Fingers crossed :)

Also - LOVE the gloves the Mr is wearing. I would buy a pair of those in a heartbeat!

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