Thursday, March 24, 2011

DoggyStyle: Outdoor Lounging with Pillows

After this type of winter, all of us here in Chicago are still waiting for our Spring Happy Ending.  Every store we walk into has the mannequins happily modeling capris, tank tops, and open-toe wedges while I sadly look on still huddled in my standard thick scarf and wool coat as our temperatures remain in the 40's.
Stopping by Ikea the other day had us dreaming of our typical warm-weather set-up as they have much of their summer stuff out now. (If you like anything, you need to buy it super-quickly as it often sells out before warm weather). Remembering how our pooches spent much of the summer laying like this:
I thought it would be nice to buy 'a piece of summer' and pick up a floor pillow that we could use in our outdoor set-up. I found out we don't even need official dog beds anymore as our dogs are just as comfortable curling up on 20 inch square floor pillows. The insert was only about $10(?) and the removable cover only $7. They can use it outside, but we'll bring it back in so it won't be damaged by the rain.
 Right now we're keeping it in Mr B's tepee, which has suddenly become the epitome of summer. And since it's something new, we've caught someone else spending an extraordinary amount of time in there:


Anonymous said...

Love the new pillow! Summer can't come fast enough. We are so done with this nasty weather!

Faye said...

The pitties dreaming of spring--happy thought for everyone. So glad to have found your blog. Love the photos of them about town and around the house.

jen said...

We are anxiously awaiting Spring here too! I can't wait to get out and enjoy our patio once again!
Love the new pillow:)

Tucker The Crestie said...

Looks like spring has sprung .... in your house at least! The floor pillows are a great idea!

Corbin said...

New pillow looks great! It hasn't even gotten to 40 here this week... the warm weather we had last week was just a tease! Love your out door set up! Wish we could have something like that!

Kate said...

Bring on the warm weather!!

Wyatt said...

Hey, we went to Ikea the other day too and I was thinking the same thing. We can't wait to set up the outdoor living stuff and start living outdoors. When is spring again?

Wyatt's Mom

Two French Bulldogs said...

Hmmmm, that pillow is looking awfully comfy. We are waiting patiently for spring. It was here last week and left. It's 50 and raining in So. Cal.
Benny & Lily

In Black and White said...

Don't worry we're on the home stretch - not long to go until the spring truly sets in.

Unknown said...

I love your outdoor set up!

Kari in Alaska said...

Miss M just wants to test it out ;)


Anonymous said...

40s! isn't that pretty good for chi-town this time of year?
we've got daffodils, forsythia, and hyacinth blooming all over the place. your turn is coming very soon!

ForPetsSake said...

Oh Ms M, you are the Queen Bee! Great ideas for spring and it's on it's way, I promise you.
LOVE that skull & crossbones floor mat. Another thing I'd buy (all your stuff is so nice, though - love the simple, clean, style and use of colors)!

Unknown said...

Great idea....I never thought of using the floor pillows for dog beds. Much more cost effective!!

Unknown said...

How in wish it was in the 40's up in the AK, we are still a long way from spring :(. I will just have to envy your springy posts.

Brenda said...

I never thought of this either.. of course, with our crew, they'd have to be mighty big pillows. But still, I bet that would be cheaper than dog beds. Dog beds are crazy expensive!!

brooke said...

So cute! The new pillow is a great reminder how close we are to spring!

HoundDogMom said...

We use lots of different stuff as well. We even use an old baby mattress that Mom found on the curb. Actually brand new with the tags. It will last a life time. She buys old sheets at the mission. BOL. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

jet said...

that is a nice bright pillow! our dogs sleep on the couch so we don't buy cushions for them :D

houndstooth said...

I really like that new pillow! Perhaps there's a trip to IKEA in my near future...

Imagine that! Miss M on the new pillow! I wish I knew what the lure of the new bed was, but the same thing happens here!

koko said...

Who could resist such comfy pillow... I would be hibernating in the tepee too. Hope spring comes sooner than later.

Licks, hero

Road Dog Tales said...

You both look lovely perched on your new summery pillow! Hope the warm weather makes it way to you soon!

The Road Dogs

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