Monday, March 14, 2011

Things to do in Chicago with Dogs: Downtown St. Patrick's Day Parade

St. Patrick's Day is a huge holiday in Chicago. So much so, that every year they even dye the Chicago River Green.  Knowing how much the pooches have been trying to meet people all winter, I thought it would be fun to bring them to the parade where they would get plenty of petting. I headed out with Miss M, while E and Mr. B were supposed to meet us later. To avoid parking and downtown congestion, we took a cab.
The drivers were both really nice, despite Miss M starting to sing as we neared our destinations.Miss M donned a lime-green hoodie that we loved ever since seeing Lollie model one at Love and a Six-foot Leash. Miss M had a great time getting petted:
And petted:
And being the center of attention:
People were so intrigued by her, she even had her own paparazzi. Here she is posing for her cameras:
Meanwhile, E got caught up in some work things and he wasn't able to bring Mr. B to meet us. So, much like Halloween, Mr. B was all dressed up, waiting patiently in his tepee, but he was left behind:
P.S. If you have not done so already, please check out our raffle to raise the final amount for Shy's cataract surgery. Our donors have given so many great prizes, and we're almost there.
P.P.S. Also, please check out HoundDogMom's blog where she is having a "commentathon" to donate money to several dogs in need, one of whom is Shy/Khloe!  For each comment left, she is generously donating $1, up to $100! Plus, she does have the cutest Bassethounds (We owned Bassets when I was growing up).


Alison said...

I never get tired of looking at all the pictures of Ms. M and Mr. B! Thanks!

Maisie's Mom said...

aw, poor Mr. B! :(

Anonymous said...

Poor Mr B always getting stood up! And, he looks so sad! Miss M is such a charmer!

And, Flash and Ollie have hurt feeling since HoundDogMom's bassets are cuter! :)

In Black and White said...

Awww poor Mr B! Alas, Bilbo still gets over-excited in crowds and scares everyone away by barking for attention. Looking forward to some (rather embarrassing) practice this summer - I'll tell him what a good girl Miss M is!

jen said...

Ms M looks so festive! and poor Mr B!
We are going to the parade on Thursday in our area, but the dogs won't be able to join us:(

Anonymous said...

thanks for the shout-out. miss m is cracking me up in that hoodie! look how low the neck of it sits on her!!

also, for lollie and her hoodie:

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

Poor Mr. B! All dressed up and no one to take him anywhere. Heh. The picture of Ms. M. in the cab is hilarious - not something you see every day!

*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus

Carissa Hickey-Barclay said...

Breaking my heart, Mr. B! I want to take you to a parade! And a Halloween Party!

Poor little nugget.

orange sugar said...

Aww why doesn't poor Mr. B get to go instead of Ms. M?

Faye said...

Too bad Mr. B was all dressed up with no place to go. Maybe he could get all tricked out for the actual St. Pat's day happenings. That hat needs to be seen! Ms. M probably wasn't sorry about not having to share the limelight.

Yvonne said...

Dang, I should have taken Addie downtown! Her and Ms. M could have met!!!

Kate said...

Aw! Too bad poor Mr. B had to miss out on the fun! Ms. M looks like she was more than happy to entertain her adoring public though :)

The Daily Pip said...

Poor Mr. B! WIshing you the luck of the Irish this week and always.

Your pal, Pip

Bobby said...

We feel so sad for Mr B missing all the fun.
We did not know they made such a big thing of St Patricks Day in Chicago.
I bet its a great day.

Kari in Alaska said...

Poor Mr B! He needs to stop being left behind!


brooke said...

I feel so bad for Mr B! Twice he got stood up! Poor guy! All dressed up and no where to go.

Miss M wasn't scared of that Leprechaun?! He spooked me! Darwin would've been barking nonstop!

HoundDogMom said...

So sweet but don't you feel bad when one does not participate. Shy/Khloe is getting lots of comments, we can't wait to see how this turns out for Cleo's Comment-a-thon. Sniffs, The HoundDogs

Two French Bulldogs said...

You guys are obviously ready for the big day
Benny & Lily

Anonymous said...

I hope to show Darwin the "green river" someday! So festive.. I attended the parades around Philadelphia and it's not as fun. I like seeing Ms. M in the cab, nice!

houndstooth said...

Oh, poor Mr. B! He looks so morose. Miss M looks fabulous, but that's not a surprise! That girl definitely knows how to work the crowd.

We really thought about going to Chicago to see the parade and the green canal this year, but we ended up not going. It must have really been something to see!

Susan Campisi said...

Poor Mr. B, all dressed up as a leprechaun for the parade but he's stuck in his teepee! Miss M is a star.

Anonymous said...

Luv that first photo of Mr. B in his hat! One handsome St. Paddy dude! :D

Miss M looks like she had the most wonderful time! Green is definitely her color :)

Waggin at ya,

Daisy Dog said...

Aww! Mr B! I hate it when that happens :)

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