Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Daily Walk in 10 Pictures 4.13.11

We are inching ever so closely to one of our favorite things, Chicago in the summer. The weather this Sunday was just amazing and everyone was out enjoying this short respite from the typical Chicago April weather. Mr. B was not only representing the Cubs, but
he was also wearing his camera and documenting the hoards of people everywhere.
We love his camera, but we are very disappointed with the battery life. After only a few months, the battery is pretty much on its last leg and we have to charge it right before we head out, so we have to plan when to use his camera. However, it still takes some great photos, like this one of the locked bike's shadow:
Since most people were hibernating during the fall and winter,
Ms. M has been itching to reunite with her adoring fans and Mr. B, the paparazzi, was hiding in the bushes taking pictures.
On the other hand, Mr. B has a paparazzi of his own, and she snapped a picture of him giving smooches to his bestest friend.
After hanging out in the park, we ventured off to find a watering hole and Mr. B captured this great photo of the different modes of Chicago transportation.
Due to all the attention, Ms. M became all diva-like and tried to climb the table and onto our friend, M's lap. 
Unlike our family pictures from last week, we were lucky to have M take some actual photos of all of us. 


jet said...

I can see from that family portrait why everyone wants to come and pat the puppies!

Anonymous said...

Mr B is becoming quite the artiste! And, I loved seeing the family sweet!

PS. I am always jealous of your cute shoes! :)

Kate said...

The new camera you guys bought was such a great investment - those photos are so great.

Anonymous said...

mr. b should have a photography exhibit!

jen said...

We are looking forward to summer too, well I am, but the newfs are not:)
It looks like you all had a wonderful outing!

In Black and White said...

Ha ha, I love that Mr B is getting lots of tongue shots now that it's warmer.

The Heartbeats said...

Love all the pics! Ya'll are such a cute city family!

Mamma Heartbeat

Kari in Alaska said...

its sad to hear about the battery life. Is it an easy to replace battery?


houndstooth said...

Mr. B, you have such great style! I love the paparazzi one of Miss M! That cracked me up.

Corbin said...

I love Mr. B's tongue in the pictures he takes... very artsy! hehe!

Tucker The Crestie said...

We love your walks! Makes us feel like we are living in the city, too! :) And that new camera is fantastic!

Mary said...

I'm catching up on the last few posts because I have obviously been preoccupied with other things!

First of all, I love the look of the blog with all the fancy links on the side. It must be so hard to choose a header photo when you have a million adorable ones draw from! Also, your photos look so great! The one of Miss M climbing up on the table is too funny.

Cute family photo too:)

Shauna (Fido and Wino) said...

What a great looking family! Great shots!

Kitty+Coco said...

Don't you just love summer? Our summer here is full of pup events. Mr. B is quite the photog!

Kitty and Coco

brooke said...

We can't wait for SPRING! Summers are always the best here, but this winter has gone on forever and I just want spring!
Fun pictures!

And that shirt Darwin was wearing was a size XL. I had got it for free at a bar for St Patty's day and I thought Darwin would like to wear it. hehehe. Besides her coat and Thundershirt, we don't buy her doggy clothes.

Anonymous said...

What a great walkie and great pictures! I think Mr. B should get an agent so he can get in a gallery or something. He's Most Talented.

And tell Miss M that sometimes I forgets myself, too, when there's peoples who want to luv on me.

Wiggles & Wags,

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

we want to do our walks with havi in chicago - looks so fun!

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a fun day in the neighborhood. Almost looks like Central Park
Benny & Lily

Heather Cherry said...

Title: "Locked Bike Shadow"
Medium: Pibble Camera

That should probably hang in a gallery somewhere. Very highbrow.

Trissi_V said...

I loved the family portrait (you guys color coordinate with the pups so well) :-)

Mr. B is very talented...have you ever thought of blown up some of the photos and framing them?

Jacquelin Cangro said...

I love the photos with his tongue sticking out. Priceless!

Road Dog Tales said...

You're FINALLY out from under the snow! Yay! Looks like a fun day and great pics!

The Road Dogs

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