Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Andersonville Midsommarfest in 10 Pictures

After we participated in the Red Door Shelter's Gimme Shelter! Walk for the Animals with Alexis and Winnie Cooper with Gregg, we headed off to the Andersonville Midsommarfest. Since the long winter is still fresh in our minds, we are try to take full advantage of the great weather and all the amazing things that Chicago has to offer. We love that Bella was able to meet so many great people, which appears to be all that  she really wants in life.

It was so much fun meeting fellow bloggers, our blog readers and just the amazing Chicagoans out enjoying the great weather and this fun festival in a terrific neighborhood.

It was also nice to have some tired pooches for our car ride home and in our home.


The Daily Pip said...

Wow! You had a busy Sunday. Midsommerfest is one of our favorite festivals, but we didn't make it this year. Looks fun!

Your pal, Pip

Anonymous said...

What a full day! The kiddos all look so tired; love them in the car! Looks like Bella is fitting right in!

Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

I cant deal with how cute the picture of them in the backseat is. Sounds like my kind of Sunday!!

Maisie's Mom said...

I was surprised and impressed by how many perfectly behaved pitties there were at the fest on Sunday! now if Maisie had been there in such close quarters with all those dogs and people, that might have been a different story...

jen said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day!

In Black and White said...

Sorry to have missed you guys, I was a day too early! Hope you swung by the One Tail at a Time booth anyway.

Anonymous said...

their near-identical coloring and markings just cracks me up. looks like a nice afternoon!

Road Dog Tales said...

Bella is just beautiful! Wish we couldn meet her. Cooper says she looks like lots of fun!

The Road Dogs

How Sam Sees It said...

What a busy Sunday! Looks like lots of fun!


Boss Mare Eventing said...

The last pic on the right is my fav! So sweet!

Passion 4 Pits said...

wow, what a great day!!
I have a question- i noticed you are using a choke-collar on Bella- We haven't gotten one yet for either of our pups b/c I'm worried that they are painful- but Bruno is a little over-reactive on walks despite our relentless training and his gentle-leader. Whats your opinion on choke collars? Do you just use them for a time and then stop?

Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

Oooh, we would have loved to make that street fest, but Scott's birthday ruined those plans! (J/k).

Looked like fun!

Patty said...

Looks like a fun day. Great pictures :-)

Kari in Alaska said...

a tired pooch is a good pooch


goosie mama said...

Such sweet pictures! Looks like Ms. M's hazing is all going according to plan as Bella is assuming the 'Pillow Position' for her a la Mr. B :)

Kate said...

Car rides with tired dogs are the best! They're proof that everyone had a good time :)

houndstooth said...

You guys really packed a lot in! It takes a lot to wear ours out, you must have been as tired as they were!

Kristine said...

It looks like it was another great dog-friendly event! I can't wait until the festivals begin in Halifax. Hopefully we will be able to get out to as many as possible.

Love the car photos. Isn't that a great feeling, knowing they are fully satisfied?

Two Pitties in the City said...

Passion4Pits--She actually has a mini-prong collar which is different than the choke collar because the prongs simulate a mother's correction-a type of pressure- on the back of their neck, and it has a catch to stop it before it actually 'chokes' the dog. We've written about prongs in more detail here:
But we also prefer the plastic prongs, rather than the metal, because we don't like it to look like they walk on 'chains'.
Right now we're just walking our dogs on martingales.

brooke said...

What a busy day you all had! Bella looks like she was loving all the attention!

Anonymous said...

How super fun! It looks like everybuddy was nice and tired afterwards. I luv the picture of Miss M using Bella as a pillow. I think you know you've "arrived" when you become a piece of Miss M's furniture.

Wiggles & Wags,

Two French Bulldogs said...

Fun day as usual. Bet the car ride back was the best, BOL
Benny & Lily

Wyatt said...

Good job and great fun!!
We have an award for you on our blog!

Wyatt and Stanzie

Beth said...

Looks like Ms. M has found another head rest!

Mary said...

Bella's little face is too sweet. I love seeing her out and about and enjoying life. What great publicity for pit bulls when people see the three of them at an event!

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