At several points, it felt like the pooches had their own paparazzis, but unlike Britney Spears, they soaked up the attention.
Ms. M knew that all of this attention would eventually lead to petting
and more petting.
Little did people know that Mr. B was taking pictures of them and the parade. We set up camp where we usually watch the parade, but before we knew it, there were throngs of people all around us. However, Ms. M was able to find a nice spot to take a little nap during the lull of screaming people, booming bass and dancing cowboys.

Mr. B found a companion to sit with during the parade and he saw his fill of legs and feet. This year, we brought dinner for the pooches and a camelback of water, so the pooches can have a picnic at the parade.
It is funny how we can see some of the action from a first person and third person point-of-view.
Mr. B was so excited to see our friend Kelsey from New Leash on Life.
Ms. M was so happy to have Kelsey join us at the parade.
Ms. M acted like a professional model posing with Alexis from The Anti-Cruelty Society. While A was taking this photo, hoards of people surrounded them to take photos of them as well. Ms. M was so happy to have her own personal photo shoot with Alexis.
incredible. i love what stars they are. someday we will adopt a hyper-social dog like your two. our chick isn't fazed by crowds but does not love being hugged by strangers. stevie wonder is fine with all manner of touching, but gets pretty intimidated when there are lots of people and things get noisy.
I know you've explained how you get your dogs parade-ready and costume-ready but it still just blows my mind how well they both do on walks. Turk would go CRAZY if that many people came up to him for hugs and photos. Absolutely crazy. You guys are awesome!
They are so darn cute. I think Melanie and Nemo would be similar to Ms. M and just soak up all the attention. Nemo especially, he just loooooooves new people. Whenever we have anyone over he's all about whoever is "newest" to him, apparently T and I bore him sometimes ;)
These two are awesome! Who can blame all the people wanting their pictures taken with them!? I know I would!
You guys are so awesome at helping people (who honestly might not know any better) realize pitties can be wonderful loving pups!
It is so great that they are so well mannered when people are coming up and smushing their faces and stuff.
When I am out with the Newfs I sometimes get nervous when people come right up and put their faces in front of theirs, of course they have never done anything, but it still makes me a tad nervous? Do you ever get nervous with some people?
So when do they get their own agents?
I'm wondering what it must be like to live with two such celebrity!?! Do you think it has gone to their head at all? Like are either of them demanding only GREEN m&m's for example?? :-)
How can you resist Ms. M and Mr. B!! I'd be there with camera in hand too! Great shots, they really sum up your fun day!
Wyatt and Stanzie
they really are quite the local celebrities now! :)
I aspire to have a Ms M and Mr B someday. They are such superstars!
Your two are awesome! I think Sophie would get nervous with so many people coming up to here. Loved the photos!
Ugh, too adorable! Miss M all smooshy is so sweet.
One of these days, I'm hoping to bump into your pooches on the street, and I will kiss the heck out of them.
This is awesome! I love seeing everyone's reaction to the pooches! I am with Aleksandra- one day Adam and I plan on adopting an uber-people-loving pooch, which we think will help Molly to be more confident with new peeps as well. Love the photos!
Love this post. :)
We've had a few paparazzi moments with our dogs, too! It always cracks me up. It's such a fun atmosphere!
I love the "squishy face" expressions people make when they are with dogs :)
These photos are just too much fun! I am not surprised they attracted so much attention, especially with their awesome costumes. By now they have to be famous on the streets of Chicago. I wouldn't be surprised if you happen to see them on the cover of People one of these days.
It's so great how much they lap up all the love and flashing cameras. Some dogs would get tired from all that affection, but not your two!
unREAL! I can't believe all the photos and Mr. B and Ms. M just soaked it all up! Obviously, though, if someone put me in that hat that Mr. B's rocking, I may be more apt to have my picture taken as well! :)
It so funny to see all the pictures of people taking pictures!
love the perspective!
Mr B and Ms M ROCK! What a great post!
Woofs and Licks,
Maggie Mae
Yay! I was hoping you would post Mr. B's pics!
OMG! The pooches are attracting more attention than the parade! Maybe next year they should be in the parade!
Your pal, Pip
Havi is just like Ms. M - she loves the attention! I love these pics and the juxtaposition of the different perspectives. THey are such celebs!
This is awesome! You guys are adorable and sooooo tolerant! NOW, we can't help but think of a business opportunity here. How about a little "donation" cup next time for taking a pic with the FAMOUS Mr. B and Ms. M and the donations could be sent to a rescue!
The Road Dogs
Oh my gosh, these pictures are hilarious and awesome. I love that they are bringing so much positive attention to the breed. How can anyone resist stopping to admire those two, especially since they are all dressed up and so well-behaved?
See, Jason refuses to let me put adornments on the dogs, yet he wants people to comment on how good-looking they are. I'm going to show him this post to prove to him that the dogs will get more attention if they are snazzed up a little bit.
Too cute! They're like major celebrities!
I'm a first time visitor. Your dogs look so great in those outfits! I love that they got so much attention and it looks like they just sat back and enjoyed it. Cute!
These pictures are fabulous!
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