Tuesday, June 14, 2011

On Fostering and Miss M's Hazing Ritual

It's an understatement to say Miss M has a very strong personality. We liken her to that mean Senior girl in high school who picks on Freshmen for fun. She has little patience for the attentions of younger, excitable dogs who she will only communicate that she doesn't want to play by using her 'gremlin voice' then proceeds to play with their ears like a stuffie. For these reasons we never considered fostering a younger dog. But I guess it depends on the specific dog. And after spending a couple of weekends with Bella...she has made the cut.
We have found that Bella is really good with other dogs. Even as Miss M was gnawing on her ear, Bella looked up at her and gave her kisses on her mouth. Even Miss M seemed a little surprised and since she held up to the hazing, Miss M really hasn't messed with her since.
I think the main reason that they get along is Bella is really people-focused and she bonds quickly to her people: especially E.
Whereas Miss M doesn't want to lessen her chances of getting attention, and is embarrassed to seen with us in public:
We've discussed before about dog gender issues and we do understand how younger dogs often vie for position as they age. Though we're pretty sure Bella will get adopted quickly. We know how much Bella loves individual attention, so we were happy to welcome her into our home so she can be even better prepared for her future family.


Maisie's Mom said...

that's awesome news! I had a feeling you might be fostering her when I saw you guys with her on Sunday. what a lucky girl, and sooo sweet!


Two Grad Students and a Pittie said...

I had a feeling you guys were fostering, from all these pics and posts. Hope you end up the school year quick so you can cuddle with three pups on the balcony this summer! I have a feeling shell be adopted quickly - that face is to die for! Cant wait for three pup-related posts!


Unknown said...

I had a feeling you might be fostering her also! She is such a beautiful girl that face speaks volumes. When you have a "mean girl" that looks like Miss M is just hard to be too judgemental of her :-)

Anonymous said...

Yippee! I'm ever so glad Bella passed Miss M's test. She's gonna have a super great time being your foster dog. And the only reason Miss M is embarrassed abouts being kissed in public is that it puts a cramp in her plan to fool other peoples into believing she's a woeful neglected doggie who needs lots of loving from complete strangers.

Wiggles & Wags,

Anonymous said...

we have never considered fostering a younger dog because chick doesn't have that much patience for hyperness that is directed at him. seeing this, though, i wonder if we should reconsider . . .
congrats to bella on finding such a great foster home! how does mr. b do with her?

Two Pitties in the City said...

Loveandaleash--We thought the same exact thing because Miss M gets frustrated with the relentless hyperness as well. I think Bella is a little different because she isn't hyper and she hasn't even instigated play with the pooches. She just tries to follow E around everywhere. Mr. B is really laid back and sometimes I don't think he even realizes there is another dog in the house.

Kate said...

Woohoo! That's so great you guys are fostering Bella :) Ms. M's pictures are hilarious - her personality just shines through!

Unknown said...

We are so happy to hear that Bella has found such a wonderful foster home! Kudos to Ms M & Mr B for sharing their home so graciously :) The first picture is hilarious!!

Anonymous said...

Bella couldn't have a better foster home! And, though I saw it last night, I love the picture of E and Miss M. He's totally cramping her style...what a drama queen!

Maggie said...

She is gorgeous! Hanging with your two fabulous dogs will make her even more adoptable because I bet she's learning all kinds of nice manners from them!

Heather said...

I'm so glad you guys are fostering her! I know she'll get adopted very quickly, she is just so gorgeous :)

goosie mama said...

Am so happy to hear you are fostering! It brought up all these memories of my foster experiences which I hope to relay tomorrow in a post. :) Bella is just adorable and the dynamic between her and Ms. M, especially in those photos (!), is too cute!

Kari in Alaska said...

She seems like a great fit for a foster!


Sarah said...

Congrats on your foster! Bella seems like a perfect 3rd to your mix, until she finds her forever home, that is.

Patty said...

Looks like she is fitting in well. I hope she finds her forever home soon! In the meantime more pictures of the pups please. :-D

Unknown said...

Ah three pitties in the city again! I am sure this little girl will have no problem finding a forever home, but she definately hit the jack pot to be able to stay with you guys in the interim. That is awesome that she is not to high energy and that Miss M has accepted her :)

Kristine said...

Congratulations! Bella looks like quite the charmer. I am sure she will enjoy her time with you all as she waits to meet her new forever family. Good for you for doing what you can to help.

Kim @ Yellow Brick Home said...

The last photo should be framed :)

brooke said...

Lucky Bella!
Those pictures of Miss M and Bella are so cute!

houndstooth said...

I'm so excited! I happen to be a bit of a Bella fan, I admit! I just think there's something about her that's completely adorable. Seeing pictures of her for the next few weeks won't hurt my feelings any! Not that Miss M and Mr. B aren't adorable, too, mind you! ;) I wouldn't want to offend them!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh boy do we love attention like that. Ms. M is like my Lily, a diabla in disguise
Benny (& Lily)

pibble said...

I love that first picture - Ms M as the school marm! You're so lucky to be able to foster. With five dogs, I don't think I could bring another in right now. And, knowing me, the foster would never leave!

jet said...

she is an adorable girl... i hope she finds just the right family but I'm sure she will enjoy her time with you guys!

Road Dog Tales said...

Are you SURE Bella hasn't found her forever home? Looks like she's right at home :)

The Road Dogs

A Confessed Pit Bull Addict said...

She's getting so big - like a gangly teenager instead of the little ball of puppy that she was the day we pulled her!

Mary said...

Ms. M is such a stinker! That looks like the face Levi makes when we smother him with love. At least I have Neptune who cannot be smothered with enough love.

Good luck to Bella in finding her forever family. She certainly lucked out with her foster family:)

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